Refresh my memory, Lamuness...

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
I'm gaining on 'em, though.

I only need 2500 to get into the game.

Originally posted by Gulyen:
I only need 2500 to get into the game.

Make that 2499 [img][/img]

[This message has been edited by Gulyen (edited 09-16-2003).]

You know, it’s silly but I just realized that I never did send in the stuff to get the $5 rebate on the memorial collections for having the original games. I’m just so lazy sometimes…

Originally posted by ekylo:
You know, it's silly but I just realized that I never did send in the stuff to get the $5 rebate on the memorial collections for having the original games. I'm just so lazy sometimes...

Is there a rebate deadline? I hate to see people lose money because of extremus procrastinare.

Thread_Killer strikes again.

Originally posted by Gulyen:
Is there a rebate deadline? I hate to see people lose money because of extremus procrastinare.

Beats me. I probably would have forgotten about it except someone asked a question on Runaway City and I had to look up something about it in the Memorial Collection listing and then I saw the note about the rebate. Then it becomes a question on who needs the $5 more, me or them? [img][/img]

Just wanted you to know that I am now officially moved into my new place! I just wish I had furniture though…

Kinda funny what you find when you start moving. I found a stack of old porno magazines from college (don’t ask me why I still have them, I’m not sure myself), a folder containing all my SAT and ACT scores, and class pictures dating back to kindergarten. It’ll take me awhile to sort everything out…

I have a few decoration suggestions. Buy some frames and use the old porn mags as bedroom wall art. Use pillows in place of chairs. Cut down your table legs, buy some 4 sq. ft plywood sheets. Then use the table legs with the plywood and you have some end tables. Or save a bunch of money to buy matching furniture. Use the 5 dollars for lunch.


Originally posted by Gulyen:

This thread shall never die! For it shall last beyond the sand and the seas and eternal time itself!

*blink* I really need to start getting more sleep...

Originally posted by Gulyen:
I have a few decoration suggestions. Buy some frames and use the old porn mags as bedroom wall art. Use pillows in place of chairs. Cut down your table legs, buy some 4 sq. ft plywood sheets. Then use the table legs with the plywood and you have some end tables. Or save a bunch of money to buy matching furniture. Use the 5 dollars for lunch.


My thoughts exactly, Live Japanese Style
since you need to know Japanese to play the games,you might as well go all the way.

Originally posted by ekylo:
This thread shall never die! For it shall last beyond the sand and the seas and eternal time itself!

I hope so too.

BTW, Thread_Killer is my alias.

Originally posted by Gulyen:
I hope so too.

BTW, Thread_Killer is my alias.

Die you EVIL TREAD!!!!!
No wait how am I going to reach my 1000 post now?

Originally posted by woodelf:
Die you EVIL TREAD!!!!!
No wait how am I going to reach my 1000 post now?

If you think that is desirable:
Pick about 46 other threads at random and just post a new reply with a "thumbs up"-message-icon and put into the text simply "Yes! [img][/img]".

As a secondary effect, you'll probably have a lot of new friends after that... [img][/img]

Originally posted by Gulyen:
BTW, Thread_Killer is my alias.

Heh, I know, I just thought I'd use that as a focus of my silliness for awhile... [img][/img]

Speaking of silliness, had a mental aneurysm and decided to upgrade my computer. So far, I've corrupted the data on my hard drive four times and also ended up trying to upgrade to XP, which for some reason can't find my old Windows 98 on the system. This is what happens when I think I know what I'm doing. I'm never doing that again... [img][/img]

Originally posted by Unicorn:
If you think that is desirable:
Pick about 46 other threads at random and just post a new reply with a "thumbs up"-message-icon and put into the text simply "Yes! [img][/img]".

As a secondary effect, you'll probably have a lot of new friends after that... [img][/img]

All of them Stray Lemons too I bet.


Lemon Herderneeded.
Send resumes to Lemon inc.

Thread_Killer feels a evil growing within. (sinster laugh) I’ve become Lemon_Killer. My first evil act is to create explosive dancing shoes. hehehe…

Originally posted by ekylo:
Speaking of silliness, had a mental aneurysm and decided to upgrade my computer. So far, I've corrupted the data on my hard drive four times and also ended up trying to upgrade to XP, which for some reason can't find my old Windows 98 on the system. This is what happens when I think I know what I'm doing. I'm never doing that again... [img][/img]

Lemon_Killer hexed your hard drive with the nomeL machine. The only known cure is a hard drive upgrade. *$#@!, I gotta go, Lemon_Killer is coming.

Originally posted by Gulyen:
Lemon_Killer hexed your hard drive with the nomeL machine. The only known cure is a hard drive upgrade. *$#@!, I gotta go, Lemon_Killer is coming.

That is a neat virus ... do you have a Apple sented one for MAC's, the PC's just get Lemon Sented [img][/img]
PS. So how is the NEW OS coming, now that you got a way to kill WINDOWS?

Originally posted by woodelf:
That is a neat virus ... do you have a Apple sented one for MAC's, the PC's just get Lemon Sented [img][/img]
PS. So how is the NEW OS coming, now that you got a way to kill WINDOWS?

WHAT??? Microsoft created their own virus and it's called Windows XP. Windows XP is a virus to predecessors. XP needs a virgin hard drive, not a tainted one to operate properly. Lemon_Killer won't take credit for someone else's buggy OS/upgrade. Lemon_Killer just curses their use of virgins.

PS: alias_Killer is an equal opportunist. [img][/img]

Originally posted by Gulyen:
Lemon_Killer won't take credit for someone else's buggy OS/upgrade. Lemon_Killer just curses their use of virgins.

Yeah! There's much better uses for virgins. *blink* Uh, what were we talking about again?

Hmm, one sideline to my adventures, I now have to face the question: Do I reinstall and replay all the bishoujo games or do I just reinstall and then load up the saved data? While the first choice is appealing, I really don't have the time and I'm not sure I really want to play through Tsuki or Sensei 2 again unless I really, really have to... [img][/img]

Originally posted by ekylo:
Do I reinstall and replay all the bishoujo games or do I just reinstall and then load up the saved data?

How about only reinstalling the B-games that you deem worthy replaying? The other ones would only waste your HD-space anyway...

I got this wisdom when I had to reinstall my XP and lost all installations of my japanese games and G-COllection's games. Only half of my G-Collection's games were installed a second time.

(Don't ask me why I insist on playing PeachPrincess's games on WIn98, but it may have a reason in the TCI-play-CDDA-or-die-effect on XP.) [img][/img]