Response Regarding Family Project Changes

Like I said, I’m not going to argue about it. I just wanted to make that point abundantly clear.

I’m not trying to start an argument. Please don’t take it that way. I just wanted to point out that JAST’s claims that they only sell “18 over character” hentai really isn’t true.

Their anger is definetly feeding my anger, I can’t stand for hypocrites to come into a message board and start slandering people. Especially with such personal attacks on individuals character, it sickens me to no end.

They are speaking of characters involved in sexual activity, they obviously have characters that are under 18 in there games.

Peter, here’s my suggestion.

I don’t like using e-mail for matters like this. If I contact companies or politicians, I mail them letters.

How would I mail you a letter, Peter, and be assured that you personally would respond to it?

Also, not all of us can afford to go to conventions, or are in a position to even travel to it (I am on the east coast). As others have noted, your attitude in regards to dealing with this situation sucks. You claim to be sorry, but then dismiss us or mock us in the same post. I would let this go if this was just a moderator of the forum, or someone in sales, but you’re the head of the company. Act like it and show us some respect. I have not dismissed you, and I’ve asked you SEVERAL direct questions. You still refuse to answer even one of them.

Um, Amanda IS one of the girls you can “win” in CRC… She’s even naked on the page I linked to. (she’s the short one in the middle with brown hair and small breasts) There is even a fairly graphic CG from one her H-scenes on the back cover of the game.
Also, I’m pretty sure it states somewhere (in the game or in the special manual) that the characters are in high school. Not all of the girls in the game were seniors, so they could be “lolis” too.

Any -sane- person would find this thread amusing as it is now, customer or owner. I know I sure do.

Here’s a summary of the complaints/comments made::

“You’ve been running these companies for many, many, years now, made ONE slip up, promised you’d never do it again, and now years later because you forgot to alter one site about it being 100% uncensored, and because you were too busy to to notify us of a change that took place RIGHT before it went to be printed, RIGHT while you were swamped with travel and planning for the cons and couldn’t have taken 5 minutes to post about it… I’m damning you and your company because you LIED(!!!) to us! I don’t care that I can play this game completely free with the full refund you’ve offered, because you put panties on an under aged character that was very CLEARLY stated to be under aged within the story(which you didn’t change so that you could show her naked instead, thus destroying a chunk of the story rather than just censoring a couple images). Your apology and full unconditional refund isn’t good enough! Me not buying any more of your games or pre-ordering isn’t good enough! I demand you put the censored images back into the game and open your company up for future risks, and if you DON’T do that I’m going to continue to bitch on your forums about it until you either go back and censor the rest of your games as well or never license games that have to be censored again! Because I’d rather play no game at all than have it slightly censored that in no way effects the story! I’m going to continue to try and be a martyr and tell other people what their opinions SHOULD be because they’re too stupid to form their own for what may or may not ever happen in the future!”

::End summary

Still waiting on my question to be answered by a member of staff. Thanks in advance.

Just because someone doesn’t care about the H-content being removed doesn’t make them a troll or from 4chan for that matter(I’d think a 4 channer would rather the H content STAY). I agree with them in fact, -if- removing the H-content ensured more sales and potential licenses of high quality titles in English, by all means, start ripping the H out. I don’t care so long as it doesn’t alter the story in any way.

Well, I thought the post was sarcastic.

I think loli is really the only controversial material that JAST censors, and they said they won’t censor the lolis in Nitro+ games. And the story is usually more important in their eyes (hence this case), so I don’t see them altering any of the stories, but we have to get a staff member here to answer the question clearly, and they seem rather busy right now.

But, based on Vardest’s mention on the other thread, Payne said that he doesn’t forsee any editing on any of the Nitro+ titles. So I guess there’s your answer.

Differing viewpoints blended into a sarcastic mix :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Even the summary was funny !

Meh, it’s probably too late to give you my questions for him.

They have been posted several times, and I’ve still yet to get a precise answer.

On the other hand, the company seems to be allowing a lot more discussion of this then they did back with the X-Change 3 thread. So far, only one thread has been locked, and the trolling has been kept to a minimum. So I thank them for that. It’s a sign of some progress, at least.

Actually if you want give me your questions go ahead. I wasn’t able to talk to him today (Saturday is always incredibly busy) and by the time their booth was cleared up enough he had vanished. It doesn’t help that I can’t stay the whole time, my time in the military has left my legs worse for wear. So throw your questions my way and hopefully tomorrow I’ll manage to get an answer for you.

