Refresh my memory, Lamuness...

Soul Dragon-san, may I suggest that you instead take out your anger on a human weight doll like Rei-kun does in one of the episodes of Kodomo no Omocha?

[This message has been edited by Spectator Beholder (edited 11-12-2002).]

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Hmmmm. Shouldn't that be "olf_le_drake"?
Nope, since "drake" is english...

Originally posted by Gulyen:
Btw, vampire lemons shouldn't be translated to sangsue citron. Well, it shouldn't be used until the worm is replaced by a leech.

"Sangsue citron"... o_O'
Rather "citrons vampires", but... ^^;;;;

Originally posted by olf_le_fol:
Nope, since "drake" is english...

Nope, "Drake" is Swedish [img][/img]

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Nope, "Drake" is Swedish [img][/img]

Excerpt from Pirates & Privateers: "Sir Francis Drake, navigator and privateer, is one of the greatest English sea-captains of all time..."
So, you see, "Drake" IS English!!! ^____^
Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Soul Dragon-san, may I suggest that you instead take out your anger on a human weight doll like Rei-kun does in one of the episodes of Kodomo no Omocha? [img][/img]

Now, now, I'm all for hurting people who hurt friends. I know I have a strong protective streak as well as a short temper. Plus, I'd love to try out that thing I was reading about a jar of honey, two tons of ostrich feathers, and an angry hippo...

So are our various postitions of different illuminosity something like cabinet posts? I need something to put on my resume... [img][/img]

i love hearing all your responses it feels great to know i have such a good support system…things with brian are going very smoothly so far, just an FYI…we spent sunday and monday together this week and it was great he helped me troll my last few needed levels so i could finally beat kingdom hearts and he stayed way too late monday night watching the last three DVD’s of evangelion with me…speaking of which, i like the End of Evangelion DVD…the Death and Rebirth one was just kind of a bunch of regurgitation of previous footage, but i loved the End DVD

we will always support you. It is good to hear that things are going well. You are our goddess, and your loyal fwobigolss are happy for you.

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Soul Dragon-san, may I suggest that you instead take out your anger on a human weight doll like Rei-kun does in one of the episodes of Kodomo no Omocha? [img][/img]

[This message has been edited by Spectator Beholder (edited 11-12-2002).]

Whoever said that I was angry? I just... wouldn't mind a little chaos is all... *evil grin*

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
things with brian are going very smoothly so far, just an FYI....we spent sunday and monday together this week and it was great [img][/img]

That's good to hear.
He'd better not hurt you again! Next time, he'll face a board of inquiry from the holy inquisition of the FWOBIGOLSes. (I think, that plural sounds better that the double-s we used up to now).

Originally posted by Unicorn:
That's good to hear.
He'd better not hurt you again! Next time, he'll face a board of inquiry from the holy inquisition of the FWOBIGOLSes. (I think, that plural sounds better that the double-s we used up to now).

And who's going to be Grand Inquisitor of the Holy Inquisiton of the FWOBIGOLSes, then? Nandemonai? Or Lamuness, perhaps? [img][/img].

Hm, and what punshiments are we going to use?

Originally posted by Soul Dragon:
Whoever said that I was angry? I just... wouldn't mind a little chaos is all... *evil grin*

Okay, a little chaos now and then is alright, I suppose [img][/img]

Originally posted by olf_le_fol:
Excerpt from Pirates & Privateers: "Sir Francis Drake, navigator and privateer, is one of the greatest [b]English sea-captains of all time..."
So, you see, "Drake" IS English!!! ^____^[/b]

*sigh* At times like this, I just don't know what to say [img][/img]. But I've heard of Francis Drake as well...

Originally posted by ekylo:
Now, now, I'm all for hurting people who hurt friends. I know I have a strong protective streak as well as a short temper. Plus, I'd love to try out that thing I was reading about a jar of honey, two tons of ostrich feathers, and an angry hippo...

... I don't even dare to ask what that recept you jsut were suggesting (ostrich feathers... what for... no, better to not ask [img][/img]). But if there really was a need for it, I suppose that I could have some interesting ideas to try out as well [img][/img]

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
And who's going to be Grand Inquisitor of the Holy Inquisiton of the FWOBIGOLSes, then? Nandemonai? Or Lamuness, perhaps?

Both sound fine for me (I would vote for Nandemonai though).

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Hm, and what punshiments are we going to use?

P.E. lessons with Terada-sensei?
Helping out Makoto-san in the kitchen?
Having to listen to all the lectures of Nicholson-sensei?
A jog around the moon with Sgt. Kaminski?
Or a mission to find a white flower in the mountains in winter?

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 11-13-2002).]

Originally posted by Unicorn:
P.E. lessons with Terada-sensei?
Helping out Makoto-san in the kitchen?
Having to listen to all the lectures of Nicholson-sensei?
A jog around the moon with Sgt. Kaminski?
Or a mission to find a white flower in the mountains in winter?

›ou forgot one: Become Asami Satoh-sans "test subject" would be a fitting punshiment too [img][/img]. Becoming a monster in brave Soul and getting punched on by our heroes and heroines would perhaps not be a bad punshiment too [img][/img]. What more.. Hmm, I might have to think really hard of this (and besides, class is over now, so I'll have to leave this computer).

Wait, I know one more! Another ounshiment would be to become a girl and travel with the "rape bus"! *eg*.

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Wait, I know one more! Another ounshiment would be to become a girl and travel with the "rape bus"! *eg*.

... or having to impersonate Takayuki in the Misato-sama/Keiko-chan ending?

Originally posted by Unicorn:
... or having to impersonate Takayuki in the Misato-sama/Keiko-chan ending?

[img][/img] Good idea! Since there's a limit on how much stamina someone have in that kind of activitetes (And that's especially true for men, for unlike women, they can't come just how many times they want), someone who'd be in Takayuki's stead would soon wish that they could just let him die in peace [img][/img].

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Since there's a limit on how much stamina someone have in that kind of activitetes

Of cause, it would also have an impact on the stamina, if a little donation of blood to the lemons would happen... [img][/img]

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
And who's going to be Grand Inquisitor of the Holy Inquisiton of the FWOBIGOLSes, then? Nandemonai? Or Lamuness, perhaps? [img][/img].

Hm, and what punshiments are we going to use?

Actually, I wouldn't call myself a worshipper of anyone.