Refresh my memory, Lamuness...

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Besides, about me and lolicon... that's complicated thing; while I do love the "lolicon2 kind of girls in many gmaes, kumi in TCI and the maids in LMM for example, I don't know if I could plat a game where the characters clearly looked "too young", like in Maple, with a pure conscience [img][/img].
Drat, typo. I meant "siscon", of course! [img][/img]

Originally posted by Nobody:

Nice. Back at you:


See how efficient it still is,
how it keeps itself in shape --
our century's hatred.
How easily it vaults the tallest obstacles.
How rapidly it pounces, tracks us down.

It's not like other feelings.
At once both older and younger.
It gives birth itself to the reasons
that give it life.
When it sleeps, it's never eternal rest.
And sleeplessness won't sap its strength; it feeds it.

One religion or another --
whatever gets it ready, in position.
One fatherland or another --
whatever helps it get a running start.
Justice also works well at the outset
until hate gets its own momentum going.
Hatred. Hatred.
Its face twisted in a grimace
of erotic ecstasy.
Oh these other feelings,
listless weaklings.

Since when does brotherhood
draw crowds?
Has compassion
ever finished first?
Does doubt ever really rouse the rabble?
Only hatred has just what it takes.

Gifted, diligent, hard-working.
Need we mention all the songs it has composed?
All the pages it has added to our history books?
All the human carpets it has spread
over countless city squares and football fields?

Let's face it:
it knows how to make beauty.
The splendid fire-glow in midnight skies.
Magnificent bursting bombs in rosy dawns.
You can't deny the inspiring pathos of ruins
and a certain bawdy humor to be found
in the sturdy column jutting from their midst.

Hatred is a master of contrast --
between explosions and dead quiet,
red blood and white snow.
Above all, it never tires
of its leitmotif -- the impeccable executioner
towering over its soiled victim.

It's always ready for new challenges.
If it has to wait awhile, it will.
They say it's blind. Blind?
It has a sniper's keen sight
and gazes unflinchingly at the future
as only it can.

--Wislawa Szymborska, translated by Stanislaw Baran(mark)czak and Clare Cavanagh

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
what's so terrible about getting a kiss from me that the mere thought of it happening causes bloody mayhem???

I don't think it has anything to do with that. We just like bloody mayhem.

...well, okay. I like bloody mayhem.

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
[snip big rant]

wow, that was a big rant....sorry about that, but i don't feel like deleting any of that you all know WAY more about my boyfriend than you ever wanted to know, i'll leave it at that

*sees window of opportunity*

Big rants are okay. Just make sure they're not like a certain fictitous moderator who shall not be named, except that it starts with K, and ends with "umiko Kamiyama".

[whispers to self] That oughtta be good for another twenty or so posts...

Originally posted by fxho:
Let's see... Are you a fan of Yuri from Dirty Pair? (Reference to Dirty Pair Flash)

I'm a big fan of yuri, but I don't know anything about this Dirty Pair stuff...

Originally posted by Nobody:
Uh-oh! I'm fairly certain that me being right is the sixth sign of the Apocolypse. Of course, me getting a date is the nineth sign, so, since that will never happen, I don't think anyone should panic just yet. [img][/img]

And heaven forbid that someone put those two signs together...

Originally posted by Nobody:
It's your own fault. You know we are all perverts here [b]Spectator Beholder. We mention female relations at our own risk. Why do you think I mentioned my sister originally in German, and, when I finally mentioned her in English, I immediately said she had a husband and a very expensive horse habit. [img][/img][/b]

Careful. Even saying that much isn't safe with this crowd.

And now, for something completely different…|oddlyenough|08-12-2002::09:00|reuters.html

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
And now, for something completely different...

[URL=|oddlyenough|08-12-2002::09:00|reuters.html]|oddlyenough|08-12-2002::09:00|reuters.html[/ URL]

"It was the butterfly I tell you, the butterfly!"

i never said he was my soulmate, it was everyone who responded who said he sounded like my soulmate…i just think we are really good together…

i’ve known him for more than 4 years, but we only became close about 4 months ago…

and here’s an interesting twisty question for you all…and an update on my situation…he tried ot break up with me again tonight and we had a huge discussion and eventualyl worked things out and are ok, but he laid a big bomb on me…i’d like to know if you guys agree with him, or he is just nuts…first of all, he says he cares about me as more than a friend SOMETIMES, he is generally happy with me and loves spending time with me, we have great physical chemistry, and there’s no reason he can think of why he should want to leave me, he just has a ‘gotta get outta this’ feeling that doesn’t make any kind of sense…does this sound like committment or fear issues on his part or does this sound liek there’s no hope for us? i personally interpret it as things are developing slowly and he’s scared cause he has been hurt before

second, he said that he wants to know when things upset me…the way i work usually, is when something upsets me, i think about it for a while and decide if it is worth being upset about, then if it is, i think some more about how to reasonably and rationally talk about it, then i will talk about it…this usually results in me talking about the thing about a week later and most of the time seeming like nothing bothers me, because i usually decide that 90% of stuff isn’t worth being upset about…he says he wants to know when something initially upsets me, not to blow up or anything, but to kind of go “OK, this pisses me off I am gonna go think about it now” and to let him in a little more when i get depressed or upset about something…he told me i am like a vulcan and he feels like he could come up and punch me in the face and it wouldn’t bug me and it’s freaky…

what do you think? cause i am totally floored by that…i spent years in therapy trying to learn how to beh ealthy and reasonable and rational and now he says i am TOO rational

[This message has been edited by ladyphoenix (edited 08-12-2002).]

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
i never said he was my soulmate, it was everyone who responded who said he sounded like my soulmate...i just think we are really good together.. (snip)

Well since I am single a can't say much on relationships, other than you get the whole person The good , the bad , the ugly.
(Not that Goddesses have any of the latter).
While it is best to improve yourself it is really important to know what you goals are.
A best friend need not be your spouse.You may not need to have physical sex with a soulmate. Life may not be fair but make the best of what life gives you as you only get one chance. The "men are from mars , woman are from venus" books are a intersting read and make a lot of sense. Also most B-games have a healty view on life too. All I needed to know about Sex I learned from TCI. [img][/img]

[This message has been edited by woodelf (edited 08-12-2002).]

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
I'm a big fan of yuri, but I don't know anything about this Dirty Pair stuff...

How dare do you call the [b]Lovely Angels[\\b]?

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
I'm a big fan of yuri, but I don't know anything about this Dirty Pair stuff...
Oh Lain! You don't know about Kei&Yuri?! Owwww, young people nowadays don't know their classics... *grins*
Originally posted by olf_le_fol:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Nandemonai:
[b] I'm a big fan of yuri, but I don't know anything about this Dirty Pair stuff...

Oh Lain! You don't know about Kei&Yuri?! Owwww, young people nowadays don't know their classics... *grins*

Ah, Ah, Ah, do we not mean The Lovely Angels?

[This message has been edited by Doug (edited 08-13-2002).]

Miss…er…Mister… (Thanks Kumiko! Now I’m paranoid!) Ladyphoenix, what’s your website’s URL?

Originally posted by Doug:
Ah, Ah, Ah, do we not mean The Lovely Angels?

I hope, we didn't, because otherwise, they would already have appeared and, ....

Well, let's say, we would'nt be able to read this wonderful thread anymore. [img][/img]

Originally posted by Nobody:
I'm sorry to hear that. I kind of have those problems, too. Not to compare my paltry problems with yours. I have a tough time comprehending what others are saying. It isn't a hearing problem. It has to do with the messed up wiring I have in my brain. Also, while I don't have "Aspergers syndrome" or Social Anxiety Disorder (I'm not sure if they are the same thing or not), I do have alot of problem with social situations. As I mentioned, I am natually socially inept. Also, for various reasons, I grew up pretty much without too much contact with others. So, I never developed social skills. That leaves me uncomfortable in social situations. I always feel so drained after them. Since I don't like them, I avoid them. Since I avoid them, I don't develop any social skills. Since I don't develop any social skills, etc.. The cycle keeps repeating itself.

Anyway, I know my situation isn't as bad as yours, but I do understand, a little, what you must be going through. It would be kind of funny if we ever met. We'd both be going, "What? What?" You because you can't hear what I'm saying, and I because I can't comprehend what you're saying.

Look on the bright side. I'm sure you look better than me. That probably makes up the difference. [img][/img]

Ah, I don't know if my life is tougher thna yours or not, and it doens't really matter, do it? We aren't having a "most miserabile life" comptetion here, or do we? [img][/img]. But even through I do have some social problems, as I said, I can't really complain about my life. so far I've lived a fairly good life, and althrough it could be better now, I'm happy as it is now anyway [img][/img].

You're right that it could be funny if we meet [img][/img]. but rather than say anthing, would it be easier to writte down things on a papper instead? I'm no good at _speaking_ english, just writte it (actually, if i tried to speak english, you people would laugh even harder than when I do my famous spelling errors [img][/img] )

Well, if you don't know much about Aspergers syndrome, then feel free to ask me about it if you're curious [img][/img]

Originally posted by Nobody:
Here's something for you, [b]Spectator Beholder, to make up for subjecting you to Finnish.

"Han stod rak--som en snurra sÂl‰nge piskan viner. Han var blygsam--i kraft av robusta ˆverl‰gsenhetsk‰nslor. Han var icke ansprÂksfull: vad han str‰vade efter var endast frihet frÂn oro, och andras nederlag gladde honom mer ‰n egna segrar. Han r‰ddade livet genom att aldrig vÂga det.--Och klagade ˆver att han icke var fˆrstÂdd!"

Of course, if you try anything, I have more Finnish where that came from. [img][/img][/b]


Hmm, sounds like the book - or whatever it is quoted from - is old, since it is in "old swedish" (from somewhere in the beginning of the 19th century, or somewhere in the 18th century, I'd say)...

Don't really see how it could help me with Finnish, however. Besides, I wouldn't have much use for Finnish, I'd have much more use for Japanese [img][/img].

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Well, if you don't know much about Aspergers syndrome, then feel free to ask me about it if you're curious [img][/img]

The first question, coming to my ming, after reading your informations about the syndrome:

How could you feel comfortable at the medieval week? Were they all your acquaintances?

No! I don't want to make fun of you (at least, not this time), but your explanation does not quite mix with the fact, you were there a week among strangers.

Originally posted by Unicorn:
The first question, coming to my ming, after reading your informations about the syndrome:

How could you feel comfortable at the medieval week? Were they all your acquaintances?

No! I don't want to make fun of you (at least, not this time), but your explanation does not quite mix with the fact, you were there a week among strangers.

Well, I were mostly with my family during the week. And while I can be among crowds and other people, it's much harder for me to dseek contact with them (talk with them, etc). Look at my mom, for example... We went to Clematins, a medevial resturant in the city... It's always lots of people there, and you are almost guranteed to have some table mates there... for my mom, it's very easy to talk with them, seeking contact with them, for for me, it's not. I haven't had many friends through life because of that, and even when I get friends, it still feels kind of uncomfortable, since I'm not sure what others except from me or how I should act. For others, that seems to come natually, for for me, it doesn't.

[This message has been edited by Spectator Beholder (edited 08-13-2002).]