Refresh my memory, Lamuness...

Originally posted by ekylo:
Yup, see what happens when you miss a few days? [img][/img]

I think it works, since a lot of the regulars didn't want to see the thread go, but as Lamuness-san pointed out, it was sort of an odd thread in the main part of the board. That and for some reason a lot of the newer people seemed to be irritated by this thread. I say we send the lemons after them until they join the insanity... [img][/img]

I can see someone getting irritated by trying to slog through all 33 pages of the insanity. So, while my innate perversity is sad to see the thread "go" (i.e. be moved to its own forum), I can definitely understand why it was done.


Happy Birthday to you, Ladyphoenix-sama!

May the lemons dance for you again!

Happy Birthday, my Goddess. May your day be filled with wonderous happy moments.

Happy Birthday, Ladyphoenix-sama.

it’s been a pretty good birthday so far…looks like Ekylo might have found Kango for me yay!!!

thanks to everyone for their warm wishes

How do I get messages to the mod? There are three things I want to ask about:
1. Change my preorders (I sent email twice in the past, nothing happened, no notification, nada)
2. Delete the thread about fujita-goods
3. Suggestion for sale/trading forum

In regards to the sale and trading forum, please discuss. A lot of BBS I visit have them, and it does help people share their interests as well as a frugal way to save money for the stuff they want to get theid hands on.

Originally posted by bokmeow:
3. Suggestion for sale/trading forum

In regards to the sale and trading forum, please discuss. A lot of BBS I visit have them, and it does help people share their interests as well as a frugal way to save money for the stuff they want to get theid hands on.

!! You want a sale/trading forum? I dunno if that would be a good idea. First, B-gamers in general don't want to be parted from their stuff ( [img][/img]), so it'd perhaps be a vERY empty forum and also, there'd be a certain risk that pirates would try to sneak in and sell their pirated stuff there...

Happy Birthday, Ladyphoenix! Take no prisoners!


Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
!! You want a sale/trading forum? I dunno if that would be a good idea. First, B-gamers in general don't want to be parted from their stuff ( [img][/img]), so it'd perhaps be a vERY empty forum and also, there'd be a certain risk that pirates would try to sneak in and sell their pirated stuff there...

That's true, but for a reviewer like me, I realized I had to move this stuff if I wanted to get more games to review. I was like you really didn't want to part with my stuff, but if I could teach more people about the Bishoujo games, then more power to me and other people, so I made the decision. Scammers is a big deal, so I think we will need some kind of feedback system, a list of references and what not.

Seeing that my spring cleaning thread was deleted, I am assuming the moderators consider the sale/trading forum is a bad idea, so I won't pursue any further, but I would like people to discuss this topic. I can tell from the posts here on Peach Princess that I am not the only person who sometimes have to scrape together the money necessary for a new release.

[This message has been edited by bokmeow (edited 04-17-2003).]

anything about pre-orders, contact

anything about forums, contact me.

personally, I am not in favor of a sales/trading forum because THIS IS A COMPANY FORUM which is unlike many other forums in that quality control must be maintained. A sales/trading forum is very hard to monitor because we don’t want to be involved wiht it if you guys have problems with your trading/transaction.

bokmeow, I deleted all your spring cleaning posts mainly because most of what you sell ARE NOT bishoujo related items. You are really pushing it for some items…come on, trigun, mononoke hime, unbreakable (which is not even anime) bishoujo?!

I am somewhat regretting about letting people posting stuff for sale…

[This message has been edited by Lamuness (edited 04-17-2003).]

Originally posted by Lamuness:
anything about pre-orders, contact [][/url]

anything about forums, contact me.

personally, I am not in favor of a sales/trading forum because THIS IS A COMPANY FORUM which is unlike many other forums in that quality control must be maintained. A sales/trading forum is very hard to monitor because we don't want to be involved wiht it if you guys have problems with your trading/transaction.

bokmeow, I personally destoryed all your spring cleaning posts mainly because most of what you sell ARE NOT bishoujo related items. You are really pushing it for some items....come on, trigun, mononoke hime, unbreakable (which is not even anime) bishoujo?!

I am somewhat regretting about letting people posting stuff for sale...

[This message has been edited by Lamuness (edited 04-17-2003).]

Didn't even let me have a chance decorating those descriptions with Bishoujo! Those were cute I thought. I know, I just cut and pasted the selling thread from another forum, so I guess it was a little appropriate. Still, I find it a bit ironic that most of the stuff on the list does have a lot of Bishoujos in it, and technically can qualify as Bishoujo items under Dave E's definition. "Maico 2010" "Pheromones on the Street Corner" and so forth. I can stretch the descriptions very good to make them mostly qualify as Bishoujo items.

Amazing Nurse Nanako - Evil-fighting Bishoujo warrior goes undercover as Bishoujo Nurse

Those Who Hunt Elves - In search of Bishoujos with spell fragments, a motley crew with 75% Bishoujos scour the countryside for Bishoujos to strip

Tenchi Muyo - 6 Bishoujos fighting for the affection of an unlikely hero that apparently doesn't like Bishoujos.

Mononoke Hime - Bishoujo raised by wolves fight to protect the ones she loves, a love story.

Not intentionally piling any additional burden on your shoulders, but I know the risks I'm taking, and I think so does everyone else. I've had no problem trading with Ekylo.

