Refresh my memory, Lamuness...

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
Don't make me come over there.

Be our guest! Take a cookie. Do you want some coffee?

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Be our guest! Take a cookie. Do you want some coffee?

Can I come over too? [img][/img].

But just tea, thank you [img][/img].

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:

But just tea, thank you [img][/img].

Ceylon, Assam or Earl Grey?

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Ceylon, Assam or Earl Grey?

Earl Grey, thanks [img][/img]. *takes a cookie*

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Be our guest! Take a cookie. Do you want some coffee?

Eh, I don't eat too many cookies if I can avoid it. I don't like people using them to follow my movements around the internet, thank you.

What? Coffee? Sweet, sweet, bitter coffee? Sure, back up the tanker...

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
Eh, I don't eat too many cookies if I can avoid it. I don't like people using them to follow my movements around the internet, [b]thank you.[/b]

Even thou their no calorie cookies, they still add to the weight.

What? Coffee? Sweet, sweet, bitter coffee? Sure, back up the tanker...

Immortallity with a tanker of coffee, that's one special blend.

i wanna come over too!!! i love cookies! got any chocolate chip?

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
i wanna come over too!!! i love cookies! got any chocolate chip?

No but I am sure we could find some lemon creme ones for you.

Worry not my goddess, I will bring some chocolate chip cookies for you. I will bake them myself. Any other special orders.

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
i wanna come over too!!! i love cookies! got any chocolate chip?

Hmm... perhaps you shouldn't be thinking of chocolate chips to eat. There of course not healthy and plus... you can stand to lose a few pounds...

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Yep :d. I hope that when January is here, anew star will descend to us, if you knoww ha tI mean [img][/img]. You'd better start saving money until then! [img][/img]

mmm?? [img][/img]

New PeaPri release? LMM gets an early January release [img][/img] ? I win the lottery?

January.... ok. I give up

[This message has been edited by Asutaru (edited 12-12-2002).]

Since this is the randomness thread…

Would you have a relationship out of guilt, or pity? or even better, mantain it?

I’ll have more on this tommorrow…

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Ceylon, Assam or Earl Grey?

Since Star Trek : Nemesis opens tomorrow: "Tea , Earl Grey, Hot."

[This message has been edited by Doug (edited 12-12-2002).]

Originally posted by Asutaru:
Would you have a relationship out of guilt, or pity? or even better, mantain it?

Such a question involves not only one side, but both sides of the relationship.

First of all, there is the question, if the one side of the relationship really only feels pity or guilt. If that's the case and if it's not likely to change, the relationship is already doomed. If the other side finds out about this, it could even take a worse guilt by realizing, it just was a burden for the other side all the time.

Second, and as equally important: How does the other side really feel about the side, that only has (or thinks only to have) guilt or pity for it?

Originally posted by Doug:
Since Star Trek : Nemesis opens tomorrow: "Tea , Earl Grey, Hot."

Could you be a bit more specific about your favorite temperature?

I think, Jean-Luc would be quite annoyed, if he gets his tea at a temperature near the boiling point... [img][/img]

Originally posted by Asutaru:
Since this is the randomness thread....

Would you have a relationship out of guilt, or pity? or even better, mantain it?

I'm not even sure I want to know what brought this up. No, on second thought, I do. Otherwise the curiosity will kill me.

Hmm, I can't remember ever seeing a relationship based on pity. (I'm discounting "pity sex", which I probably would never turn down, nevermind.) I have seen relationships out of or maintained by guilt. Both intentionally and unintentionally. Never a good thing. At least one person will eventually get hurt either physically, emotionally, or mentally. And as long as I am aware of the situation, I'd hope I would get out of such a relationship. (And we won't go into the long annoying "Ekylo Relationship Disasters 101" required reading. [img][/img] )

Oh and I vaguely recall that supposedly on the Enterprise, ambigious settings such as "hot", "cold" and "warm" are supposed to be predefined defaults for certain items. I'd be more interesting to do something like "Tea, Earl Grey, Purple." (It's definitely been a long week for me...)

what do you mean i can stand to lose a few pounds??? you have never even seen me!!! grrrr, you never say stuff like that about a woman’s weight!!!

as for the pity/guilt relationship, i would never have a relationship out of pity or guilt…if i was the one pitying, i just couldn’t stay with the person if i didn’t love them…if i was the one being pitied, i would honestly rather be alone

certainly not, a woman’s weight is a very dangerous subject.

here, have a cookie.

relationships should be built on love, and trust, not guilt or pity. Guilt and pity make for very poor foundations and the relationship will come crashing down in the end. Meanngless sex is a whole other topic that i don’t want to get into, as i would tend to rant.

Originally posted by ksarchet:
certainly not, a woman's weight is a very dangerous subject.
here, have a cookie.

Sure just make it more. [img][/img]

My goddess is the personification of beauty. A few cookies will not diminish this fact in any way.

All praise the Bishoujo Goddess Ladyphoenix-sama. May her happiness be eternal.