Slave Pageant Is Up

Slave Pageant is up for sale over at G-Collections. Time to buy for those of you who didn’t get it FOUR DAY EARLY at AX2004, bwhahahaha.

I got mine, despite the death cry of my wallet.

Do you hear that, Fezzik? That is the sound of Ultimate Suffering. My heart made that sound when the six-fingered man made me buy the You’re Under Arrest series. My wallet makes it now.

For those wondering, I don’t buy long series, and YUA’s the longest one I’ve bought. The longest one prior was Angelic Layer and Chobits at seven DVDs.

精神 の 神

[This message has been edited by Seishin (edited 07-05-2004).]


Are you sure?

checks Animeigo’s You’re Under Arrest TV Box Oh… that’s too expensive. You did pay them for over $250!!! o.O’

I paid You’re Under Arrest TV Box Set 1-3. I will get You’re Under Arrest TV Set 4 soon.

--’ Oh yeah… my wallet… ;;


Wasn't it five days?

checks bank account Hmmm… I wonder if it’s worth it. I still don’t know much about the game… on the other hand, I’m feeling kinda compulsive right now…

One thing about this game is that I have to get used to the whole different interface. I’m so used to Trabulance’s HUD, that this one is just so different. It’s not difficult to navigate around, it’s just different. Something I’m not used to. The scroll back messages takes some getting used to. Not used to having a window pop up and show the previous messages in a log format. :shrugs: Oh well. Can’t be choosy.

精神 の 神

Originally posted by Wolfson:
*checks bank account* Hmmm... I wonder if it's worth it. I still don't know much about the game... on the other hand, I'm feeling kinda compulsive right now...

Blame Nandemonai-san. I think he's been slipping things into people's drinks again...

I think the only reason my wallet hasn't keeled over is that I actually do have $49.95 budgeted each month for G-Col titles. I'm not sure what having a budget line item like that says about me personally... [img][/img]

Originally posted by Wolfson:
*checks bank account* Hmmm... I wonder if it's worth it. I still don't know much about the game... on the other hand, I'm feeling kinda compulsive right now...

Since it seems to be a dark game, wait for reviews, I would say.

Yeah… looking at the graphics on the G-Coll site, I’m not sure that it’s a game that would be up my alley. I might just save my money or buy an older game that I haven’t got yet, and keep waiting for Little My Maid.

I’m pretty much up for anything that’s not a heart-tugger. Which is why I stay away from Kana and the like. I’d rather feel disgusted than depressed. Which would probably account for my weird sense of humor, which I probably don’t show here. Not sure. But anyway…

精神 の 神

I'm pretty much up for anything that's not a heart-tugger. Which is why I stay away from Kana and the like.


Ok where’s the reviews from the people who have it. At least when I make fun of you guys I give out usless information about the game

Just placed my order here. I was actually staring at the “final submit” button on the order page for a few mins before I clicked on it. This always happens when the game in question is dark as I really really really don’t like games such as this one but why would I buy it then?..I don’t know… for the sake of collection maybe…

Slave Pagent’s an interesting one. After all the intro sex, you come upon a character selection screen. You choose which characters you want to talk to, but after three choices, it goes to another character selection screen where it only has three characters to choose instead of all four. The fourth being the one you didn’t pick. Somehow I think this will make the replay value rather… valuable, I guess. :shrug: But for those who don’t have Nandemonai’s taste in games, this should be an interesting one for you. Haven’t gotten very far in it, but so far, it’s not his type of game. Don’t like to single people out, but Nandemonai’s the only person I can think of off the bat that wouldn’t care for this type of game.

Huh, it gets narrowed down again to two characters, and I’m guessing after that, it’ll just be one. Strange gameplay this is. It’s sortof like a tourney, how the playfield keeps narrowing down until we have a winner.

精神 の 神

[This message has been edited by Seishin (edited 07-07-2004).]

Yeah… I will get this game for least three days.

So far, it’s not an overly dark game, like Tsuki or Sensei. Though I’ve never played them, I hear stories. The main guy’s an ass, but a thoughtful ass, in a way. It’s like a fairly light dark game. On the thin line of light and dark, it just crosses over into dark. It’s like a darker neutral. A sortof dark game, with light elements. Well, enough describing tones, I think you get the idea. Some people might think it’s a little darker than I described, but that’s my point of view. It’s like an enjoyable, dark game. It doesn’t make you cringe. Lots of cumshots I should add, nakadashi and facials, for those interested. Don’t tell me who you are though. That’ll be more information than I’ll ever wanted to have known.

精神 の 神

I’d agree. On a 1 to 5, where 1 is something like Tottemo Pheromone, and 5 is something like Virgin Roster, this would be a 3.5, so far (Key phrase: So Far)… maybe it gets worse, but honestly, for a game with a title like Slave Pageant, it’s not too hurting. Really poor choice of titles, I wonder if it’s a little too literal in translation.

Kinda like Jewel Knights Crusaders, in terms of “You’re a Grade A prime cut ass who’s here to be the bad boy to these girls.”

So it’s grey then Hmm…well so far it doesn’t sound too dark. I’ll find out soon enough though, that is if I can pry myself from playing my console games

Hmm, you know what? Except for the beginning, so far, I’ve been going down the Sumi route, there hasn’t really been any nonconcensual sex. So, that’ll be good news for a lot of you. I’m not saying there’s isn’t any, just the roads I’ve been taking so far, there hasn’t been any really. But I am going down the kinder road with Sumi, I’m kindof sure the Shinju and Sorami routes have at least one more nonconcensual scene, but I’m just guessing, I don’t know for sure. But, so far, it’s been enjoyable. It’s like a very light dark game with this huge light atmosphere about it.

精神 の 神

I’m not really sure if I want to get this game based on what I see on g-collection’s website. It seems like a game that focuses on various fettishes without getting too dark. Not the kind of game that you’d look for a storyline. Seems like another “all about the sex” game. It seems to be g-collections’s new trend. I mean, there are lots of bishoujo games that are like this and I’m not saying that we should’t have games like this on the English market. Even though I don’t personally enjoy really dark bishoujo games, I would like to see a well rounded market of titles available in English. I enjoy various kinds of bishoujo games and that’s why I don’t like to see the same kind of game get released time after time. I still might get is because it does look better than, say, either of the bunnies games. I’ll have to see. I have priorities, such as Little My Maid.