School Days HQ official thread/FAQ

Ok will do thanks for the tip I will look for shiny days

Rename the file to SCHOOLDAYS_Install.exe. Then you should be able to run it.

Hey! I see you used my credits images in HQ? :smiley: They look nice :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyhow, finally broke down and bought School Days HQ Regular Edition. (I was tempted to get the LE, but the mouse pad kinda scared me… and besides I bought School Days three years ago… even if this was my first time playing past chapter 1!)

Makoto, Kotonoha and Sekai all seem to be MUCH more normal than I had been anticipating… In fact they seem quite likable so far…
Of course I’ve only been choosing the sane and mild choices, so I know as soon as I start a new game and get wild, things will change/// xD

Excellent job Sekai Project staff and JASTUSA! I will recommend this game to friends :smiley:

PS … SOCOM options. Uhhh…

The only issue I remember seeing was at the first choice in the game. But, it has mysteriously gone away after trying to make it happen again…
[The text during the notepassing appended to the end of a few subtitles … resulting in some confusion the first time.]

Oh! One more thing. At the end of each chapter just before the credits, where it says the Chapter title : the screen on the left side has a weird white line? (Using full widescreen mode. I can take a picture if needed~) That’s all :smiley:

No idea, I’ve been having the same issue. The problem is most notable after I’ve been playing a very active game (which over the last few days has been been Borderlands 2). I’m just thankful that the smell isn’t overpowering my computer area anymore.

Had trouble installing the game on my windows 8 Machine. The install would crap out on Disc 2, at the same point, all 3 times i tried to install. After the 1st try, ran the installer in Win 7 compatibility mode, still no luck.

I was able to install it on my P4 Win 7 machine, now I’m trying to see if I can transfer it to my Win 8 machine. (Used a 16 GB Flash Drive, Copied the short cut, the Overflow folder, and the Registry entry to the flash drive)

Probably an issue with my Blu-Ray Drive and that particular disc.

Transferred over and everything works fine.

Getting a good Sekai ending is difficult, the game likes to force Kotohona on you, even if you have a full Sekai bar…

EDIT: Nevermind I got it to work

Please see this post: … -problems/

Sorry for the delay replying. Your posts were buried in moderation under a few thousand spams.

Microsoft’s latest round of updates (August 2013) Fixes the Schooldays HQ video issue.

Confirmed on my Windows 7 64-bit machine.

Any chance you guys can localize this? :mrgreen: … ense-game/

Hi, JAST USA has moved to a new forum system, which much much more modern and easy to use. We’ll eventually close these old forums after some months. I’ve started a new thread at the new forums, at … 5000025195

Thanks, and hope to continue the discussion over there!