Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei

We can all hope for a third season, no?

I think there is a 80% chance for it.

all they need to do is start brining it over to the US…

I’m sure it will get picked up. While the whole “making fun of culture” isn’t a new gimmick (Excel Saga, Lucky Star, etc) - Zetsubou Sensei still has a lot of charm. The kanji jokes aren’t so alien either, as the story explains a lot of them outright… because even Japanese watchers wouldn’t catch all of them! :slight_smile:

Plus as far as “harem anime” go, this one is pretty cool, as the “main love” really isn’t a loser except in his emo imagination. For a time, I thought this series would make a GREAT b-game scenario, but then I realized you’d only get two possible endings. :stuck_out_tongue:

[list]#1: The happy: you married Chiri Kitsu ending.

#2: The fatal: you didn’t marry Chiri Kitsu ending.[/list]

PS: Can you tell what’s wrong with the picture below? :wink:

She’s outside.

or #3: The Double Suicide Ending

Well it has to be a REAL suicide, because Chiri AND Mayo will stab corpses just to make sure. In fact, Mayo likes shoving sharp pointed objects up your bum, while you’re still alive. :stuck_out_tongue:

While I’m not sure since I know very little about this series, I think Jinnai may have actually meant a murder-suicide.

Well that’s what its going to look like anyways, because Chiri hasn’t been found guilty of the other murders she’s done so far… though the cops have tried and tried. :twisted: :wink:

This series is even better as a hentai. :wink:


Do Andrij Sheveche*ko Dream of Electric Massage? by Nearly Equal Zero.

I love you.

well i was talking about Matoi.

I love Matoi - she’s tied with Kiri as my favorite of the students (Chiri comes close too, but she’s kinda bitchy). No matter where Nozomu goes, Matoi will always be there. Its cute how whenever he’s “falling in the afterlife” or inside a coffin, Matoi is right there beside him (not to mention that her desk is UNDER Nozomu’s now)… and according to Zetubou Detective, she’ll be there in the next life as well. :lol: The manga kinda hints that Matoi’s old boyfriends only used her for sex, and then moved on after making a conquest of her. So the fact that Nozomu isn’t that kind of person, has made her truly sincere in winning his affection.

I suppose that’s why she gets more upset when she sees Nozomu getting contacted by a call girl, than when Kiri or Chiri make advances.

Heh… I’m surprised it took me this long to notice, but SZS has FIVE major philosophical viewpoints. Everyone always seems fixated on Nozomu and Kafuka, but there’s more to it. :slight_smile:

Nozomu = Macro viewpoint. The world is nothing but suckage. Only death is the reasonable escape!

Kafuka = Macro viewpoint. The world is nothing but love and joy. Live life to the fullest!

Chiri = Macro viewpoint. The world is too chaotic. Order must be imposed for the good of all!

Kaere = Micro viewpoint. Japan is a nightmare; its so much better overseas.

Maria = Micro viewpoint. Japan is a paradise; its so much better than overseas.

Of course other cast members have their own way of seeing the world, but none of them “enforce” their views on others like these five.

Well i’m glad Del Ray picked up the manga. I’m suprised they didn’t before, but maybe it’s due to the general downshift the manga industry went through.

Fantastic news! The world needs more dysfunctional harem love. :slight_smile:

Matoi will be watching. Jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~

What!? It’s not out until 2009!?

head quarter turn left
head quarter turn right
extreme face close up


Del Ray has left me in Despair!! Why won’t they hurry it faster!?

There’s some rumbling about some “important news” Shonen Magazine is supposed to announce about SZS. Anyone know what the heck this is all about? 3rd season maybe!?

That or they’ll announce canceling the series… thats the usual setup…