Refresh my memory, Lamuness...

Originally posted by Nobody:
Actually, I don't have a clue. Why does everyone expect me to have all the answers? [img][/img]

Well [b]Nobody [/b] knows. [img][/img]

Originally posted by woodelf:
Well [b]Nobody knows. [img][/img][/b]

... the trouble I've seen ...

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
i do not, however, believe EXTREME long-distance can be overcome except in very special circumstances...for example, i would never date someone who lived in california


I hope everything works out with the two of you... Yes, i do. I wish nothing but the best for my goddess.

Glad to see I am not the only one of us that takes medication for mental disorders.

Enjoy your weekend. Sounds like a lot of fun.

As this topic has crossed many of the topic boundaries I thought I would insert another off topic comment. How many of you cry when you listen to the song Butterfly Kisses. It seems to make me cry ever time I hear it. Another song that does this to me is I’m Already There. Is it just me?

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
i totally understand, spec beholder, because i suffer from a lot of anxiety disorders....generalized anxiety, social anxiety, panic disorder, severe agoraphobia...i'm on medication for them and have been in therapy for years, and it doesn't rule my life the way it used to, but every day is still a struggle to interact with the world....i understand how you can go to a medieval week....if you really look forward to something enough, you find a way to overcome it...and sometimes, you just have a good day or a good week where it doesn't affect you as much...also, if you have someone with you that you feel moreo r less comfortable with, you can kind of follow them around and enjoy the surroundings at your own pace...i love going to king richard's fair in massachusetts with a friend....i usually end up crying at the end of the day, just to get all the stress out, but i enjoy every minute of the day until that point

Thanks for your support [img][/img]. But it kinda sounds like your situation is worse than mine, so you have my support as well :9. But me, as I said, I'm
more or less living a normal life, even if it is a more "isolated" life than what most other people have. Heh, when I was younger, people used to compare me (and still do it sometimes) with Shizuku from Whisper of the Heart since I most of time, when I'm not sitting in front of the computer and surfs on the net or play a game, is caught sitting and reading a book (and I also often talk to cats [img][/img]).

i talk to my cats all the time…i have three of them and they are my family as far asi am concerned

as for the hanoverians, i don’t know muchabout them, but right after your question, you started ranting in german and i don’t know any german except thank you and you’re welcome, so i didn’t know what to make of it…the only thing i know about hanoverians is they are BIG horses

and i find it extremely funny that none of you wants a kiss from me, but you all want to date me lol…i use ‘all’ broadly, so don’t bombard this thread with 'I didn’t say that!!!"

and as for ohio, yeah, that’s a little far

I would more than gladly accept a kiss from my goddess. I am a troll and can easily regenerate from any damage any of the others may inflict. This of course brings up the question. Do you want to kiss a troll?

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
i talk to my cats all the time...i have three of them and they are my family as far asi am concerned [img][/img]

You‰'ve got cats!? Lucky, I can't have nay because that my little sister ia allergic... Maybe in some years, when I've moved to an apartement of my own...

Also, I did wan to kiss you! *bounce, bounce*

Originally posted by ksarchet:
I would more than gladly accept a kiss from my goddess. I am a troll and can easily regenerate from any damage any of the others may inflict. This of course brings up the question. Do you want to kiss a troll?

Hey you never heard of the story The Frog Prince . Mind you I like The paper bag princess better.
PS. The cat says "mrewip".

[This message has been edited by woodelf (edited 08-14-2002).]

Originally posted by woodelf:
Well I don't know the terms, but you worry too much.

I do, and I have an ab psych textbook right across the room on a shelf (literally) so I could look it up. Out of deference to ladyphoenix's privacy, I won't...I'll leave it up to her to tell what she wants when she wants to.

Originally posted by fxho:
OK, OK, it seems that the joke is on you! You see, when I mentioned about your pointing-into-the-mirror joke, it appeared on [b]Dirty Pair Flash (an anime). The two main characters are named Kei and Yuri (capital Y). From K's lectures, you already know what yuri (small y), but it just happens to be a coincidence.

Dirty Pair Flash is based on Dirty Pair, Olf_le_fol mentioned this, and which anime newcomers has no idea about. Then, there is Doug's comment: the "official" name of Kei and Yuri's team is Lovely Angels, but because of the chaos and destruction they leave behind they are nicknamed Dirty Pair.

And the really obvious one: Lain, from Serial Experiment Lain.[/b]


*blinks some more*

Wow. I concede total and utter defeat.

Originally posted by Nobody:
Considering how much wierd off topic stuff I've written, I'll be lynched long before you.

What topic?

Originally posted by Nobody:
Actually, I don't have a clue. Why does everyone expect me to have all the answers? [img][/img]

yuri = lesbian relationship. Basically.

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
this thread is wacked beyond all possible reason,

Careful with that hyperbole. I can always whack the thread in the head a few more times.

Case in point: View at your own risk.


*falls over twitching*

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
and yes, iti s difficult to live with the disorders i have, but that is theh and life dealt me and i am not going to complain about it, i just try to do the best i can with it...i'm very creative and intelligent, and i work with that as much as i can [img][/img]

Good for you. That's exactly the kind of attitude that works...and I can talk out of my ass some more, but I don't really think you want to see that.

Originally posted by ksarchet:
As this topic has crossed many of the topic boundaries I thought I would insert another off topic comment. How many of you cry when you listen to the song Butterfly Kisses. It seems to make me cry ever time I hear it. Another song that does this to me is I'm Already There. Is it just me?

Umm...I'll try to put this delicately.

I thought the song was sweet the first time, and sort of cute a few times after that. After that its ubersaccharinity just irritated me.

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
and i find it extremely funny that none of you wants a kiss from me, but you all want to date me [img][/img] lol....i use 'all' broadly, so don't bombard this thread with 'I didn't say that!!!"


Why not? We're discussing everything else...

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
i talk to my cats all the time...i have three of them and they are my family as far asi am concerned [img][/img]

Cats....wanna see my wife?

...please don't kill my bandwidth

disclaimer: there is NO audio in this movie clip

[This message has been edited by Lamuness (edited 08-15-2002).]

if you want to tell everyone exactly what my disorders are, feel free…i’m not ashamed of them…it’s part of who i am and they make me a stronger person…

but to sum it up…
generalized anixiety and social anxiety makes me nervous about everything possible…i’m terrified of meeting people, going places, doing things…i need to have someone i trust with me to do almost anything outside of my very small world of 'normal and used to’

panic disorder means i panic and have severe attacks over things that most people don’t worry about…my attacks usually result in me hyperventilating, crying, shaking violently, and repeating ‘i want to go home, i want to go home’ over and over really fast under my breath

agoraphobia means i have lots of trouble leaving my house to do even menial tasks, since my apartment is essentially my bastion of safety…at times i go more than a week drinking nothing but water because i cannot make myself leave my apartment to go across the street to the convenience store to buy milk or juice

but i am happy to report that i have not had a severe panic attack in over two years, 75% of the time i have milk to drink, and i am currently undergoing job rehabilitation to get me into college for next fall to major in Equine Studies

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
and i find it extremely funny that none of you wants a kiss from me, but you all want to date me [img][/img] lol....i use 'all' broadly, so don't bombard this thread with 'I didn't say that!!!"

* glares around *

Who said, I would not want one? I know, I'm risking being torn apart by an angry crowd, but that's a penalty woth the crime of getting to close to a goddess (I mean, Icarus got to close to the sun and was burned too, but he never said, he regretted it...).

So at least, I would gladly take it, regardless what happens thereafter....

* gets nailed to a cross, feet up, head down... *

Hey, guys! No punishment, before the crime is done!