Rozen Maiden

Since the series is on hold for the time being, I guess now would be a good time to discuss spoilers about it. No telling how long it will be until Peach-Pit gets the ball rolling again. :frowning:


On a side note… has anyone played or seen the PS2 b-game for Rozen Maiden:

I’m wondering if it provides any cool details to the series setting.

Nice to see another Rozen Maiden fan around these parts. My exposure is kind of limited to what has been released in America since I never did get around to watching those fansubs I have burned of the original and Traumend, though. (First two DVDs and volumes 1-5 of the manga, for those who don’t know.)

The whole bit about Jun’s skill at repairing dolls and being likened to Rozen all the time is very interesting, I have to say.

And his ability to be the medium for Shinku without much trouble, much less Suiseiseki and others without any trouble when Tomoe were struggling with just Hina Ichigo… it all screams “ONOZ SECOND COMING OF ROZEN OMGOMGOMG” to me.

But then he’s supposed to be floating around in another dimension right now or something, so yeah.

You seem to be more in the know tham I am, so what’s the deal with the manga right now? Did Peach-Pit decide to take a break on it, or was there some other reason for it ending?

I think the core difference between Rozen and Jun, is that Jun would rather have all seven dolls exist as they are, rather than seek out to become Alice. Rozen wants the dolls to improve, yet Jun wants the dolls to be happy.

However so long the dolls have unbreakable love and loyalty to Rozen himself, Jun can never “free” them from their fate. My guess is that he has to focus their attentions from Rozen, to himself – which he has certainly managed with Shinku and Suiseiseki.

Details are kinda sketchy, because no one will talk about it. However it seems something bad happened between Peach-Pit and their publisher for the series, Birz Comics. Exactly what the problem is remains unknown to the public except that Peach-Pit blames the editor and said their work has been suspended.

As I understand it, intellectual rights still belong to Peach-Pit – so they can work on the series at a future date. The “last” chapter seems framed as a placeholder to me. However how soon or late they can do this, remains on how long the contract deal with the publisher lasts (i.e. they can’t take it to another company until time passes).

Peach-Pit has a “history” of not liking and/or working with their publishers. Dear S was under Mediaworks, and Peach-Pit has mentioned that their original plans and vision for that series was altered by Mediaworks at the start and end of the project. That they make the accusation outright seems a bit “rude” and their way of somehow getting back at them. Rozen Maiden was also taken to another publisher, rather than continuing another contract with Mediaworks – another indication that things didn’t go well at the end, since the Rozen Maiden is exactly the kind of stuff Mediaworks likes to publish.

An interesting little tidbit I picked up from 4chan discussions. It would seem people there believe that the dolls have a pairing system.

Obviously there’s the twins Sou and Sei, however posters pointed out Hinaichigo and Kanaria make a set (the child pair), while Suigintou and Kirakishou make another (the dark pair). The pairing theory makes note of their similar attire, personalities (the twins are polar however; although that’s what marks their difference), and construction materials.

Of course the dolls are odd numbered, leaving Shinku without a pairing… perhaps this is what makes her unique.

Some were trying to figure out if the order of the dolls was important, but nothing constructive really came from it… aside from the oddity that #5 (Shinku) is considered most senior, even to the four created before her.

[ 07-07-2007, 01:26 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

Hmmm… no one else seems to be interested in this thread… maybe it’s because it needs moar twincest? :smiley:


To be honest… I happen to be interested with this series by this mere facts…

1st… The fact that our boy hates school that even the mere mention of it really irks him…and he also doesn’t want to mingle with other humans… ( Don’t ask why… )

2nd… This… and this…

Go figure…

Also… Well…probably those dark stuff occuring…
ne?.. :wink:

I hope they will continue this, I really liked it. Ergh… this makes me sad…
By the way Jun’s sister in the anime was talking in her sleep and said something like: “Nooo, Jun we cant, we’re siblings…” with a really happy face :smiley:
(side note: Narg, where in God’s name did you find those pics?)

