Sisters ~Natsu no Saigo no Hi~ (nsfw)

I know topics like this are getting redundant but…This is a supah special thread!

So pretty much Sisters ~Natsu no Saigo no Hi~ Is the first GODLY animated eroge and took 7 years to finish

Story: “Far away from the hustle and bustle of the city lies a small rural town in a mountainous region. A young man meets a pair of beautiful sisters there along with their mother, and lives together with them. Their days together are full of happiness, but he didn’t know that there is a hidden secret.”



CV:???" Translation needed.

???” Translation needed.

???” Translation needed.

Ero-cgs 3sum

Sample Videos:

I thought this thread would be accepted if it was pretty!

Anyway lets see how many people are interested in animated eroge since we’re getting school days



Cross Days is my new bible.

I’d much rather play this than Cross Days though


Who wouldn’t want to play an animated Eroge? Add me to that list.


Unfortunately, animation of this quality comes at a price. Despite the extended development time, comments suggest that the overall playtime of sisters is 3-4 hours.

As fully animated isn’t really a plus for me, and the story doesn’t seem to be particularly strong, I wouldn’t want to buy this for anywhere near the 10290 yen pricetag.

If it was ever does get released here I’d imagine it be 50-60 dollars just like ef.

Also you want it for the ~novelty factor~
[size=50]This is the only game that I want translated that would get any attention ;_;[/size]

I’m interested in this one so count me in on support for wanting this game.

Still, considering this game’s length, I just can’t help but think of this:

Animated eroge are overrated. You know you only want it for the animated h-scenes ;p

Absolutely not. Animated H scenes look ridiculous and stupid; furthermore, there’s plenty of shitty eroge (and even some good eroge, like Yumemishi) around that have animated H scenes and nothing else, but we don’t care about those!

Me? :slight_smile: I mean, I still might, but full animation seems more likely to detract than add to my enjoyment because S L O W and difficult to get to the new story or scene or whatever that I’m interested in. (Although I suppose if the game is really short, that won’t be so much of a problem.)

Wrong. Sisters works just like a regular vn.

I would be worried about the length vs cost being prohibitive. If the game was really good and had enough replayability I’d be happy as a clam … but if it was poorly written and had very little real replayability then I would not. But, one can say the same for any H game, animated or not.

i’m interested, it’d be nice change away from other eroge.

Short isn’t necessarily bad. Portal was extremely short, but it was also awesome.

However, short does increase the likelihood that it is a pure and simple yarugee (especially since the main point of an animated h-game is animated h). Short means it’s harder to come up with strong characterization, etc. It’s much simpler to have a “plot? What plot?” h-game.

I say again; not really. There’s plenty of eroge out there with animated H scenes and if Jellyfish wanted to do that, they could have, at probably under a tenth of the cost. They didn’t. A 4 hour game with 8 H scenes is not going to be a yaruge unless the H scenes are exceedingly long and there’s far too much content in terms of stuff in the demo, screenshots etc. that is not ero. I’m fairly certain it’s not going to be a yaruge.

You know, I’m currently playing Horny Bunnies and Sagura Family, both of which contain animation, which I have to say I find pretty tedious. It’s too gimmicky and distracting, like watching wind-up dolls fuck. Reminds me of those Eighties porno movies that tried extending their paltry sex scenes by endlessly looping the tape–numbingly boring.

Well, ZyX takes one particular ‘extreme’ approach to H scene animation - using 1-2 second loops*. Modern titles with animation tend to have a lot more variety. Still looks ridiculous most of the time though!

*not bashing on ZyX here, because H scene animation was rare back when they were using it.

Sisters is pretty much like watching a high quality animation with visual novel elements.

… I guess you haven’t seen much Japanese animation lately…

Hmm? Last anime I watched was KnK