Note: I don't approve of Dave E's classification. I thought it was dumb. That's why I said it's ironic.

[This message has been edited by bokmeow (edited 04-17-2003).]

Originally posted by Lamuness:
I am somewhat regretting about letting people posting stuff for sale...

[This message has been edited by Lamuness (edited 04-17-2003).]

I'll be quite honest here. I would have never even found out about the GinIro auction. That is Not a Good Thing. I can understand your reasons for not wanting to have a buy/sell forum, but at the least rare B-game related item sales serve a useful, germane purpose.

(Yes, I do realize you said those are permissible.)

bokmeow, “bishoujo” = “beautiful young girls”, but as far as we’re concerned, we’re using the word “bishoujo” as short for “bishoujo games”. And, while the bishoujo games genre is only fuzzily defined, some anime are obviously NOT of this genre!!! “Mononoke Hime” for instance… (and IMO “Tenchi Muyo” as well, but you can discuss about this one…)

Originally posted by olf_le_fol:
bokmeow, "bishoujo" = "beautiful young girls", but as far as we're concerned, we're using the word "bishoujo" as short for "bishoujo games". And, while the bishoujo games genre is only fuzzily defined, some anime are [b]obviously NOT of this genre!!! "Mononoke Hime" for instance... (and IMO "Tenchi Muyo" as well, but you can discuss about this one...)[/b]

I owned up that I had copied and pasted it from my other sellingthread at, but all women are beautiful so I thought it would be really neat to stretch the description. Tenchi Muyo is pretty close to Bishoujo, the premise is the cliche one guy many girls. Where's the competition.? Saying Tenchi Muyo is not Bishoujois like saying The China Cat is not a pornographic film.

Joke, ok? Jo-ke. I even showed you those cute descriptions I pulled up. Here's some more:

Unbreakable: Unlikely security guard discovers his inner superpower, saves Bishoujos, a love story.

Cardcaptor Sakura: Story about a bunch of pre-pubescent bishoujos, and the sleepovers they enjoy.

Originally posted by bokmeow:
Tenchi Muyo is pretty close to Bishoujo, the premise is the cliche one guy many girls. Where's the competition.? Saying Tenchi Muyo is not Bishoujois like saying The China Cat is not a pornographic film.

First, Tenchi pretty much started the harem-genre, so call it cliched is like calling the original Gundam a cliched robot anime. Second, just "one guy, many girls" is NOT enough for an anime, manga or game to be called as pertaining to the bishoujo genre. Would you call UY or KOR bishoujo? Also, I concede we can discuss about TM (as well as, say, AMG or LH) being bishoujo or not... but it's not obviously bishoujo. Some elements (in TM) typical of bishoujo (like, most obviously, fanservice) isn't present in TM. The feeling is not the same. Basically TM is a space-op story, with a love triangle.

I *know* the definition of what pertains to the bishoujo genre is fuzzy at best, the discussion we had once at MT (here) shows it, but I don't agree it should be a catch-all genre for everything with beautiful girls...

[This message has been edited by olf_le_fol (edited 04-17-2003).]

First, Tenchi pretty much started the harem-genre, so call it cliched is like calling the original Gundam a cliched robot anime. Second, just "one guy, many girls" is NOT enough for an anime, manga or game to be called as pertaining to the bishoujo genre. Would you call UY or KOR bishoujo? Also, I concede we can discuss about TM (as well as, say, AMG or LH) being bishoujo or not... but it's not obviously bishoujo. Some elements (in TM) typical of bishoujo (like, most obviously, fanservice) isn't present in TM. The feeling is not the same. Basically TM is a space-op story, with a love triangle.

I *know* the definition of what pertains to the bishoujo genre is fuzzy at best, the discussion we had once at MT (here) shows it, but I don't agree it should be a catch-all genre for everything with beautiful girls...

[This message has been edited by olf_le_fol (edited 04-17-2003).]

Did you read on with what I posted?

Originally posted by bokmeow:

Joke, ok? Jo-ke. I even showed you those cute descriptions I pulled up. Here's some more:

I am totally not challenging Lamuness's moderating capacity, the forum has gone long enough before I spoke up and said 'Dude, stuff like the off topic, and the lack of threads that stay on topic, someone needs to do something' So I'm happy Lamuness cares enough to delete my thread. But I still want to invite discussion. I'm happy some people have been willing to add their input. I definitely don't want to see this forum end up being the gathering of trolls, people do get awfully listless with the lack of meaningful discussion for new games or Anime series.

[This message has been edited by bokmeow (edited 04-17-2003).]

Sorry about this but I have a need to vent a little, so you can skip over this for a second…

Now, as happy as I am with what G-Collections is doing, I’m really starting to wish they had altered the title for Horny Bunny a little. It’s getting positively adolescent over on the GameFAQs board for it. Heck not even that, the 4th graders I worked with one summer are more mature. Inane posts, ridiculous questions and general misinformation about the game are all over the place. Wish most of the buggers could get tortured to within an inch of their lives, or at least get a bloody life and not put up the stupidest posts in an attempt to gain karma…

phew Okay, I feel a little better now… Please go on with your regularly scheduled lives…

just checking if this BBS works again…ignore me…

Yay! We’re back! Up and at 'em!