Refresh my memory, Lamuness...

i totally understand, spec beholder, because i suffer from a lot of anxiety disorders…generalized anxiety, social anxiety, panic disorder, severe agoraphobia…i’m on medication for them and have been in therapy for years, and it doesn’t rule my life the way it used to, but every day is still a struggle to interact with the world…i understand how you can go to a medieval week…if you really look forward to something enough, you find a way to overcome it…and sometimes, you just have a good day or a good week where it doesn’t affect you as much…also, if you have someone with you that you feel moreo r less comfortable with, you can kind of follow them around and enjoy the surroundings at your own pace…i love going to king richard’s fair in massachusetts with a friend…i usually end up crying at the end of the day, just to get all the stress out, but i enjoy every minute of the day until that point

and thanks for all your input on my situation…i try to take things as they come, and not dwell on past mistakes, but to move on and tackle each day…i talked to my mom and she thinks that brian and i made a lot of progress last night, because he finally articulated to me that he needs to be let into my world a little more and know that i’m human and have doubts and fears too, and that that shows that he does want to try to have something a little deeper than just casual relations, and that it is very possible he was intimidated and shut off from me because he felt i was too positively off in a fantasy world of optimism and didn’t live in reality or need him at all and it was kind of freaky

i am sorry if i talk about this too much…feel free to tell me to shut up at any time…i’m just dealing with some very new experiences with this relationship and don’t understand a lot of things…with my anxiety and my upbringing, i didn’t learn a lot of social graces either, so this is all new territory for me, and i am finding all your responses very insightful and helpful

and scuddman, i can assure you, i am definately a female

[This message has been edited by ladyphoenix (edited 08-13-2002).]

[This message has been edited by ladyphoenix (edited 08-13-2002).]

Okay lets see if I got all this after reading that. This is the off-topic path as I see it. PREPARE FOR A MASSIVE RUN ON SENTENCE We got Japanese Text box question, leading to “Why Lamuness doesn’t like Kumiko”, leading to who is not a Goddess anymore and who gets the now vacant spot, leading to if there even is a vacant spot debate, leading to a Misc. Kumiko found on yahoo who won a award in 1998, leading to Math proofs on convincing people that 2+2=5, leading to Scuddman,Fxho, and Nobody beginning a math debate, leading to Chickens running around with their head cut off and how long this usually lasts, leading to how proud Spectator will be with this topic, leading to Lesbian strippers (a staple of every good off-topic thread), leading to goat sacrifice, leading to fun with smiley faces, leading to consequences of recieving a kiss from ladyphoenix, leading to random poetry qoutes, leading to ladyphoenix boyfriend rants…
My goddess, this might very well be the most off-topic post I have ever seen.
Good job!

Originally posted by Bigdog:
Okay lets see if I got all this after reading that. This is the off-topic path as I see it. *PREPARE FOR A MASSIVE RUN ON SENTENCE* We got Japanese Text box question, leading to "Why Lamuness doesn't like Kumiko", leading to who is not a Goddess anymore and who gets the now vacant spot, leading to if there even is a vacant spot debate, leading to a Misc. Kumiko found on yahoo who won a award in 1998, leading to Math proofs on convincing people that 2+2=5, leading to Scuddman,Fxho, and Nobody beginning a math debate, leading to Chickens running around with their head cut off and how long this usually lasts, leading to how proud Spectator will be with this topic, leading to Lesbian strippers (a staple of every good off-topic thread), leading to goat sacrifice, leading to fun with smiley faces, leading to consequences of recieving a kiss from ladyphoenix, leading to random poetry qoutes, leading to ladyphoenix boyfriend rants...
My goddess, this might very well be the most off-topic post I have ever seen.
Good job!

So who gets todays prize money, Bigdog?. [img][/img]

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
i totally understand, spec beholder, because i suffer from a lot of anxiety disorders....generalized anxiety, social anxiety, panic disorder, severe agoraphobia...i'm on medication for them and have been in therapy for years, and it doesn't rule my life the way it used to, but every day is still a struggle to interact with the world....i understand how you can go to a medieval week....if you really look forward to something enough, you find a way to overcome it...and sometimes, you just have a good day or a good week where it doesn't affect you as much...also, if you have someone with you that you feel moreo r less comfortable with, you can kind of follow them around and enjoy the surroundings at your own pace...i love going to king richard's fair in massachusetts with a friend....i usually end up crying at the end of the day, just to get all the stress out, but i enjoy every minute of the day until that point

