Rune Factory 3

Sorta old news, but since I didn’t see it posted anywhere. :slight_smile:

Rune Factory 3 will be out in Fall or Winter of 2009 in Japan. XSEED should have it in Summer or Fall of 2010.

Uses the same engine that was on RF2, supposedly with improvements for lag. All new cast and location. It seems the player can transform into monsters. The soft artwork and living in a tree thing, reminds me of Legend of Mana for some reason…

Here’s hoping it has winnable twincest like in RF2 (not like RFF - that only allowed one or the other). Two of the winnable girls have been revealed so far. One is elven, for you elven fanboys. :slight_smile: They’re also showing off some young kids… maybe a hint the generation system is back – i.e. for your child to marry (like Cammy and Roy from RF2).

The official site can be found here: (nothing on it yet)

Yea! The official site was updated a little.

It has more info on the so-far 2 revealed potential wives, and shows the new game engine updates. Namely that you can carry more than one item at once (like when you pick farm crops, you can literally stack them without putting them in the bag), and also “throw” items into something… like the crop bin.

Looks like this game will continue the tradition of streamlining item management.

Gameplay footage of RF3…

Movie 1:

Movie 2:

Movie 3:

Movie 4:

Movie 5:

Movie 6:

As the last movie reveals, phear da were-sheep!!!

That’s almost quotable.

Official site updated again: another of the marriage girls have been revealed (the prerequisite witch themed girl).

To be honest, none of the three revealed so far really appeal to me… I’m actually more attracted to the cockblocker lolicon. :expressionless:

Maybe when they show the prerequisite nun or librarian – or better yet twincest – I’ll find her. :mrgreen:

On the plus side, according to this page they’ve fixed the sprite slowdown for too many townspeople that plagued RF2 (play the sample movie). Maybe that means no more single parent npc families? Also the minimap keeps track where everyone is – no more wasting half a day to find someone. :slight_smile:

even if its a lolicon twincest?

Seems like they finally got off their asses and began working with engine for prioritization, ie stationary characters won’t be run every instant because they aren’t going to be doing something unless the character talks to them or timed script is called.

That or they designed the game to never have more than 3 characters at a time if viable, including the main character.

Fourth of the winnable girls is on the official site’s main page as a teaser. She doesn’t have an official entry on the marriage section yet. The one with the “cinnamon roll” hair buns.

[b]Also the teaser video on this page[/b], shows two girls not revealed yet… one looks like a nun and the other has long purple hair. Also the “head icon” map that shows at the beginning, appears to be displaying the romance interests… if so, there’s at least 7 of them.

Still no clues if the Generation System makes a comeback or not… :expressionless:

New wife revealed… her name is Chocolate, and she has a serious candy fetish. :lol:

Also another rival has appeared. Boo! Hiss! Keep away from my harem! :mrgreen:


Oh yes… this game is looking great… “look around you” indeed. 8)

Movie shows off the very much upgraded combat engine (the marriage wives FIGHT with you against monsters!!!), XBOX HUEG bosses, two additional winnable wives (a pink haired fairy looking girl and a tanned tomboy with green hair), and the beautiful theme song.

Leader of the monsters appears to be twins… although the box art only shows one of them…

Of course the game doesn’t really introduce anything radically new… it’s just the RF1 and RF2 engines taken to the next stage… but totally awesome nonetheless!

Oh… and if Rune Factory was a bgame, we’d all be very happy people. :mrgreen:

Twincest too!? Some make this real… naow!!! :lol:

And I think people underrate keeping things conistant. Of course you need some change, but look at Dragon Quest. It’s barely changed (outside audio/visual aspects) since its conception. Eight did kind of make a big leap, but even there it was really not so big when you consinder the whole series and 9 has even less ambition in change, the only huge thing being the removal of random battles which I think people just like to pick on because they want something to gripe about more than any real problems with gameplay.

So yea, RF1 doing some tweaks but keeping a steady course is imo the best thing, although i would like some marriageable twincest (and the 2nd gen thing was cool).

Two additional wives revealed.

The fay girl Persia (Narg’s favorite thus so far) and the tomboy tan skinned Ion (both of whom were shown in the earlier demo movie).

It’s been noted that there’s still room on the page, for one or two more wives. There’s a purple haired girl in some demo movies, that hasn’t been identified yet… and also the horned girl on the game’s cover.

Interesting… there’s two villages in the game. One for the humans and another for the monsters. … llage.html

Being a were-sheep, I guess that makes the player a citizen of both. :stuck_out_tongue:

unless he already has monster blood in him to begin with.

Wait maybe that’s how he was able to become a were-sheep?

I may be nitpicking, but if the character is male, shouldn’t he be called a were-ram instead of a were-sheep? On the other hand, sheep is the generic term. I don’t think we would be calling a female character a were-ewe. :stuck_out_tongue:

There will be TEN winnable wives. The token elven bride has been revealed. She’s an artist. :o

As for the remaining three… from their “teaser shadows” I’m guessing:

Token Oriental?
(looks like she has those Chinese hair bun and that [b]Korean hair pole thingie[/b]… err… not as extreme of course)

Token Nun?
(those teasers show a purple dressed chick; popular color for nuns in anime/manga… could be a maid though)

Token Loligoth?
(that’s a REALLY frilly looking dress with ribbons and gloves… could also be very fancy looking maid though)

Too bad there’s no twincest. :frowning:

The character is an effeminate male… even lacks the horns in his beast form, so he’s an effeminate then too. I think were-sheep better applies. :wink:

lol… they leaked one of the winnable girls on a sample screenshot… maybe not on purpose. :stuck_out_tongue:


Narg was right: one is an asian girl. Name is Sakuya. Quite cute. Appears to be the loli. Korean styled it seems. 8)

I suspect her character page will be next.

In any case… Bgame style dating. Rawr. :stuck_out_tongue:

Sakuya’s page is up.

Also Sakuya’s MILF page is up. Damn it… I want the mom more.

Sophia has been revealed: the token rich girl. She’s also that mysterious purple haired girl that was running around on some teaser videos.

Only one more wife left…

Rather than go back and edit all my past posts, here are pics of the other winnable girls revealed over the past weeks. :slight_smile:

Given what I’ve seen so far, I think Sakuya will be the one I’ll target (with Persia as the backup plan).

To be honest… I’m not all that impressed with the art direction RF3 took… I prefer the original RF or RF2 girls more. :expressionless: