Reporting bootlegged goods seller

There’s this seller on Yahoo Auctions who’s selling pirated game cds. Some of his products(on sale now and sold in the past) are some of the games from eh, like Chain, Casual romance club, etc. :evil: I knew there was something very wrong with the prices… and if I were you guys, I’d unleash the Singapore police on him and put this guy in jail. He’s certainly earned quite a bundle from selling all those goods. :twisted:

Proof that goods aren’t original:

And I highly advise some form of really firm action. 'Cos I suspect he’d simply say “yes, i won’t do it again” but open shop elsewhere again. And since, it’s actually illegal to distribute pornographic materials in Singapore…

Thanks for the info. We’ll take action ASAP.

No problem… :slight_smile: Wait, you’re one of those folks who run Jlist! I’d heard about your site for years but never bought anything until recently. :oops:

Have fun… dealing with him. :twisted:

Not only does Peter run a fabulous website, he’s also the guy who owns G-Collections and Peach Princess. Ain’t he the greatest? :mrgreen:

Whoaaaa… … :lol: All hail Peter-sama!!! :slight_smile:

Wow… pirater is going to get owned XD. I don’t even WANT to know how much he’s going to get it for…

Well let’s face it this way: he’s very likely been selling some of these goods in many other places.

How much do you think this cost the JAST and other eroge creators/publishers in terms of lost sales and support?

That said: it’s too bad he’d to sell bootlegged stuff 'cos if he wasn’t, I’d leave him alone.

Oh and to Peter Payne:

He has another userid on Yahoo Auctions but it’s no longer in use: owlboy_ … ID=Owlboy_

He’s imo worse than someone uploading a torrent file since he’s also making a profit off of this stuff.

Well, I can understand why some people torrent their stuff. Some countries/states have a huge stigma against anime/manga and it’s like almost illegal to bring the stuff in.

But selling of torrented software = bad.

I wonder how this will end up as. :twisted:

Some more links:

His so-called “collection”:

Yet another ID of his(not sure if it includes H games too):

Seriously, nuke this b****. look here: … ID=owlboy_
read the description; obviously a f***ing PIRATE.
Good thing i’m not on Y! Auctions

BTW, Went here:
Looked at Yume Miru and saw it was sold for $19.95 O.O
I was like “Huh? SO much cheaper, and even listed J-List as a seller…”
Decided to order, until…

Total Cost: $1,995.00 for min. x100 copies <<<<<<WTH!?!?

…is THIS a scam?

Read the Stuff on that Site :slight_smile:

They ARE wholesale, dear. :slight_smile: And that’s the standard way of doing things unless well… we want all the retailers and developing/publishing companies to go out of business should they all increase their prices.

peter owns them as well

I’ve sent to Shingo two links from a pirate site that keeps “releasing” free Peapri games since last year :roll: .
But I’ve a doubt: when Peapri is informed about pirate resellers and/or sites, what happens next?
You simply intimidate the pirates (does it really work?) or you even call the police to help in their “removal”?

Eh well… maybe they could let us know how it goes. It’s a bit demotivating to not know whether your efforts paid off or if you could’ve done some more.

Well its things like this that i dislike. This is because they are hindering the company from gaining a profit and in the process, interfering with the production of new eroges. Thats a major no-no in my book. :x We want hentertainment cheap but we would rather have the legit copy rather than some fake generation copy.

Hmmm… hope this guy gets caught and done away with.

I know a site that has lots of H-games you can download for free. :x I hate them.

I think I know the site of which you speak. If so, at least they’ve taken down the licensed games now.