School Days HQ official thread/FAQ

Yeah but no good yandere ending :l


Stupid question I’m sure but this game will be a physical product and not a digital download only right? I haven’t been keeping up with the visual novel/hentai game market in awhile and I know mangagmer is all DD and hoping that Jast USA isn’t as I love to physically own something.

Mg just got into the physical copy business with Da Capo.
Yes chances are it will be a physical copy.

Wow never knew that. Thanks I will have to check it out.

[color=blue]Partnership with MangaGamer had gotten big things,very good ^^[/color]

[color=#0000FF]Are you talking about???MG’s ever releases big titles,not only nukiges like JAST/G-Collections/Peach Princess before the MG/JAST partnership,furthermore you said an big shame u.u[/color]

Jast has never relased a game download only. All their games were, when they were initially released, available on disc. Since they got into downloads, all their recent releases have been available on disc and download.

There are some titles that are no longer in print on disc, but are available download only. Those are all old games that were previously available on disc, but have been discontinued in favor of downloads.

And you call yourself a detecti…

sorry couldn’t help myself xD

Anyways I wonder how much this one will be? Will it come with extras? (limited edition kind of thing)

I’ll certainly purchase this one. I don’t like yandere and what Ignosco and Lancer-X said about the writing was a let-down, but wasn’t 0verflow that company that was really positive about selling overseas, even making a poll about it? That’s worth my cash. Besides, it is popular and well-known and I feel i shouldn’t miss out on such a title.

Holy cow, once again a really great annoument. I cant wait for this one. I love the bad endings

Nice! I was hoping this would get a translation someday.

Just to correct this misconception quickly: Sekai Project’s work on School Days is roughly 50% complete (of the original School Days game). The HQ version will require porting to an upgraded engine and translation/localization/QC of additional added scenes and endings, bringing the progress total well below the half way mark for the complete product we’ll be releasing. There’s still a considerable road ahead, and would have been even for the original School Days project. I’d look at it more as a “firm beginning” rather than “practically over.” ^^ That said, we think a 2011 release is well within the realm of practicality and that’s what we’re shooting for.

Edit: Beaten by Kanna on the first page!

You mean the amphitheater-style classroom? Point taken, but that’s only one of the classrooms we’re shown. Most if not all of the others are your typical one-level classroom (as shown in the school festival). My high school had several amphitheaters in it, and I speak from experience when I say that college classrooms are much larger than that. But that’s beside the point.

What I meant was that all of the main characters have the mental and emotional maturity of high schoolers, and this is an important plot point. First crushes, cliques, bullying, social ostracism, emotional drama - things that all but the most immature grow out of by the time they reach college - are central to the story. I’ll remind you that the reason Otome and her crew first begin harassing Kotonoha is because they’re jealous that she hit her growth spurt before the rest of them; she isn’t recognized as Otome’s romantic rival until later in the story).

There are more than a couple of thematic similarities between School Days and Yume Miru Kusuri, so if the issue of the cast’s age is never actually brought up in-game, this could be a non-issue. Even so, I hope everyone recognizes the double-standard between animated works like School Days and live-action dramas such as Boston Public and Law & Order SVU which have no need to justify that the characters depicted are supposed to be minors.

I’m firmly opposed to the addition of watermarks to any part of any game. As far as I can tell, these watermarks are intended to dissuade Japanese gamers from reverse-importing the game and do nothing to prevent this audience from, for instance, downloading the uncensored CG pack, pasting the uncensored portions onto the original artwork, and reinserting the graphics into the Japanese version of the game.

As for changing the characters’ ages: this would have no impact whatsoever on, for instance, the time Makoto spends bonding with Itaru in the bath. JAST edited the graphics in Family Project to avoid anything that could possibly be interpreted as underage nudity, even at the expense of common sense and the original narrative (Matsuri’s anguish when she bares herself - heart and body, mind and soul - to the man she loves despite her still being a child. The addition of underwear in this scene undermines her desperation in the scene in question. Others have already called JAST on the ridiculousness of her wearing panties while on the toilet or wearing two bras when she collapsed earlier in the game.). While many anime and games actively make a point of adding innuendo and fanservicey elements (much to my chagrin), I can’t help but feel exasperated when something far more justified and substantial is removed simply for the sake of avoiding controversy. Again, it’s a double-standard that I feel should not exist.

To be fair, JAST & Co. have released a lot of extremely tasteless titles over the years (Virgin Roster, Tsuki, Idols Galore, and Jewel Knights Crusaders, to name a few), so I hope I’m worrying over nothing and that School Days makes it across the pond unscathed. Still, I hope you understand where I’m coming from when I voice my concerns instead of quickly brushing them aside.

Addressing a few more questions quickly:

This is TBA at the moment; we’re looking at options for extras we can include with the package version, of which there almost certainly will be some (the Sekai panties that come with an 0verflow online shop purchase of SDHQ are a possibility we’re looking into; we have the technology).

We’re in accord with Sekai Project on this (Kanna is the Sekai Project ringleader, for those who haven’t met him. Welcome to the boards Kanna!) We haven’t made definite plans yet, but a demo is a possibility we’re seriously considering.

This is correct! We’re still working on the logistics of how to release a download edition of School Days; the game size may be prohibitively massive for the direct downloads we host for other games. I can confirm that the package version will be focused on primarily through the course of development.

Regarding potential changes required in the localization process, I’m going to be up front and say that this is the one scene we’re looking at. 0verflow brought it up themselves as a potential trouble spot. I’m not convinced that it is, but we’re going to review it in the context of the game; if it comes across more as a “Totoro moment” we plan to leave it exactly as it appears in the original (this is what we’re hoping for). If it seems like more obvious fanservice we may have to go with 0verflow’s suggestion and toss a few clouds in there to cover her up.

It’s going to be a tough judgment call to make, but we’re going to make it and announce it as soon as possible to make sure there aren’t any misconceptions floating around. All of the actual ero scenes in the game will be appearing uncensored, and we don’t see any particular issues with specifying character ages at this time.

I really hope it is all uncensored… Including any scenes with Itaru. Just say she is 18 on the game website/booklet. >_>

The only thing censored in Itaru’s bath scene is Makoto’s dick. People with penis envy are sure to be disappointed.

The scene will stay in the game. After all, Itaru-sama giving relationship advice is just aww~

I can confirm this - we just reviewed the scene here, and it falls well within a non-sexual cultural context. The scene will be present and we won’t be doing anything to hide Itaru (or Makoto) in it!

Is there any need to ‘nip this one in the bud’? Dubbing costs a lot of money. There’s no way JAST would do that, especially given the returns from such a thing would be dubious at best.

It’s been a question raised elsewhere by those less familiar with the industry, so it’s worth answering - we won’t be replacing or altering the original Japanese audio of the game in any way.

Thank you :smiley:

That sounded like a threat! :shock: