School Days HQ Discussion Thread

![School Days package](upload://nITP9KHHvQhbR3NmXvKkrq9SEsG.jpeg)

This is a continuation of a thread about School Days from our old forums.
If you're not familiar with the title, it's a unique fully animated H-game in which you control the romantic (and sexual) adventures of Makoto, a high school senior who has two girls falling in love with him. It's s very ambitions title with full screen animation, a rare feature in the VN genre.

During our events at anime conventions we meet fans who have seen the somewhat dark School Days anime, and assume the game is equally as dark. This isn't true since the game has 20 different endings and dozens of paths. Only about 4 or 5 paths are dark like the anime. You have full control over how the story unfolds.

You can find it on our site, or get the package version from J-List, or other retailers. We recently account that we're in the middle of localizing Shiny Days the spin-off story that also takes place in the School Days universe. You can follow the status on the JAST USA Dev Blog on Tumblr.

I think that in the game the choices were to me "do something dumb or... do this other dumb thing" <- so a bit like Murderous Int, I didn't relate with Makoto. Because I was "controlling" him the drama caused by his antics were things that he'd have coming (though the bad endings were a nice surprise).

I like the game probably for the reasons that Murderous Int doesn't like it; it's one of the few games that has emotional drama that I am actually interested in (and after finding out about the bad endings I really wanted to get them all since I just wanted to see bad things happen to Makoto.

I'm excited for Shiny Days; I'm a Setsuna fan so having more of her (and her mom) is quite welcome here.. I've only played a bit of Summer Days so I'm not sure how I feel about Inori yet..

It seems shiny will have fewer bad ends, it's supposed to be more lighthearted overall...

I personally liked the anime for what it was... (probably because it kinda followed the manga) a linear way to experience the characters of the game with the same feel of the game's general world.. It got a few of my friends into wanting to play School Days because of some of the "oh shit" moments caught them off guard (like the kiss in front of the train in the first ep?) The way his character changes from "that guy" to "that guy" I think they villanized him nicely considering it's pretty much a harem setting and I was all "hey... but what are you.. but you... uhg I can't wait for you to die!!"

how about shiny days ,it coming out soon i haven’t update yet i worried about certain games

Well this thread is Lonely.

A little less lonely, now. =)

I picked up my copy of School Days HQ yesterday, is it really good?
Because, I've heard a lot of negative criticism about the anime. :/
Haven't tried it out yet, as I feel really tired as of lately and don't think that I would make much progress in this state.

School day hq is much better than the anime in many ways the game has 20 endings but some of thoughs are variations of one ending. While in anime the ending was very dark the majority of the endings in school days hq are good( some of them are very cheesy),the bad endings are where this game shines. The only negatives I can find about this game are after you get like 3 endings the game can get really repetitive, since this is an interactive movie the skip function is not as reliable as in regular visual novels you might find yourself skipping past something important. Overall School days Hq is good game and would recommend it.

I see, thank you very much. :)
Guess it was a good thing that I've ordered it then.
I like my visual novels a bit cheesy; usually, I prefer your typical moege stuff.
Slice of life, romance, comedy... you get the idea.
I hope the good endings are atleast somewhat... well, good. :P
I'm not really into dark stuff. I might pick up euphoria at a point though.
It's so weird that it's good again, and it is, as far as I know, not as... ''questionable'' as Starless.
Still a hardcore title, but it could have been worse, right?

Anyways, regarding Shiny Days, is it structured similarly to School Days in regards to the endings?
For example, does it contain more light-hearted endings, instead of dark-themed ones, and the ones that are of dark nature, how ''intense'' are they?
The anime of School Days was pretty messed up after all, so yeah, I myself hope it won't be that bad.
I still feel sorta bad for Peter having to take our crap... what are you guys expecting from it, as well as School Days?

Yeah you should have fun with school days. as for shiny days the main difference other then less bad endings are that it has dead ends meaning you could potentially end the game at episode 2 if you make the wrong choices. Yes shiny days does many more good ends. Its my understanding that euphoria is more extreme than starless.

The anime isn't very good. School Days the game excels at putting you in the shoes of Makoto and forcing you to make decisions where there's no clear good answer. Helping someone often means hurting someone else. For those who don't want to hurt anyone, it encourages indecisiveness. The anime fails to capture that element, fails to put you in Makoto's shoes, and instead portrays Makoto as a villain. The game's Makoto isn't a villain. He's you. And when bad things happen, they're your fault.

In essence, School Days showcases the strengths of the VN medium and the limitations of the anime medium. This is why it annoys me when people say they're not interested in the game because the anime was bad. It's backward to view an adaptation and then judge the original based on the adaptation. But that's generally how these things work because anime is more popular / widely viewed than visual novels, even in the visual novel community.

