School Days HQ official thread/FAQ

It’s that time again, time for the post with the nitty gritty on the third big announcement we have for 2011: 0verflow’s School Days HQ.

[]Official Announcement (blog post)[/]
[]Official Site[/]
[]Sekai Project FAQ New![/][/list]

FAQ (postdump version)

This is TBA at the moment; we’re looking at options for extras we can include with the package version, of which there almost certainly will be some (the Sekai panties that come with an 0verflow online shop purchase of SDHQ are a possibility we’re looking into; we have the technology).

We’re in accord with Sekai Project on this (Kanna is the Sekai Project ringleader, for those who haven’t met him. Welcome to the boards Kanna!) We haven’t made definite plans yet, but a demo is a possibility we’re seriously considering.

This is correct! We’re still working on the logistics of how to release a download edition of School Days; the game size may be prohibitively massive for the direct downloads we host for other games. I can confirm that the package version will be focused on primarily through the course of development.

Update: We have reviewed this scene and determined that it falls entirely within a non-sexual cultural context, and no editing or obscuring of the image is called for. Uncensored it is!

Regarding potential changes required in the localization process, I’m going to be up front and say that this is the one scene we’re looking at. 0verflow brought it up themselves as a potential trouble spot. I’m not convinced that it is, but we’re going to review it in the context of the game; if it comes across more as a “Totoro moment” we plan to leave it exactly as it appears in the original (this is what we’re hoping for). If it seems like more obvious fanservice we may have to go with 0verflow’s suggestion and toss a few clouds in there to cover her up.

It’s going to be a tough judgment call to make, but we’re going to make it and announce it as soon as possible to make sure there aren’t any misconceptions floating around. All of the actual ero scenes in the game will be appearing uncensored, and we don’t see any particular issues with specifying character ages at this time.

Just to correct this misconception quickly: Sekai Project’s work on School Days is roughly 50% complete (of the original School Days game). The HQ version will require porting to an upgraded engine and translation/localization/QC of additional added scenes and endings, bringing the progress total well below the half way mark for the complete product we’ll be releasing. There’s still a considerable road ahead, and would have been even for the original School Days project. I’d look at it more as a “firm beginning” rather than “practically over.” ^^ That said, we think a 2011 release is well within the realm of practicality and that’s what we’re shooting for.

There are no plans at this time to add an English language voice track, and we won’t be replacing or altering the original Japanese audio of the game in any way. The localization is currently composed solely of English text and other visual representations of the Japanese elements of the game. The game will be ‘subbed’ in other words, not dubbed.

There are a lot of details on this release that we’re excited to talk about, many of which are still in the process of being nailed down. We’ll be filling out this FAQ as time and “known knowns” allow. In the mean time, fire away with the questions and we’ll answer what we can!

Is anyone from sekaiproject working on this? I know School Days HQ features a rewritten and extended script but I have no idea how much it is rewritten. I imagine there must be overlap.

Also I’m saying this because astcd2 is my very favourite translator and I think he does excellent work and the idea of him actually getting some sort of money for translation would be just gravy.

EDIT: I can’t read. It says Sekai Project is working on it right on the front page. Nevermind =P

Just read the announcement: “JAST USA, Japanese maker 0verflow, and localization group Sekai Project are teaming up to present School Days HQ”.

Oh, and it’s really great news!

So, another game licensed after a fan translation is practically over…I smell people protesting here :slight_smile:

Anyway, great news. I’m really interested in this game, and I think I’m really gonna enjoy it. Love psychological drama :twisted:

Oh Jast is stepping its game up. Yandere wooo!

I’ve played only 30% of the old Renewal release of School Days because something inside this game apparently dislikes my (old and bugged, I must admit) italian WinXp system, and although it works fine with the english WinXP in my laptop, the cheap hardware of that same laptop cannot run it very well :frowning: .
Therefore, I will buy this game only if/when I get a new computer, but rest assured that School Days IS an above average game for sure, I’m VERY curious to see the additional contents in the HQ edition.

Can you add the new games (and the other news) HERE, too? :wink:

very interesting choice how much will it cost

This is a very nice announcement indeed. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t see it coming, though; the 0verflow survey practically gave away that an international release was forthcoming. However, I never expected JAST to be the publisher. You’ve made my day, guys.

I must admit that I’m a little worried about what kind of treatment the official English release will get. The anime version explores very touchy subjects such as underage sexuality, rape, and teenage pregnancy (not to mention various flavors of abuse, mental illness, and crimes of passion). I’ve tried to stay as far away from game spoilers as possible (very difficult since some people just love to use animated GIFs of the endings as avatars), but I know that the source material and its spinoffs delve even further into less-socially-acceptable topics like exhibitionism, pedophilia, sexual slavery, polyamory, transexuality, homosexuality, and countless others. Given JAST’s track record, I’m worried that significant changes will be deemed “necessary” to make School Days and its successors “appropriate” for a North American release.

If the English version of School Days is indeed 100% uncut and uncensored, my preordering the game is guaranteed. However, can’t shake my suspicions that some of the content will be altered in the same vein as Family Project or Xchange 3, especially given the character designs for Setsuna and Kokoro. School Days is the story of a group of teenagers exploring their sexuality for the first time as well as the horrific consequences that their irresponsible decisions can bring about. This title is controversial by its very nature, and I’m hoping that JAST will offer us the same experience as the original Japanese audience in lieu of trying to avoid further controversy.

Actually, at the rate we were going, it would’ve taken another 14 months at least. :frowning:

Err… I’m pretty sure they are in college. The only source I have is looking at the school room. ;_;

Your guys rock! Not only are we getting something big name but we’re also getting the new updated version (MG I love you, but you could learn from this). I’ll be preordering this as soon as it’s available. With this, and the assurance of Demonbane’s uncensorship, you guys have officially restored my faith in you, congratulations.

On the topic of the ero, I’m hoping JAST can get by with the college age thing, and possibly even the watermark thing like with Demonbane.

Okay, here’s a question from me. Since there’s a downloadable demo on the Japanese site, can we expect to have a translated demo?

A demo is certainly not out of the question. It’s very possible given how short and simple episode 1 is compared to the rest of the game.

Anal bum cover: Nothing I say in this post has been confirmed. It is just my opinion.

JAST has never done it before so…no?

How could they learn from this? Mg has some pretty big titles coming out regularly ;____;

That was mainly a half joking reference to Da Capo Plus Communication. Maybe I should’ve remembered to include lol.

As for the demo, considering this is a pretty big name game for JAST it might be a good idea to release a demo unless they’re really that far along in the process for releasing this game.

[size=200]Nice Boat[/size]

Seriously. YANDERE love? Only thing that comes close for my love for twincest. Fuck yea.

The yandere endings arn’t that great… Kinda abrupt…?

Sure they have … They did one for Little My Maid. Now, that WAS like six years ago, and I think that’s the only one they’ve ever done. (Unless when they were Jast USA the first time - when JAST was still around - that was before my time.)

So probably not, especially considering they’ve got a lot of stuff they just put on their plate. But it’s not entirely unprecedented.

There was the YumeMiruKusuri demo as well.

But for the most part, unless the games were actually designed to be sold through demos, it’s not that easy to make a demo version that makes sense, moves fast enough to stay interesting, doesn’t have huge spoilers, and cliffhangs appropriately.

A movie demo/trailer might be more logical.

Isn’t that how most “you’re an unfaithful jerk” yandere endings usually end? One moment you’re alive, next you’re convulsing in a pool of your own blood.

Moral of the story? Don’t cheat on a yandere. :mrgreen: