School Days HQ official thread/FAQ

There was a misunderstanding on my end. Translation has finished, but a couple of end scripts still need to be edited, at which point it will be sent for compilation. As for the mousepad, we hope to have the art for you by next month.

Quick update: The node where my server and the SDHQ project files it’s hosting has just suffered a drive failure with complete data loss. Luckily I have backups from a few days ago so not much work has been lost.

We are on the home stretch as far as the scripts go. One chapter left to edit. Subtitles will be added to translate essential onscreen text instead of the previous method of editing images and videos.

Ew, my drive did the same thing last week ><

Anyway, just to clarify : There won’t be any image/movie edits throughout the game (like cellphones, websites, posters, etc)
It will be done through the engine (subtitles)?

And congrats :smiley: School Days project finally on home stretch! Glorious day, it’s been a long time in the making :smiley:

Whenever I hear things like this I’m always skeptical, but unfortunately today is not April 1, so I guess it must be true. :frowning: Bummer. :?

Correct. I did try to go down that path but in the end quality is suffering so I’m leaving all of the editing out. The engine has improved to the point where I can modify the scripts without it going all yandere on me so I can use the subtitles to translate onscreen text.

Side note, from ANN: “I’d like to be excited but I’m still waiting for JAST to put out the School Days game they announced years ago. You wouldn’t think translating text would take years but I guess it does.”

It’s been less than a year! OTL

As far as the hard drive disaster goes, a lone script of chapter 05 got lost to the RAID monster, I mourn for its loss… … 06554.html

My ADSL connection is too slow for 9179.07 MBs :shock: (even divided in multiple parts), I’m definitely getting the physical copy…

To everyone involved, keep up the good work! Thanks for translating this game¬Ö I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy!! (^_^)

mmm …Too bad X-Calibar didn’t stick with the image/video editing… I guess I cough; I mean he didn’t think he was needed. Ah well…

I’m definitely picking up another copy of this though!

I’ll defenitly pick a copy for this one. Still, I would rather it without panties. I don’t know what i would do with them and i don’t want to explain anyone why have panties.

Err … I think “explaining” isn’t really the right word. Isn’t the problem that they’d correctly get the, uh, wrong idea? :wink:

Looks like Shiny Days will be 0verflow’s last game¬Ö :cry:

This shouldn’t affect the English language version of School Days HQ (or at least, I hope it doesn’t!), but I’m not too sure about our chances of getting an English language version of Shiny Days¬Ö :-?

i think i agree with the 2nd comment

I don’t know, it’s not like Overflow’s giving up the license as they have stated they’ll still be supporting their games and not going bankrupt. If School Days sells enough we may have a chance at more of their games.

Just to be 100% sure can we get official word on whether this will affect the English release or not?

Let me guess: this supposedly innovative game (blech :roll: :stuck_out_tongue: ) had horrible sales, and the financial fiasco caused the company to collapse…

it is cause not enough people wanted yaoi

I’m sure that’s what they intend, but I think that in practice it’s rather unlikely. The company is on life support, and eventually it will run out of money. Unless Shiny Days is somehow wildly successful in Japan, they’re basically finished. Without new content, they’ll eventually go broke. It’s a hit-driven business. And unfortunately, while Jast is likely to get School Days out in English this year, they’re unlikely to make a follow-up license and release anything for several years. They have a track record of that.

On the other hand, there IS some precedent for Jast releasing a game far after the collapse of the parent company. Transfer Student was the last Jast game released in the west, and it was released years after the collapse of Jast. Nocturnal Illusion was re-releasd by Jast in a compilation, apparently years after the Japanese maker and publisher had both disappeared.

But I don’t see it going down that way. Probably by the time Jast would be ready to seriously start work on any of the followup titles, it will be several years after the release of Shiny Days. Whatever’s left of 0verflow is at that point likely to be a mere shell; just some IP held by the parent company, the staff long gone. I don’t know how big Stack is, but nobody keeps around a staff of developers that aren’t doing anything unless their name is George Broussard.

downhill night 3 is kinda an example of that

I’m guessing that Stack will set up another subsidiary, and just move all the staff there to work on games that will cost less to make, and hopefully sell a bit better. Probably just regular visual novels without the full animation.

Hi, I’m trying to help build a wiki to build awareness of School Days so more people will buy the visual novel. But it may be deleted..

From what I’ve read on disclaimers, all JAST games state characters are 18+.

I saw a page on J-list promoting the School Days game for pre-orders. But I can’t find a school days article/page on the JastUSA website itself. Is there one?

Either way, I would like to provide a link to a page which states that all characters are 18+ to link to to help keep the wiki around. Could you make one?