Refresh my memory, Lamuness...

Originally posted by ekylo:
And another thing to keep in mind in general here, we're generally anti-piracy minded. So don't post links to pirate download sites and such.

That reminds me of another thing: We usually frown also on requests for step-by-step-solutions. If you have a spcific question, I am sure, we all would be glad to give yoiu hints that should lead you intoi the correct direction, but you'd better not ask for a complete path from the beginning of the game to ome specific ending (or even worse: to all possible endings).
We dislike to give this kind of help, because we think it would spoil most of the fun of these games.

Originally posted by RedHell:
[B]The last one is not a question but just want to say something to people who post here so often(like ekylo-san,nandemonai-san,etc),I pray to the Great God so that you don't neglect your job,study,etc just to be here ^__^[B]

Not really. I go here nopw and then, but I don't neglect my studies for this. Tarher, I neglect them to play games, study Japanese or write letters to Unicorn instead [img][/img].

About the Goddess thing, too, there are other titles that people here have as well :3.

Originally posted by Lamuness:
Man...I feel like closing this thread...this is getting a bit too off-topic...

Up to you, I mean, a couple of people were complaining. But having an off-topic thread is rather nice.

Originally posted by RedHell:
The last one is not a question but just want to say something to people who post here so often(like ekylo-san,nandemonai-san,etc),I pray to the Great God so that you don't neglect your job,study,etc just to be here ^__^

[This message has been edited by RedHell (edited 03-27-2003).]

I don't post to the Peach Princess BBS when I'm at work. It could conceivably get me in trouble. I simply check it at least once a day, more if I'm bored and/or too tired to, like, watch an anime or play a game or something.

Originally posted by ekylo:
*whaps self with baka-hammer* Bloody hell, now I remembered. Made in DNA is part of J-List's staff! I knew the moniker was familiar and I thought it was from another BBS, but it was from the "about J-List" page! I should have realized when he mentioned that Peter had directed him to this board in the help thread he started. I am going senile...


A mind is a terrible thing to use. I mean lose.

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
I don't post to the Peach Princess BBS when I'm at work. It could conceivably get me in trouble. I simply check it at least once a day, more if I'm bored and/or too tired to, like, watch an anime or play a game or something.

...I hadn't realized I was getting close to 1200 posts. That's ridiculous.

...I mean, that's not even a twentieth of all the posts! And...ummm...

*runs away*

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
I don't post to the Peach Princess BBS when I'm at work. It could conceivably get me in trouble. I simply check it at least once a day, more if I'm bored and/or too tired to, like, watch an anime or play a game or something.

You must be easily tired/bored, then :3.

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
...I hadn't realized I was getting close to 1200 posts. That's ridiculous.

.. Why'd it be ridicilous? Me, I'm getting VERY close to 2500 posts ^___^

How are you guys figuring out how many posts you have made? And why are you posting 2 or 3 posts in a row?

Originally posted by bokmeow:
How are you guys figuring out how many posts you have made? And why are you posting 2 or 3 posts in a row?

If you look at your profile, you can see how many "total posts" you've done. I'm a bit above 1600 for example.

Originally posted by ekylo:
If you look at your profile, you can see how many "total posts" you've done. I'm a bit above 1600 for example.

I still haven't broken the 1000 mark yet. I'll hopefully break it this year.

many many titles here…you must never forget my official sacred lemon-tamer and the FWOBIGOLSs, as well as the NTFWOBIGOLSs

and please don’t close the thread, lamuness!!! this is the only place we can truly let go and not worry about staying on topic…i love this topic, and i hope it never dies

and a big bouncy welcome to the newcomers as well…i love you!

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
You must be easily tired/bored, then :3.

Too much so. I don't actually play many games or watch much anime.

Originally posted by Doug:
I still haven't broken the 1000 mark yet. I'll hopefully break it this year.

Well it's not like a race, so it's no big deal right? [img][/img] (And if it were, I'd have to arrange Spec-san to get kidnapped or something to even attempt to catch up to him and I doubt they'd get past the lemons...) Some of us just blither about more than others, but as long as we're having a good time...

Originally posted by ekylo:
Well it's not like a race, so it's no big deal right? [img][/img] (And if it were, I'd have to arrange Spec-san to get kidnapped or something to even attempt to catch up to him and I doubt they'd get past the lemons...) Some of us just blither about more than others, but as long as we're having a good time...

Well, you could always use two weapons against me: Bribe me in someway. Using a b-game I'd want would be a good bribe :3. Or, bribe a teacher in Japanese to visit me and teach me Japanese :3. That'd absolutely keep me away from the computer and the BBS for a while *_*

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
Too much so. I don't actually play many games or watch much anime.

Heh, That's the opposite of me, I'd say :3.

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
and please don't close the thread, lamuness!!! this is the only place we can truly let go and not worry about staying on topic....i love this topic, and i hope it never dies [img][/img]

I dunno how long this thread is going to get, and I don't know how newcomers will react to this ridiculously long and ridiculously off-topic thread. Many of these posts are just one-liner responses. Like, if you guys want to do casual talking, as mentioned many times by some of us, how about coming to the #b-games IRC channel instead? ^^

Originally posted by Lamuness:
Like, if you guys want to do casual talking, as mentioned many times by some of us, how about coming to the #b-games IRC channel instead? ^^

Not all CAN come there, you know [img][/img]

i personally don’t have the time to go to a chat channel…it is much more convenient for me to check the board once or twice a day, type in my two cents, and leave it at that until the next day…

Heh, well, I usually do my stuff here while at work. Can’t get through the firewalls to do a chat channel.