  1. How long/when were you aware that changes would be made to the game CG? Was this a company decision, and how long was it debated?
  2. After X-Change 3, you personally promised to alert customers on and off the bulletin board if any changes would be made to a game. Why did this not happen?
  3. Since your previous promise was not kept, how can we be assured this one will?
  4. How will this affect future releases? (Nitro, Yin-Yang 2)
  5. A number or your response statements have either had a joking tone or dismissed valid complaints. As a leader of a company, and the main spokesperson, I expect serious responses to consumer concerns. This isn’t a question, just a statement.
  6. What guidelines are being used in localized censorship? In X-change 3, a rape sequence was edited that was not underage. Why? There was no “legal justification” for it, as is the normal excuse for the loli content.
  7. What, besides Lipp and the rape, was edited or removed from X-Change 3? I have played the Japanese version. I know that part of the second tutoring session was deleted as well. Why? And what else, if anything, was removed? This one I do except an answer on.

these questions aren’t loaded at all =P

Regarding your questions and bear in my this is only assuming I can catch him at a calm time, something I failed to do today:

  1. A good question and one I’ll try to ask him.
  2. I’ll ask this but I think more than likely it has to do with the immense amount of work rushing the game to release as well as prepping for three straight major conventions in a row. Having worked things like these in the past I know just how stressful and time consuming they can be.
  3. Not sure I’ll ask this considering whatever he says people are simply going to believe he’s honest or assume he’s lying.
  4. Already one of the questions asked (minus Yin-Yang 2 but his comments weren’t just about Nitro+ but rather future titles in general) so just scan through the posts I’ve made.
  5. Yeah that’s pretty much just a pointless stab at him, and while his most recent response is seemingly upbeat I can say from talking with him it is not meant in a negative way, he’s honestly intrigued by the mixed response from the online community compared to the mostly positive offline community.
  6. I may or may not ask this, it won’t be high priority wise as it’s pretty broad. I’m referring to the guidelines bit, the second half will be addressed with 7.
  7. You won’t be getting an answer for this, so demanding one is pretty pointless. Your last three “questions” have been blatantly hostile in tone which is somewhat disappointing. The issues with XC3 happened years ago, my questions are focused on the present and future issues that may or may not arise. I’m not saying we should ignore what happened then, but I am saying that bringing it up now isn’t constructive. If you can post some more questions before 7am PST I’ll see about asking those, as it is you’ve got two out of the seven that given the chance I’ll ask.

Can you ask something like this?

When Family Project was released in its localization, I understand there may have been increased legal risks if it was released uncensored. However, as you may understand, the censorship of the game has created disappointment among some fans, as well as concerns about your treatment of future games. Considering that JAST prefers to minimize censorship, will there be any increase in efforts to examine possible future games for questionable images/dialogue before your company makes the decision to license them?

Another question then;

If minor censorship like what was done in Family Project will enable you to license more quality titles in the future, will you go ahead with such ventures, or will you steer clear of them for fear of consumer backlash?

Thanks for that. Hadn’t seen that post.

That one, I think, is the most important one. No matter what kind of promises Peter makes (“Nitro+ games won’t be censored/altered”…), he can just do whatever he wants anyway, including censor/alter the game’s CGs or script, hoping no one notices, and if someone does, apologizes while pretending he “forgot” to warn us in advance.
OTOH, I don’t think there’s any need to insist on the matter since there’s no actual way for him to back up his promise: one only has to either believe he won’t lie/forget to tell us next time, or not believe so. Either way, only future can tell.

I don’t see how questions 6 and 7 are hostile at all. Number six addresses a key point, what guidelines are being used for censorship, if not legal standards? Also, how far is the company willing to go in terms of self-censorship? This is a very valid concern. The rape sequence wasn’t edited for legal reasons, so what was the justification? I’d really like to know why the 2nd tutoring session was edited. About 30% of dialog and voice was cut from that one sequence. Number seven is something I have been trying to get him to comment on for years, and he has repeatedly dodged or ignored the question, despite directly e-mailing him. I’ve also tried asking Shingo and Lamuness, but they claim to not be involved in the production enough to answer the question.

The only hostile statement in there is 5.

The fact that number 5 was blatantly hostile sets the tone for the questions to follow, meaning whether you intended it or not they came off as such. Despite this I still asked question 6, just not the second part of it. You’ve made it quite apparent that you are still very upset about what happened with XC3, and this probably colored my view of your last two questions as well. I also made it clear why I wasn’t going to ask the second part of question 6 and any of 7. Looking back it would make even less sense for me to ask 7 if you’ve already played the JP version as you should have been able to identify what was changed and/or removed. Also keep in mind this was in the middle of an insanely busy convention and asking a question like your last one would be pretty inappropriate. I would recommend trying to e-mail Peter again if it’s that critical for you as he’s said he has been surprised at the lack of it considering how much the issue blew up, otherwise I’d say it’s time to move on.

Seeing what was removed is a far cry from knowing why. I’d make a video of the sequences in question, but I’d have nowhere to host them. Youtube certainly wouldn’t host them.