Slave Pageant by Ignition

This game is new g-collections project but Anyone know any information or webpage of this game ???

Sorry, i don’t speak japanese at all…

Ignition? g-coll hasn’t put out a game made by them before right?

Does someone know if the DVD version is different from the CD-ROM version?


No I have never heard of Ignition having a game translated before, but I am not 100% sure, just at least in the past three years or so have never even heard of that name as a company that is brining games over.

Any idea on plot or character design for those that can get more sense then from the site (thanks for the link Italicus) then the translator is giving?

I must admit, I do like the title. Looking forward to hearing more about the game… that may actually be another title I’ll seriously consider… hmmm we shall see.

Well I already like the character designs so the game already has a plus going for it

well we can only hope it makes it across cant we LOL well in my case really hope as not many games are what i would say are in my genre LOL but then again it seems they are bringing more across now so things are looking up though i cant wait for jewel knight

This should be the one after Jewel Knights right? Is this game linked to any they released before maybe a sequel to another they might have released whose rights were sold to another company?

I downloaded the demo movie to this game and from the looks of it , and as the title suggests, it could be a more darker game, along the lines of Tsuki, Sensei 2, etc.

(How’s that for a run on sentence)

That would be too bad if it is a darker game, in my opinion. Also it would seem they are starting to release one of these darker games about every third game. Just a trend that I notice at least with the last few being released.

Of course it’s a darker game! It’s a slave training game, for crying out loud. (However, I do not think it’s a simulation game.) On the other hand, I’ve heard that it’s not as dark as, say, Virgin Roster or Tsuki.

Hmmmm…so this would be the first slave training sim localized. Whatever it is I like the character designs so I’m going to get it(like I wasn’t anyway) when it comes out

Originally posted by SCDawg:
That would be too bad if it is a darker game, in my opinion. Also it would seem they are starting to release one of these darker games about every third game. Just a trend that I notice at least with the last few being released.

This is not so much a "trend" as it is "good planning". Ideally you wouldn't want to do, say, a year or so's worth of light releases, then switch to half a year's worth of nothing but dark, dark games. You at least TRY to mix things up, so that even if people skip this game or that game there's at least SOMEthing coming out every so often they can buy.

Originally posted by wanfu2k1: this would be the first slave training sim localized.

Didn't I just say that it is not a sim? I did some looking some time after my last post, and most sites say that it's a text adventure.

Yeah, but you can mix it up differently too and release a majority light games and randomly one dark game, unless of course the dark ones are more popular?

Originally posted by Jeffrey:
Of course it's a darker game! It's a slave training game, for crying out loud. (However, I do not think it's a simulation game.) On the other hand, I've heard that it's not as dark as, say, Virgin Roster or Tsuki.

Urrah!!!! I like them!!!!! :b

Dark game?


Judging from the pics on the Ignition web site, the game didn’t look THAT dark. Not Shukketsubo/Tsuki/Sensei2-dark.

Originally posted by AG3:
Judging from the pics on the Ignition web site, the game didn't look THAT dark. Not Shukketsubo/Tsuki/Sensei2-dark.

*shrug* It's hard to tell just from the pictures themselves. Or at least to me, it's more a matter story rather than image. Guess we'll see.