and thanks for all your input on my situation...i try to take things as they come, and not dwell on past mistakes, but to move on and tackle each day...i talked to my mom and she thinks that brian and i made a lot of progress last night, because he finally articulated to me that he needs to be let into my world a little more and know that i'm human and have doubts and fears too, and that that shows that he does want to try to have something a little deeper than just casual relations, and that it is very possible he was intimidated and shut off from me because he felt i was too positively off in a fantasy world of optimism and didn't live in reality or need him at all and it was kind of freaky

i am sorry if i talk about this too much...feel free to tell me to shut up at any time...i'm just dealing with some very new experiences with this relationship and don't understand a lot of things...with my anxiety and my upbringing, i didn't learn a lot of social graces either, so this is all new territory for me, and i am finding all your responses very insightful and helpful [img][/img]

and scuddman, i can assure you, i am definately a female [img][/img]

[This message has been edited by ladyphoenix (edited 08-13-2002).]

[This message has been edited by ladyphoenix (edited 08-13-2002).]

I can only hope that the two of you do work this out. For in a way, I can understand you and your boyfriend. But...


New experiences...? But didn't you have former relationships prier to the one your in now?

And here's a question I might as well add to this amazing topic of ours... How do you guys feel about long distance relationships? Do you thing it can work out, and if it can? How would you guys go about it? What would you need to do to have it work out? Any input would be much appricated.

Anyway... I guess what I'm saying is that communication is the key to any relationship. Well at least accourting to this website. *shrugs*

But even if it doesn't work out. I'm sure everyone here will be there for you. Except for me probably... I'll probably just go up to you and put my hand on your shoulder and nod my head when you look at me. Then just leave without saying a word...

Originally posted by Nobody:
Actually, I give it three months, with at least two reconciliations after the original break up.

You wanna bet on that?!!! LOL [img][/img]

[This message has been edited by Soul Dragon (edited 08-13-2002).]

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
and here's an interesting twisty question for you all....and an update on my situation...he tried ot break up with me again tonight and we had a huge discussion and eventualyl worked things out and are ok, but he laid a big bomb on me...i'd like to know if you guys agree with him, or he is just nuts...first of all, he says he cares about me as more than a friend SOMETIMES, he is generally happy with me and loves spending time with me, we have great physical chemistry, and there's no reason he can think of why he should want to leave me, he just has a 'gotta get outta this' feeling that doesn't make any kind of sense....does this sound like committment or fear issues on his part or does this sound liek there's no hope for us? i personally interpret it as things are developing slowly and he's scared cause he has been hurt before

Keep in mind that I am pulling all of this out of my ass. Keep in mind that I have never had a significant other nor ever had interest in seeking one out.

This does not sound like a commitment issue or a fear issue. If they really were commitment issues, I doubt he would have said it so obviously. And if it was fear-motivated, I doubt he would have brought it up. (Although, this did only come up via a breakup attempt...)

If I had to hazard a guess, and again this is completely out of my ass...

It sounds like depression. If I am understanding you correctly, then he really does like you. And he knows you really like him. Thus attempting to break up sounds like self-destructive behavior to me. If I had to give an opinion (and since you asked, and you're a friend of mine, I do have to give it), I would say that either he thinks so low of himself (and ironically enoug, the fact that he's so depressed would contribute here) that he wants to get away from you to "protect" you, or he unconsciously is directly inflicting pain on himself and is too depressed to notice what it's doing to you.

In either case, this would be my advice:

1) You are not a therapist. Well, I mean, you could be one, I don't know you, but even if you were you're too close to him for therapy to work. Don't try to fix it, and CERTAINLY don't tell him this or anything like this. And don't tell him he needs therapy either--I pulled this out of my ass, remember, and not only could I be wrong, but even if I'm dead on he probably won't like being told he needs mental help.

2) Don't break up with him until it literally is to the point where he is going to drag you down with him (at which point you can't help him anyway).


second, he said that he wants to know when things upset me....the way i work usually, is when something upsets me, i think about it for a while and decide if it is worth being upset about, then if it is, i think some more about how to reasonably and rationally talk about it, then i will talk about it....this usually results in me talking about the thing about a week later and most of the time seeming like nothing bothers me, because i usually decide that 90% of stuff isn't worth being upset about....he says he wants to know when something initially upsets me, not to blow up or anything, but to kind of go "OK, this pisses me off I am gonna go think about it now" and to let him in a little more when i get depressed or upset about something...he told me i am like a vulcan and he feels like he could come up and punch me in the face and it wouldn't bug me and it's freaky...

what do you think? cause i am totally floored by that....i spent years in therapy trying to learn how to beh ealthy and reasonable and rational and now he says i am TOO rational

[This message has been edited by ladyphoenix (edited 08-12-2002).]