I haven't watched the anime. I did play the game and while parts are vague some parts are vivid.

Shiki hit it on the head that the decision choice is you have timed choices that boil down to yes, no or do nothing actions and that you can't avoid hurting anyone since all the choices have repercussions on other characters and you have little time to think what they could be.

But with that was my problem with the game, I found Makoto annoying with his attitude and the options you had to take were down to Makato's failings not mine. I remember thinking to myself the choices limited me to something I wouldn't wanna do, but in essence I guess that is how the game plays and is meant to be a dilemma drama about young love. I played it and felt rather annoyed with the character and how he is. I didn't get the feeling me and Makato was the same.

I felt why is the prick not suck it up and not let the issue get out of hand and sort himself and these girls out rather then being a such a indecisive twat. My personal approach was that I'm with Koto and I wouldn't have fucked around with Sekai no matter the BS but Makato doesn't give you a choice in that matter since his selfish and wants both girls and won't tell them how it is.

Though you may think I completely dislike the game I don't, it is unique with the anime/VN approach and I can respect it is trying to show something interesting, it's just these sort of emotional roller coaster love stories don't gel with me when I find the MC so annoying.

I say play it and see what you think yourself it is well worth the time.

I think that in the game the choices were to me "do something dumb or... do this other dumb thing" <- so a bit like Murderous Int, I didn't relate with Makoto. Because I was "controlling" him the drama caused by his antics were things that he'd have coming (though the bad endings were a nice surprise).

I like the game probably for the reasons that Murderous Int doesn't like it; it's one of the few games that has emotional drama that I am actually interested in (and after finding out about the bad endings I really wanted to get them all since I just wanted to see bad things happen to Makoto.

I'm excited for Shiny Days; I'm a Setsuna fan so having more of her (and her mom) is quite welcome here.. I've only played a bit of Summer Days so I'm not sure how I feel about Inori yet..

It seems shiny will have fewer bad ends, it's supposed to be more lighthearted overall...

I personally liked the anime for what it was... (probably because it kinda followed the manga) a linear way to experience the characters of the game with the same feel of the game's general world.. It got a few of my friends into wanting to play School Days because of some of the "oh shit" moments caught them off guard (like the kiss in front of the train in the first ep?) The way his character changes from "that guy" to "that guy" I think they villanized him nicely considering it's pretty much a harem setting and I was all "hey... but what are you.. but you... uhg I can't wait for you to die!!"

I found Makoto very easy to relate with. The game isn't about giving you perfect freedom; it's about putting you in Makoto's shoes. Makoto likes both girls and can't make up his mind. The more he leans towards one girl the more he feels bad about ignoring the other girl. It's realistic, emotional drama of the sort you don't use find in VNs, and I loved it. The game gives you just enough rope to hang yourself with, while keeping you on a leash that doesn't let you act in a way that's counter to Makoto's character (and prematurely resolving the drama).

In the game, Makoto finds himself in a situation spiraling out of control despite his best intentions. He doesn't want to hurt anyone, and as a result, he ends up hurting everyone. The anime just casts Makoto as a villain, without the sympathetic elements that made the game's Makoto a relatable character. Without the sympathetic elements, the drama falls flat because it becomes too one-sided. Drama is at its best when the perspectives of all characters seem equally valid.

its been bothering me for a while, but i kinda ignored it thinking it may have been a problem with the original, but now with the problems cropping up with starless i have to say something. there are parts in the game where the animations skip and replay and look otherwise unnatural like with kotonoha at the train station there is a mini clip of her hugging makoto and it finishes and replays itself for no reason. anyone else have strange problems like these? i have had this problem on 4 computers so far vista home 32 bit, vista ultimate 64 bit, 7 home and pro 64 bit.

Just went back and finished Sekai's routes. Now that I've seen all the endings I'm prepped for Shiny Days.

I also noticed weird issues as I was playing through. Inappropriate animations and sometimes dialogue that didn't seem to be synched right with the scene. Pretty minor stuff. The game actually didn't crash on me a single time during like 10hrs of play. Back when I was playing it before the game crashed on me every few hours or so, so either the patches fixed things up or I did something to my PC that made the game more stable (driver updates or the GPU change would be my guess).

i wonder if windows 10 play this

Looks like it should be working fine on windows 10 (

how about shiny days ,it coming out soon i haven’t update yet i worried about certain games

with shiny days coming soon i have been completing the last few routes of school days and have noticed a scene with mosaic on otomes route, also in the helpful links patch post for school days was not very “helpful” as it is missing the 1.02 patch

The School Days HQ patch should be in the first patch page on jastusa which has most of the DRM patches, the 2nd page is where I'll be adding any stragglers from back in the g-collections days.