Refresh my memory, Lamuness...

ekylo: If you are using a laptop I would use Unicorn’s recommendations. However if you PC is a tower, I would use the hard drive with the B-games as a secondary hard drive and use a new hard drive as the primary. That way you could use the B-games installation software. Then you could determine what games will work with the XP. After that, transfer all your saved data to the primary hard drive. Reformat the secondary hard drive, and transfer those games that don’t work with XP, to the secondary hard drive or burn CD’s to save that data.

I hope things will work out for you and your games.

Originally posted by Gulyen:
XP needs a virgin hard drive, not a tainted one to operate properly.[/B]

You could use fdisk to delete your disk partition. Note that your hard drive will be as good as new because fdisk removes the format in your hard drive. I hope this helps. But you will have to reinstall everything from the beginning ,your OS and all your hardware drivers.

You could do what I do.

Buy yourself a CD Burner and burn the save files from your Bishojo games on a CD-R. It really saves the hassle of replaying the game, and you don’t have to have it on your hard drive. Just reinstall the game, load the save files, then delete it when you’re done with it.

“His last thought is wry, Not bad for a dead man.” Moon Knight vol.1, #1 (1980)

blink I have got to watch myself. My off-hand comments are the ones that get the most responses…

Actually, I have a dedicated 30GB partition for bishoujo games. Unless it completely fills up (which may be sometime next year…) I generally keep them loaded, who knows who might need help on a game? And sometime I don’t have time to install a game and then try to find the information. That and I have a bad habit of losing things. I’m still missing a few games since my latest move, which is depressing me quite a bit…

Originally posted by ekylo:
*blink* I have got to watch myself. My off-hand comments are the ones that get the most responses...

Those comments and responses are keeping this thread alive.

I really need a good lost and found analogy right now...

Originally posted by Gulyen:
I really need a good lost and found analogy right now...

A good lost and found analogy?

Originally posted by ekylo:
A good lost and found analogy?

Good: As to lift your depression.

Lost and found: To give you hope.

Analogy: A blonde lost a car at the mall. Turns out, the blonde park the car inside the mall.

Well, I tired....

Had to be political correct and gender free

[This message has been edited by Gulyen (edited 10-21-2003).]


Kinda funny really, I ran across a copy of my original order for X-Change. Makes me wonder, what exactly was I doing between March (when I did the order) and October(when I officially registered for this BBS) of 2001? How long was a lurking before I even registered? The things that go on in my head…

Sorry, needed to vent a bit of randomness. Trying to fight the urge to strangle someone. I mean, my company can’t really be purposely hiring nitwits can they? Then again, they did hire me…

Here I am posting again in an effort to avoid being constructive at work…

Okay, it’s really because I’d figure the people here might be amused by a conversation I had the other day…

In Hawaiian history, King Kamehameha was an important figure. He was the first to unite the islands under one rule, before him, each island was more or less independent. So naturally, one of our major thoroughfares is “Kamehameha Highway”, which tends to get shorten to “Kam Highway”. (And jokes about Chinese owned highways. Don’t ask.) Someone started wondering why, since Hawaiian uses vowels and consonant-vowel parings, why it wasn’t shortened to “Kame Highway”. Which then someone else (not me unfortunately) pointed out was to avoid thousands of Japanese tourist asking directions to “turtle highway”…

stop making me think about dragonball. I am trying very hard to forget it.

Just dropping in to say: I’M STILL ALIVE.

No, I haven’t died (at least not yet), nor have I completely lost Internet access. Unfortunately, what I have lost is time, as RL seems to be vacuuming up every spare second (and brain cell) I can come up with. And, horror of horrors, I’ve discovered that my interests have been gradually moving away from bishoujo games.

Insert anguished scream here

That having been said, be assured that I haven’t completely lost interest and that I will still be popping in from time to time to slam up a few random posts here and there, though no longer with the frequency I used to have (coughas if I had any cough).

Originally posted by ksarchet:
stop making me think about dragonball. I am trying very hard to forget it.

Heh, sorry dude. But I don't have the same word association you do, plus, of the five or so episodes of Dragonball I have seen, none of them included it. [img][/img]

Quick, get a lemon over to Jeffrey-san's house! His interest have been "moving away" from bishoujo games? What's wrong? No, don't tell me. It can't be? You're *gasp* in love?

Sorry. Methinks I've been watching way too much television lately... [img][/img] Just kidding. Thanks for letting us know you're still around Jeffrey-san! [img][/img]

Originally posted by ekylo:
You're *gasp* in love?

Oh, I wish.

Originally posted by ekylo:
Heh, sorry dude. But I don't have the same word association you do, plus, of the five or so episodes of Dragonball I have seen, none of them included it. [img][/img]

The turtle hermit nickname was used during the first episodes. The pre-teen Goku's introduction to the hermit, was by the turtle he saved in the desert. Later, he became the turtle hermit's student.

Here's a strange thing about that series. The pre-teen Goku started his adventures searching for the Dragonballs, hench the title of the series. For Goku's other ages, the episodes consisted of fighting in tournaments or saving the planet.

Which means, I know way too much and I need to find another source for previewing Japanese anime.

Originally posted by Gulyen:
The turtle hermit nickname was used during the first episodes. The pre-teen Goku's introduction to the hermit, was by the turtle he saved in the desert. Later, he became the turtle hermit's student.

Here's a strange thing about that series. The pre-teen Goku started his adventures searching for the Dragonballs, hench the title of the series. For Goku's other ages, the episodes consisted of fighting in tournaments or saving the planet.

Which means, I know way too much and I need to find another source for previewing Japanese anime.

Yeah !! Just want to ask if you have already watched "Dragon Ball GT" the continuation to "Dragon Ball Z" !! Goku becomes a child again, I think he was reincarnated ,and his sons are older than him. Even the Reincarnation of "Majin Bu" was older than him. Everyone still knows him though !!! Whew, what a long story for an Anime.

aaaarrrrgggghhhhhh. stop it, stopp it, stop it. must forget. must forget.

Hey, Dragonball itself wasn’t too bad. In fact, I have more than some nostalgia for it. The whole “search for the dragonballs and stop everyone else from getting them” thing that pervaded the series was quirky and downright strange at times, but it still worked as a gimmick (Indiana Jones meets It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World!).

And then Toriyama reinvented it as Dragonball Z and turned the franchise into something else.

Originally posted by ksarchet:
aaaarrrrgggghhhhhh. stop it, stopp it, stop it. must forget. must forget.

*hides baka-hammer behind back*
Hey, ksarchet-san, I might have something that'll help... [img][/img]

Originally posted by ekylo:
*hides baka-hammer behind back*

nusumu kioku? [img][/img]

Originally posted by Gulyen:
nusumu kioku? [img][/img]

Er, not sure actually. I just havn't had a chance to use the hammer myself and I figured this was a good enough excuse... [img][/img]