Umm...I think I can see where he's coming from--immediate feedback is better than feedback a week later.

But being 21, and remembering pretty accurately what I used to be like when I was a teenager (read: a moron), I can say this: people get upset about the damnedest stupidest things that, even a short while later, make no sense to them at all. I know *I* did, and I used to occasionally just blow up and then have to apologize for it later. Not getting ticked off is better.

Of course, I also dealt with being made fun of in grade school by learning that most people can be safely ignored and thus living in my own little world, so my social skills aren't anything you want to base an opinion off of.

So, umm, I guess my advice would be...controlling your emotions is better than the other way around, but getting back to your boyfriend a week later probably isn't exactly convenient for him.

Originally posted by Nobody:
I do have alot of problem with social situations. As I mentioned, I am natually socially inept. Also, for various reasons, I grew up pretty much without too much contact with others. So, I never developed social skills. That leaves me uncomfortable in social situations. I always feel so drained after them. Since I don't like them, I avoid them. Since I avoid them, I don't develop any social skills. Since I don't develop any social skills, etc.. The cycle keeps repeating itself.'re reminding me of myself here...

Well, I'm sort of different. I get along just fine in social situations, I just get along almost equally well out of them. As a result I don't go out of my way to seek social contact at all (and I mean that more closely to literally than you probably think).

Originally posted by Nobody:
Yep, I am all for big rants. It just that getting lectured at about the same thing over and over just gets redundant, just gets redundant, just gets redundant. [img][/img]

I'm sorry, what was that?

Originally posted by olf_le_fol:
___Originally posted by Nandemonai:
___I'm a big fan of yuri, but I don't know anything about this Dirty Pair stuff...[

Oh Lain! You don't know about Kei&Yuri?! Owwww, young people nowadays don't know their classics... *grins*


Nobody seems to have ANY idea what I'm talking about. Anyone who knows Japanese care to elaborate?

[This message has been edited by Nandemonai (edited 08-13-2002).]

[This message has been edited by Nandemonai (edited 08-13-2002).]

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
i totally understand, spec beholder, because i suffer from a lot of anxiety disorders....generalized anxiety, social anxiety, panic disorder, severe agoraphobia...i'm on medication for them and have been in therapy for years, and it doesn't rule my life the way it used to, but every day is still a struggle to interact with the world....i understand how you can go to a medieval week....if you really look forward to something enough, you find a way to overcome it...and sometimes, you just have a good day or a good week where it doesn't affect you as much...



Having taken a course in ab psych, I know what most of those terms mean. That's...rough.

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
i am sorry if i talk about this too much...feel free to tell me to shut up at any time...i'm just dealing with some very new experiences with this relationship and don't understand a lot of things...with my anxiety and my upbringing, i didn't learn a lot of social graces either, so this is all new territory for me, and i am finding all your responses very insightful and helpful [img][/img]

[This message has been edited by ladyphoenix (edited 08-13-2002).]

[This message has been edited by ladyphoenix (edited 08-13-2002).]

Have you told Brian what you've told us? Everything you've put here he needs to have heard. From you.

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
and scuddman, i can assure you, i am definately a female [img][/img]

[This message has been edited by ladyphoenix (edited 08-13-2002).]

[This message has been edited by ladyphoenix (edited 08-13-2002).]

And just how would you know?

Originally posted by Bigdog:
Okay lets see if I got all this after reading that. This is the off-topic path as I see it. *PREPARE FOR A MASSIVE RUN ON SENTENCE* We got Japanese Text box question, leading to "Why Lamuness doesn't like Kumiko", leading to who is not a Goddess anymore and who gets the now vacant spot, leading to if there even is a vacant spot debate, leading to a Misc. Kumiko found on yahoo who won a award in 1998, leading to Math proofs on convincing people that 2+2=5, leading to Scuddman,Fxho, and Nobody beginning a math debate, leading to Chickens running around with their head cut off and how long this usually lasts, leading to how proud Spectator will be with this topic, leading to Lesbian strippers (a staple of every good off-topic thread), leading to goat sacrifice, leading to fun with smiley faces, leading to consequences of recieving a kiss from ladyphoenix, leading to random poetry qoutes, leading to ladyphoenix boyfriend rants...
My goddess, this might very well be the most off-topic post I have ever seen.
Good job!

You missed what is perhaps the best part:

Talking about the off-topicness of the thread! (And now talking about talking about the off-topicness of the thread (and now talking about talking about the off-topicness (...)))

