Slave Pageant Is Up

Fetishes? So far, not really. Horny Bunnies focuses more on fetishes than this game I think. But as for lack of storyline, I guess. Like a typical hentai anime, the storyline falls the the wayside. So far.

精神 の 神

I don’t know… I can see where Bishounen_blue got that impression–it’s the same impression I got from looking at the website… lot’s of B&D seemed to be going on in the pictures, as well as… shoot… I can’t find the word that I’m looking for–but it pretty much involved the degredation of the girl. I’m not knocking the game or the genre–it just didn’t look like something I felt like sticking on my shelf or playing through…

You’d think that, but so far, only the intro sex is what would turn most people off. Quite a few of those scenes came from the intro sex. Sorry to keep using the term intro sex, but I can’t of what else to call the intro sex scenes except for intro sex. I’m not trying to sell the game, just letting people know it’s not the genre they think it is. And at the moment, I can’t remember what most of the pictures look like and I can’t check because there’s a security block on the work computers. But from what I remember, because I can’t really do a recall on the game scenes either, too early in the morning, is that most of the scenes are fairly decent.

精神 の 神

Well, that’s why we have this board–so that people who have actually played the games can share opinions If it turns out that Slave Pageant it actually a decent game and worth the money, I might consider the investment…

I got this game today!!! :slight_smile:

I add it to my video game collection. counts large numbers of Gamecube, Playstation 1/2, Saturn, Dreamcast, and others x_x

If it’s not the genre most of us think it is what genre would you call it?

Did I say that? I was so tired when I wrote that. It was way too early in the morning to be typing opinions. It’s the genre what you’re thinking, but it’s not horrible bad. I’ve finished Sumi’s route, did most of Shinju’s one, and so far it’s like a rougher version of Tokimeki Check-in, in a way. Sortof, kindof. A bit. Yeah, a bit. We did do the nose. And the hat. But she has got a wart. Oh sorry. Anyway, it’s in the genre of change. Forced changed. It’s a new genre. And only the intro sex is bad, and after that, they change. Because the game really skips a lot. One scene, it’s morning and you’re talking about food, the next scene, it’s the next afternoon and you’re having sex. So it’s all, quite…Yeah… I don’t know why I can’t be descriptive right now. The whole slave and pageant thing gets thrown out the window. And it turns into a submissive servant. Like Secret Wives’ Club.

精神 の 神

Well, isn’t that the genre we thought it was?

Well at least it does not sound like another dark game to the level of even Gibo which was not as dark as some but still darker then Slave Pagent maybe?

Perhaps, but early guesses were comparing it to Secret Wives Club in the first place, so apparently they weren’t too far off the mark.

Well maybe it is worth it, though still waiting for more reviews.

Boy, that last scene was a little tricky. Yeah, I finished all the girls routes already. So? Anyway, if I can finish the game this early, then chances are, it’s a relatively easy game. There’s fifty save slots, and I used barely over half. And I’ll tell you what, this game is so not dark. Sure, the beginning’s bad, but after that, the guy turns out to be not such an ass. So, it’s a very nice game. It very much has a Secret Wives’ Club feeling, with a dash Tottemo Pheromone or Kango Shicyauzo to it.

Don’t mind this part, just doing a quick color coding test. [color=“f7f7f7”] King illegal forest to pig wild kill in it a is. Yay. It worked. Three cheers for HTML coding. Highlight it.

精神 の 神

[This message has been edited by Seishin (edited 07-09-2004).]

So you actually recommend it?

I make no recommendations for anything. Don’t want to get blamed for bad decision making. I like it, whether other people will is upto themselves.

精神 の 神

Well at least it seems like it might be enjoyable, I guess that is a safe statement. After Hourglass of Summer comes out maybe I will try this one. Are their any official reviews up for it though that anyone knows of?

I just got my copy of Slave Pagent, today! So far, I like it, it has nice graphics, the voice acting is nice, and it doesn’t seem to have such a dark tone to it, thus far. The best thing is when you hit the menu buton during game play, there is an option called “Log”, clicking on it, you can get previous text of the characters that you may have missed by clicking to fast or too soon! It’s a wonderful option, and I wonder why not all Bishoujo Games have that. Plus the options menu offers you so much! I’m floored by this new company’s ideas for Bishoujo Games, as well as their creativity with the option menu and the Gallery menus. I can’t wait to play more. smiles
Much Love,
Nicole Wagner: The Deadly Gambit


Actually, they do, but you need a scroll mouse to use it. If you scroll up you can see any text you might have missed, usually upto 99 messages ago. Except it doesn’t come in the form of a log, but rather, it reshows it on the main text window, in a different color. I prefer that way better instead of the log, although, with the log, you can replay voices. There are a couple other forms of backlogging, but I can’t remember them right now.

精神 の 神

Beurk, scroll mice…

[This message has been edited by Benoit (edited 07-10-2004).]

Still no actual reviews posted anywhere about this game though if not by someone here by another person that typically reviews games? Searching brings up many interesting links but nothing close to the game or a review.

Well, it did just come out this past tuesday. Give it about another week for the professional reviews.

精神 の 神