Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei

Lies! A series with this much potential can never be canceled!

Now look what you’ve gone and done��� upsetting these poor girls like that. :frowning:

SWEET JESUS!!! Is Kiri hot, or is Kiri hot!?! :twisted: I don’t know how Nozomu can resist her charms! Narg wants to snuggle in those blankets too!

I’m assuming Kiri is the one with long hair in that picture. If so, then I wholeheartedly agree. :smiley:

Now that you mention it… :smiley: MUST SNUGGLE…

Third series

On July 8, 2008, a third set of OVAs titled Goku Sayonara Zetsub? Sensei (???, Goku Sayonara Zetsub? Sensei?) was announced to be bundled with the limited edition of volume fifteen and sixteen of the manga as a part of Kodansha’s OAD Project and will be released on October 17, 2008 and February 17, 2009 respectively.[3]

This is a good thing. They can show and talk about things they can’t on broadcast. That means even more controversial topics and personality disorders. We might actually get to see Chiri go Nice Boat on people… or even, dare I say it… FULL FRONTAL KIRI and perhaps Kaere/Kaede not wearing panties!? She’ll most certainly sue! :twisted:

You know… thinking on that… it would… that would probably end human life on earth because all the blood in every man’s body would be used in the massive boner that would ensue, making the male sex die out due to blood loss…

while full frontal nudity would be nice, I doubt it considering the DVD versions are still somewhat sensored, though not nearly as bad as the TV version.

Given it’s early 2009 release i’d expect the anime, if it’s brought over, won’t be until mid-to-late 2010

Open? Do Not Open? :twisted:

Is that sum trick question what I see there?

No tricks. Just Kiri. :twisted:

These girls don’t seem so scary in real life. :stuck_out_tongue:


yoinks your tail

Mail-Mail. Mail-Mail.

nice find there…you just need to find the rest now.

It’s not too hard to find SZS cosplay, since the series is rather popular in Japan. The problem is finding DECENT cosplay of SZS, of people who at least somewhat look like the characters they are portraying. That being said…



In the Lucky Star OVA, there’s a quick skit where depressed and disappointed Patty screams out “zetsuboushita” like a certain negative sensei. :o

Given how much SZS kept taking playful potshots at quirks in Lucky Star, I’m sure that was a playful stab back. 8)

yes and i’m sure we’ll see more. SZS is on my next list of manga to purchase. Not sure if the LS manga is worth it or not.

Wow… Ai Kaga is kinda cute when she’s being all expressive. :o

Trying to see if there’s a Kiri version of it…