Duh...I mean, come on--it's the thread that never goes on and on, my friend...

Originally posted by Nandemonai:


Having taken a course in ab psych, I know what most of those terms mean. That's...rough.

Well I don't know the terms, but you worry too much. Since I don't get out I think and worry more than I need to,too.What I do know Men tend to need to do some thing phyiscal to relive stress. Women need something emotional to relive stress. A suspect the same may be true for other things too. So while you will allways have problems don't dwell on the things that you can't solve but rather the ones you can. Some things take time to grow,
and you need both to give and recieve in a relationship, it can't be one sided. They say physical attraction ( sex smells and hormones ) lasts about three years. That is a reasonable time to know your partner and build on other things in the relationship. WATCH how ever for rebound relationships as they never last.
PS. (Yes I know I can't spell)

(edited 08-13-2002).]

[This message has been edited by woodelf (edited 08-13-2002).]

Originally posted by Nandemonai:

Nobody seems to have ANY idea what I'm talking about. Anyone who knows Japanese care to elaborate?

OK, OK, it seems that the joke is on you! You see, when I mentioned about your pointing-into-the-mirror joke, it appeared on Dirty Pair Flash (an anime). The two main characters are named Kei and Yuri (capital Y). From K's lectures, you already know what yuri (small y), but it just happens to be a coincidence.

Dirty Pair Flash is based on Dirty Pair, Olf_le_fol mentioned this, and which anime newcomers has no idea about. Then, there is Doug's comment: the "official" name of Kei and Yuri's team is Lovely Angels, but because of the chaos and destruction they leave behind they are nicknamed Dirty Pair.

And the really obvious one: Lain, from Serial Experiment Lain.

Originally posted by Nobody:
I agree that I have a pretty good life. What problems I do have, I can only blame myself for.

Anyway, I wasn't trying to start a pissing contest over how bad our lives are. I was just trying to let you know that I somewhat understand what things are like for you.

Well, looks like everyone here understand, more or less [img][/img]

Originally posted by Nobody:
Well, I wouldn't call that Old Swedish. Old Swedish is dated as before 1526. So, it may be dated, but it is still Modern Swedish. Sort of Shakespeare in English. It might be a bit old, but it is still Modern English, which is dated from 1500.

Well, that might be right, but still... Well, the language seems to change much with the times, swedish from 50-100 years ago if far from what it is today... wonder what it'll look like when I'm old?

Anyway, my comment about Finnish was about an earlier post I did. You said, Finnish scared you, so I posted some Finnish, since it would be the perfect weapon against you. If you try anything against me, I will subject you to Finnish. Like this:

"Sill‰ min‰, Sinuhe, olen ihminen ja ihmisen‰ olen el‰nyt jokaisessa ihmisess‰, joka on ollut ennen minua, ja ihmisen‰ el‰n jokaisessa ihmisess‰, joka tulee j‰lkeeni."

Take that (again)! [img][/img]

AAHHHHHH!!!! [img][/img]

this thread is wacked beyond all possible reason, and i think this is exactly where my boyfriend rants belong

yes, i have told brian most if not all of the things i have posted here…

yes, i think lnog distance relationships can work, if the peopel are willing to eventually move in together or closer…brian and i are actually a long-distance relationship…we live about an hour and a half away from each other…i do not, however, believe EXTREME long-distance can be overcome except in very special circumstances…for example, i would never date someone who lived in california

yes, i have had many relationships before, but in every one, i run into something i have never dealt with before, and so it is with brian

this weekend brian is coming down to my apartment and we are spending the weekend together (thep lan is zoo on saturday and my parents’ house for horseback riding on sunday) and then going to six flags with friends on monday…i am looking forward to it…i think the best thing for us right now is to have a good weekend together just enjoying each other and having fun together

and yes, iti s difficult to live with the disorders i have, but that is theh and life dealt me and i am not going to complain about it, i just try to do the best i can with it…i’m very creative and intelligent, and i work with that as much as i can

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
and yes, iti s difficult to live with the disorders i have, but that is theh and life dealt me and i am not going to complain about it, i just try to do the best i can with it...i'm very creative and intelligent, and i work with that as much as i can [img][/img]

That's the spirit!

I thought about writing something similar, when Spec-san told about his syndrome yesterday. But because I thought it would rather hurt than help him, I cut that out.

Sch√∂ne Gr√ºsse aus Benediktbeuren…
(Daher kommen die “Carmina Burana”)

Originally posted by Nobody:
Aha! And I have more were that came from.


You're cruel! But, I do have a few defensive methods... *hehe*