Refresh my memory, Lamuness...

Happy Holidays Unicorn-san!

Hmm, I wonder who else will be going offline for a while. Oh well.

Originally posted by Unicorn:
I suppose, this thread is the right one for this:

I wish you all a merry christmas and a happy new year.
See you all again around here, next year!

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 12-19-2002).]

Good, Unicorn is gone. Now we can talk behind his back! It's not like he'll EVER check this far back in this thread, being as the thread is as insane as, well, me.



ummm...lemme think here...



Say, aren't unicorns supposed to have something to do with virgins? What's one doing here, of all places?

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
Say, aren't unicorns supposed to have something to do with virgins? What's one doing here, of all places?

He might just have strayed into this place [img][/img].

To Unicorn, Merry Christmas and New Year’s Day!!!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

To Olf_le_fol

Joyeux Noel et Bonne Anee!

Originally posted by Nandemonai:

Say, aren't unicorns supposed to have something to do with virgins? What's one doing here, of all places?

Most B-games have at least one virgin. [img][/img]
Mind you unicorn has a hard time finding them
pure and sweet. [img][/img]

ufff, well, I went to the party yesterday, I did get some funny looks, since I wasn’t actually invited, but hey, I can’t turn away free booze

Anyway, I talked with my friend for quite a bit, and well, as for my advice, it was a a bit of ladyphoenix/ksarchet (from the first question) and a lot more of ekylo and nandemonai thoughts, plus some of my own.

We talked for quite a while, and I pretty much talked with him over the whole situation, believe me, your help was much appreciated, since I wasnt clear on what to advice him before. In the end he agreed to take it slowly, and to think more on his real feelings rather than emotions.

There’s still a long way to go, but hey, that’s what friends are for

[This message has been edited by Asutaru (edited 12-22-2002).]

I’m glad you felt our thoughts were helpful. Hopefully it does work out for the best.

I’ll have to second that thought. I’m glad I could help you out, even if all I was doing was talking out of my ass. I hope it turns out okay, even though odds are against some sort of perfect solution to this mess coming out of nowhere.

I guess this is a good time to wish all of you a merry bishoujo christmas and may all your bishoujo whishes come true

have you ever noticed that 95% of the advice we give in this thread is out of our ass but somehow it still seems to help?

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
have you ever noticed that 95% of the advice we give in this thread is out of our ass but somehow it still seems to help? [img][/img]

Again with information coming from particular parts of anatomy. I really need to show this to my co-worker... [img][/img]

But hey, sometimes hearing other people ramble a bit helps to clarifying things in your own mind. That's what friends are for! [img][/img]

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
have you ever noticed that 95% of the advice we give in this thread is out of our ass but somehow it still seems to help? [img][/img]

...maybe our collective ass is some sort of oracle?

Originally posted by ekylo:
Again with information coming from particular parts of anatomy. I really need to show this to my co-worker... [img][/img]

Hey, you should be careful with that. That's illegal in lots of places.

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
...maybe our collective ass is some sort of oracle?

Now that's definitely an interesting mental image. Sometimes, having an imagination is not a good thing... [img][/img]

Originally posted by ekylo:
Now that's definitely an interesting mental image. Sometimes, having an imagination is not a good thing... [img][/img]

*cackles gleefully*

It could only be appropriate in this thread:

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!!! Akemashite omedetou gozaimasu, minasan!

Time to bring back an old trend in this thread. No, wait. TWO old trends in this thread! For your befuddlement, I now present a track from E Nomine’s second CD, Finsternis (the 2-dots-over-the-vowel accent mark is represented with a colon afterward)

Dracul’s Bluthochzeit

(vers 1)

mein lieber freund
ich mo:chte sie und ihre reizende frau lena
in mein schloss in transsylvanien einladen
damit wir unsere u:bereinkunft besiegeln ko:nnen
mein kutscher wird sie erwarten
ich freue mich u:ber ihre ankunft in menem scho:nen land
vlad dracul bittet zum fest zum fest des blutes
es ist bluthochzeit

(vers 2)

ich bin dracula und heisse sie willkommen in meinem schloss
ich hoffe ihr aufenthalt wird angenehm sein nachdem ich sie auf ihr zimmer
begleitet habe erwarte ich sie anschliessend im grossen saal
vlad dracul bittet zum fest zum fest des blutes
das blut ist die braut und graf dracul der bra:utigam
es ist blutochzeit
dein blut an meinen lippen ist wie die morgenro:te ein biss von mir
ist wie der kuss des todes es ist bluthochzeit

(vers 3)

meine weissen dornen funkeln wie diamanten im licht
meine augen sind grau wie der nebel der uns umhu:llt
meine seele so schwarz wie die tiefe nacht
meine haut so weiss wie das strahlen der sterne
trinke meinen saft des lebens und erlange die unendlichkeit
die uns verma:hlt im rausch der lust
es ist bluthochzeit

vlad dracul bittet zum fest zum fest des blutes
es ist bluthochzeit

(vers 4)

die wahre macht die uns beherrscht ist die sha:ndliche unendliche verzehrende
zersto:rende unstillbare gier nach liebe


cupiditas … aviditas …
ador amoris … dolor amoris …


sanguis meus fervidus est
sanguis meus avidus est
sanguis tuus suavis est
sanguis tuus iucundus est

From a little place in the Pacific, “Hau’oli Makahiki Hou” everyone! And may we spend many more with PeaPri!