Salvation has come

If you want to go by the order the games are listed on the site, Bazooka Cafe will be first…

According to Agilis over at VisualNews’ news thread, Pretty Soldier Wars A.D. 2048 is actually a 2006 remake of 1997 game. D.O.'s page on it doesn’t show much, though.

A 2006 remake of a 1997 game ? Well, as pointed out by Agilis, it’s still quite ‘modern’, as it’s a decade old remake, so there are bound to be changes. And I can bet that the 90s game was something like those really, really old games like Zyx’s Ring Out, True Love, and such older b-games.

Man, if a remake could be pbulished, why not a Kana and Crescendo remake ?

Oh, I’m not complaining, if that’s what you were thinking. :slight_smile:

Maybe this game needed a remake. I don’t think Kana - Little Sister and Crescendo do, from what I hear and see.

A third-party page with a couple pictures of the 1997 version:

Was the 1997 original also a D.O. game?

On a side note, can anyone tell me what the difference is between these two versions?

Is the red one some sort of deluxe edition? It came out eight months after the first one.

As for the remake thing – there’s an XP remake of Nocturnal Illusion. I wish Peter could get that, I’d pay good money for that. The game could have used an overhaul in some parts (the old-school nature of the plot and game mechanics, mostly) and better graphics couldn’t hurt anything either :slight_smile:

wohooo new games g and finaly a pretty soldier g

No, you have simply found the Home Page of the remake of the second episode of the series (the remake of the third episode is still a future project).
I post here the Erogamescape Links of the three episodes:

Episode 1 (1997/03/14):
Episode 1 (2006/02/24 remake):

Episode 2 (1997/07/11):
Episode 2 (2006/10/20 remake):

Episode 3 (1998/03/13):

I’m hoping to see the entire series translated, now.

Yume Miru Kusuri?
Can you reply with at least a “YES” or a “NO”, this time :wink: ?

[ 01-29-2007, 06:22 AM: Message edited by: Baldo ]

Cool, thanks for clearing that up. I guess it makes D.O.'s job a lot easier if they can just reuse the engine and character sprites for the subsequent episodes.

Huuuuhhh… the renewed graphics of this D.O. game are beautiful, this game aparently has a lot of playability, some consensual non-tentacle hscenes and maybe - being a D.O. game - it has a good story. :frowning:

I hate rape-tentacle games, but i’m thinking in buy this game after the release… and simply skip all the disgusting monster-tentacle ero-scenes. :wink:

Holy shit! You’re kidding me right!? I go and leave for a bit, and then you guys do an awesome thing like this?

A.D. 2048 is a great tactical title! In Japan, it doesn’t score all that well because the market there is flooded with dozens like it which had higher budgets: DOLLS and Sakura Taisen being notable non-hentai titles (there are dozens of hentai ones). In the US, where we’ve been denied such releases, this is freaking ASS KICKING! Japanese are spoiled - we are not. And by no means is A.D. 2048 substandard. Final Fantasy Tactics and Ogre Battle fans will really want to check it out.

Only a twincest release would be better in my eyes. Hell yes. Oh hell yes.

Although IIRC, Marie & Misa are from the same production line or something along those lines. Argh! I guess I’ll have to get this one again to (re)find out!

Dark eroge. Dark eroge. How I love dark eroge. Gimmie! Gimmie! Gimmie!

[ 01-29-2007, 05:39 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

Pretty Soldier Wars A.D. 2048 Preorder

'nuff said…

Well that is great news! not only were receiving a game from Peach Princess but from 2 H-Games G-Collections too. There was something that Peter Payne mentioned on the website Advance Media Network on a interview. Here it is,

The thing he mentioned is that we don’t have to buy all the games, only just the one we like the most that way they can know which one is the most popular. I almost have all the games from G-Collections and the games from Peach Princess the reason I bought them is because some of them are great games with a story that will make me play it again and the other is to bring support on the English B-Game market.

What I mean is the more people Pre-Orders a game the more we like them to release a similar one. But if there’s a game you don’t like, then don’t pre-order it if you wish, they will keep releasing the game that you pre-order and don’t like because like Peter said the more sales on that game the more they release a similar game. That’s why I Pre-Ordered “Yume Miru Kusuri :: A Drug that Makes You Dream” when it came out for Pre-Order because I know that will be a great game with multi-endings.

I just wish they release similar as “Yume Miru Kusuri”, Yin-Yang without the x-change(of course it’s a good game), and kind of a college, business like restaurants etc, mistery and drama etc. on games, Dark games that you turn in a wolf or have a strange hidden power that you don’t know of with good endings of course. I’m still supporting the English B-Game market by buying the 2 new games from G-Collections later on.

Hope I didn’t offended someone… If I did sorry.

Pretty Soldier Wars A.D. 2048:

Strategy game (S-RPG?)…check

Three of my H-game favorites all in one. I might even end up preordering this one.

Oh my God, it’s Dark_Shiki! Welcome back!

I still lurk from time to time, especially when I see an announcement of a game that interests me in the newsletters. :wink: We definitely need more H-games over here with actual gameplay.

Wow,finally new games from G-col,and not one but two!!
It seems the english market is getting active again.I thought it was doomed when G-col goes bankrupt
The strategy one seems interesting altough the trabulance product is… errr,just like usual.Lucky for me since playing japanese H-games has tire me abit by now(altough I’ve to admit they’re better than the translated one)

Hmm, never played Diablo, but in my humble opinion Brave Soul was one of the best Bishoujo Games I’ve encountered…

I rarely pre-order games and don’t know enough about this 2048 to consider… but with the reaction Nargrakhan gave, I’m definitely interested now.

I saw yesterday during a Google search that apparently some pirates are already looking for a torrent of the game. It was listed as a recent search when Google crawled one of those pages.

I’m glad that we’re going to see some new games. I have mixed feelings on both, but we’ll see how they play out.

Bazooka Cafe is a busty-girl fetish game, and there’s nothing wrong with that. The plot tends to be very simple in those games, but the target audience isn’t interested in a deep story anyway. I personally think that it’s funny that Cocoa’s description includes, and I quote, “Her hobbies include cooking, tea appreciation, and fellatio.” At first I thought that this had to be a mistranslation, but I went to the Trabulance web site, and this is absolutely correct… Cocoa is a sex maniac. As an aside, despite that Cocoa is your wife, the primary heroine is apparently Mitsuki, the girl on the box cover.

Pretty Soldier Wars A.D. 2048 seems like it will be exciting. I think that a turn-based strategy game will be fun and it should increase the replayability of the game. However, I sort of wish that the hentai portions weren’t centered around monster-sex. There are some non-youma scenes, but most of the sample images that I’ve seen seem to suggest that naughty tentacles are going to be the majority of it.