[ 08-15-2007, 09:35 AM: Message edited by: Nero Blackheart ]

Everyone wants Jun. Nori. Tomoe. Shinku. Suiseiseki. :wink:

Given his “universal” compatible personality in the setting, I once had a conversation questioning how things would have been different if Jun was given/became the medium for Suigintou instead of Shinku… or got Sei & Sou first (since they’re received as a set). Generally it seems that whichever of the “mature” Rozen Maiden is given to Jun, will be the winner.

However would a Suigintou + Jun combination ease her psycho nature (seeing ha he’s a pacifist), or would it make Jun hate others more (since it seems easy to influence his personality).

Twincest + Jun seems to be a given, seeing as how Sei takes a liking to Jun from the start and how Sou is extremely loyal to her master. Sou would have never died, since he (and Sui) would have forbidden the fight. Jun’s recovery probably would have gone a different route, but the Gardeners seem capable. Also, there wouldn’t have been a Shinku stealing all the love from Sui. :stuck_out_tongue:

However Hana-ichigo’s would be out of the series rather quickly. Using the timeline as it is, she would have been the first Rozen Maiden fought by the one Jun had. Suigintou would have killed Hana and taken her Rosa Mystica without question. Twincest is tricky since Sei would not do it, but Sou easily would.

Sidenote: Just recently had it pointed out to me, that the attire of Sei and Sou were probably influenced by the Hansel and Gretel fairy tale (i.e. the boy and girl look - even though Sou is still a girl). Given how the dolls are fluent in German - and there’s German titling in everything - I suppose Rozen (or rather Peach Pit) might have used it as inspiration.

[ 08-16-2007, 10:54 AM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

(I’ve only seen the anime)(Yeah I know that the anime and manga have major differences)(Never read the manga)

Things are getting wraped up here. I mean Rozen giving back the Rosa Mystica to the fallen dolls, telling Shinku that there is a another way to become Alice, Hina and Sou can be brought back, etc. Than things could be like this: the two Rose Mystica’s that have been taken from Laplace and give to the real seventh maiden would be somehow wrested from here by Shinku and given back to their owners, then the seventh and Suigintou would team up against the others, but the dieing girl err…Megu or something would became critical and Suigintou would have to beg the others to help or she would die. Of course they’d head out to save the girl and end the thus end the Alice Game forever. Of course what we would need at this point is an outside force to mess thing up. Say like a Laplace that is angry because the sacred Alice Game has ended because the dolls are not willing to fight each other, thus robing him from his “fun and game”. Of course Laplace would be hell powerfull and it would seem impossible to beat him. But thadaaa Jun would awaken his latent potencial and power-up the girls with some Rozen kind of magic. Then the girls would beat Laplace, save the girl and then… thumph-thumph-thumph-thumph
Rozen arrives and congratulates the girls in becoming more than what they were made for and turns them all in to real girls and say goodbye and tell then that: bla-bla-bla you are all my children and I love you stuff. Then the girls would turn their attentions to Jun and he would suffer multiple rapes. It would be and orgy of loli, goth, twincest, yuri, incest hotness because we cant leave Nori out of the fun. Then Jun would die a happy death. The End.

Crap, what have I been smokeing? I dont even smoke damnit…
Heh, that was fun.

Hey, was that figure massproduced? I really would like to get a Souseiseki figure, but all the ones I’ve seen have either been crap or resin models… :<

As it is now, I have DX Suiseiseki and Good Smile Company’s Shinku. o/

Do a Google search with these in it and you should find someone selling it. They’re not pre-painted though…

ƒƒ"ƒtƒFƒXšBUBBA ‰¯Î ‘"¯Î

I got mine from here some time ago, but they seem to have sold out:

The product thumbnail icon is still on their servers though…

Please don’t pick on Suigintou!

Actually, she acts quite reasonable - if you take into account what happened between her and Shinku before.

… and actually she cares a lot about her medium in “Tr‰umend”! She just doesn’t show it off, but I think that was really the reason why Bara Suishou could beat her: because she hesitated to draw the required power from her medium.

And again - taking into account what happened to her before she really became the first Rozen Maiden, she and her medium are quite a perfect match - just like Jun and Shinku (though I still wonder whether Suiseiseki really is an addition - or an obstacle).

Oh no, no, no! Don’t get me wrong: Suigintou is a fantastic character. It’s just that she’s… well… the least stable of all the dolls. She doesn’t listen to reason, holds grudges, and tends to think the worst in all situations. Even when Shinku has tried to repair their relations, Suigintou would rather continue fighting - and she’s as much responsible for the initial feud as Shinku is (considering it was all just a misunderstanding).

I totally agree that Suigintou and Megu make a great pairing - it was mentioned in the manga, that each Rozen is set with the perfect Medium for that era. Suigintou + Megu is obvious. :slight_smile:

However Jun seems to be “universal” in his compatibility… although there’s probably a reason for that and we just don’t know it yet (at least until the manga starts up again).

On the whole Jun + Shinku/Suiseiseki debate… I think it’s a false lead: my thoughts are that Tomoe will be the pairing for Jun. Besides… Shinku is clearly in love with Kun Kun. There can be no other for her. Actually… all the dolls seem to have something for Kun Kun (the drama CD revealed Suigintou’s obsession for him). Lucky dog… he gets an entire harem: and if he can make a good flowered hamburger… well… his fate is sealed. :wink:

[ 08-17-2007, 08:58 AM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

Awww… I want Rozen Maiden back…

Ran across the Peach-Pit BLOG and saw this:

Basic rundown of what matters about Rozen Maiden:

#1: Their sorry for suddenly ending the series.

#2: They hope that the truth of what happened can someday be revealed.

#3: They hope to “repay” us RM fans somehow.

All things considered, something MAJOR SCREWED UP seemed to happen… and it can’t be fixed anytime soon. I think the series is dead: as in DEAD for good. :frowning:

X/1999 from Clamp had the same fate.

Suckage to the extreme… :frowning:


(starts crying like a sissy)

No no no no no it cant be.


Khrone Tzeentch Nurgle Slasnesh

Whahhhhhhh I cant, I wont, dont want to…


(Nero has lost 10 points of humanity)

I’m quite pissed of…
I’ll go torture people…

but, but it was so good…

We can just hope…
That a sequel will be aired in our lifetime…
And not after it…

More bad news… Geneon USA apparently couldn’t reach a distribution deal with ADV Films so Rozen Maiden and other Geneon titles may not see release around Christmas time…

Something else could happen in 3 months time, but let’s face it, what with the sliding dollar, the looming recession, and the 2 wars, staying in the game means digging a deeper hole. Suck, since Geneon has been consistently synonymous with quality.

Something dumb I was thinking about: what D&D “alignment” are the Rozen Maidens?

Suigintou: I’d say Neutral Evil with slight lawful leanings here and there.

Kanaria: Chaotic Good. She’s too random and scatterbrained to be lawful. Perhaps with neutral leanings, although she doesn’t hold a candle too the next doll in the lineup…

Suiseiseki: No if, ands, or buts - clearly Chaotic Neutral. She does whatever her whims desire and drags everyone in with her.

Souseiseki: In almost every aspect, she’s the polar opposite of her twin. Lawful Neutral all the way.

Shinku: Neutral Good. Disobeys the rules of the Alice Game so she’s not lawful - but has a routine and way of doing things, so she’s not chaotic.

Hinaichigo: Chaotic Good. Child like innocence and all.

Barasuishou: Chaotic Evil and then some. Will lie, cheat, steal, and whatever else. More ruthless than Suigintou.

Kirakishou: Never introduced enough to make a solid guess… going with the idea that Barasuishou was based of her character however, Chaotic Evil.

[ 10-07-2007, 01:27 AM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]