Refresh my memory, Lamuness...

Well,finally back to the net after 5 days(got pretty busy coz a relative from foreign country came),just wanted to say thanks for all the answers.It does help me to know more about the BBS.
To ladyphoenix-san,finally you are back(hmm, you must be busy because you only typed a little ^_^)

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Heh, That's the opposite of me, I'd say :3.

Guess we are on the same line.I spend most of my time playing game and watching anime,too.But since I only play PS2 in my cousin's house I'm concentrating on anime now
(now watching old collection such as Yami no Matsuei and Ayashi no Ceres)

Originally posted by RedHell:
Guess we are on the same line.I spend most of my time playing game and watching anime,too.But since I only play PS2 in my cousin's house I'm concentrating on anime now
(now watching old collection such as Yami no Matsuei and Ayashi no Ceres)

Well, that's a good way to spend your time, I'd say :3. Well as logn you have soemthing to do, you won't be bored, I guess, nor will I :3.

That was the “POST”-button.

So, sorry, I have bumped this topic again…

Originally posted by Unicorn:
That was the "POST"-button.

So, sorry, I have bumped this topic again...

[img][/img]. No worries, Unicorn. We'd NOT want this thrÈad to hit the bottom :3.

our Goddess has updated her site again. yah

yes i have, but it isn’t the total update i want to do…i updated at brian’s house, after looking at my website and going ‘oh my goddess, i haven’t updated since Feb 15th!!! EEEEEEK!’, so i didn’t have all my files

so i am hoping to update with more within a week

My b-day is one day before busty gets released…does that mean someone will get me busty for my b-day? :stuck_out_tongue:

Ok I am done with ladyphoenix’s pic…and she’d better put her real pic on too, and that cleavage pic too…

still thinking of what to do with this thread…it is kinda sickening to see a 1500-post off-topic thread in the middle of this bishoujo company bbs

But we LIKE scaring the newbies! That’s no fair, making the board less intimidating!

Originally posted by Lamuness:
Turrican, as a doujin-soft programmer myself, I was thinking the same thing too.

You're a doujin-soft programmer? What titles have you worked on?

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
You're a doujin-soft programmer? What titles have you worked on?

I do it for myself, not with some other circles....and what I do is currently none of your evil business :P

Hmm, nice new place for this thread. Happy you’re not getting rid of it, Lamuness-san.

[This message has been edited by ekylo (edited 04-10-2003).]

I agree.

Since this forum is not going to get new threads, this thread is also not going to vanish.

That was a great solution to the problem of this off-topic-thread.

Thanks a lot, Lamuness!

Kudos to you, Lamuness! you preserved the Thread of Chaos and now it has its own Hall of Greatness

good solution.

What is busty?

Ah! finailly the day when an off-topic threaad for off-topic threads and subjects has come!!! Great, Lamuness

Lamuness created a forum just for this thread!!!

Originally posted by olf_le_fol:
Lamuness created a forum just for [b]this

Yup, see what happens when you miss a few days? [img][/img]

I think it works, since a lot of the regulars didn't want to see the thread go, but as Lamuness-san pointed out, it was sort of an odd thread in the main part of the board. That and for some reason a lot of the newer people seemed to be irritated by this thread. I say we send the lemons after them until they join the insanity... [img][/img]

Originally posted by olf_le_fol:
Lamuness created a forum just for [b]this

And it's all my fault! Excellent....muahahahaHAHAHAHAHAAHA

[This message has been edited by Nandemonai (edited 04-16-2003).]

I can’t think of a better place to ask this question than here, and it properly belongs in the off-topic thread. So here goes…

Can anyone tell me if the game and anime soundtrack companies are in any way affiliated with the mainstream US music industry? (I’m referring to the Japanese companies here.) I’m curious because the domestic music industry is so bad in the states that I’m boycotting them, and I’d like to be buying anime soundtrack CDs…but anything even possibly connected to the industry is tainted IMO.