Small something

Just came back from watching the first episode of the newly-released Slave Bazaar OVA. It’s…interesting, to say the least, though those familiar with the source material will be either offended with the liberties taken or interested in the new interpretations given to the characters and storyline (think “YuNo”). Anyway, here’s to hoping that it’ll be picked up for release stateside…

WHAT!? There is a Slave Bazaar OVA!? didn’t know that…

I didn’t know there was a Slave Bazaar OAV.

Who produced it? Was it Pink Pai, Green Bunny, or Milky?

Better yet, could you post the URL to their website?

Thanks in advance.

EDIT: Nevermind. I just found out.

[This message has been edited by Quasi Dogma (edited 06-18-2002).]

Oh, thank you!! Hmm, now, the only question is when it might be here in english…

Hmm, from the preview pictures, I’d day that the art is far from as good as in the game…
And it follows Bianca’s scenario??

Episode 1 gives Bianca’s part, then the other girl in ep 2, then the other girl in 3, and then 4 is the final one…I don’t think the whole series is out yet…I think Nutech will release it cause they got contracts with Green Bunny, Pink Pineapple, and fiveways so if SLave bazzar is under either then Nutech will get it…If not, either CPM or Kittie Media…Critical Mass can’t cause they are having problems now and Softcel is still varnishing a new style with their website and re-releasing all their uncut titles on DVD(hopefully Magical Twilight and GloRiA)…

I want Critical Mass to license Gibo…I really wanna see it’s OVA but Critical Mass is having problems with RSI I think cause they delayed the Vanilla series indefinetly…GOD I hope it isn’t delayed for half a year like Transfer Student…

Really, Then we’ll just wait and see how things goes… I’d really want to see the Slave Bazaar anime and the dokusen anime released in english

Originally posted by woodelf:
Well I want the game FIRST!

Me too, me too, but it'd be great to see those movies anyway [img][/img]

Besides which, hasn’t that been the problem with alot of the anime based on games? That the anime expects you to have some familiarity with the game? Aw heck, I just want the game…

I want the game, but I’d like to have the movie too . Besides, adult anime are more popular than adult bishoujo games right now, and if the Slave Bazaar, the Gibo and Dokusen adult animes got out, it might attract some people here to Peach Princess. Hmm, we just need to tell the company which releases those about Peach Princess so that they can direct people to Peach Princess in some way too…

it will never happen probably that a game and anime will be released due to the market…I was thinking the Words Worth bishoujo game would be released to the U.S.A with the anime but it didn’t…there is a chance for Gibo to be licensed because RSI has a contract with the Vanilla series but RSI is having problems now with it and my Mei King has been delayed indefinetly…

If Slave Bazzar was made by green bunny, pink pineapple, or fiveways then it should be released by Nutech in less than 8 months…I hate Nutech…they cost too much and you have to buy the anime at a porn store rather than a retailer for anime cause it is cheaper at porn stores…some person got there Words Worth box set for 40 dollars…

But if I remember correctly, the company who released Words Worth never told the fnas anything about the fact that it was created out of a game. Had they done it, there might have been some demand for the game, but the companies never pays much attention to background info like that, it seems…

Well, if Slave Bazaar the OVA was released here, then Peach Princess would most certainly sell it too, so you could buy it from them instead…

[This message has been edited by Spectator Beholder (edited 06-21-2002).]

Originally posted by Wicked One:
If Slave Bazzar was made by green bunny, pink pineapple, or fiveways then it should be released by Nutech in less than 8 months...I hate Nutech...they cost too much and you have to buy the anime at a porn store rather than a retailer for anime cause it is cheaper at porn stores...some person got there Words Worth box set for 40 dollars...

Let's see...

Doukyusei 2, MIA
Kakyuusei, MIA
Tenkouse, MIA
Refrain Blue, MIA
Pia Carrot 2DX, MIA

Seeing a trend here? I somehow feel that Nu-Tech just grabbed those titles, and are randomly releasing them, giving preferences to those that look "violent", probably because the feel that "since people is buying Urotsukidoji, they won't buy those others".

Originally posted by fxho:
Let's see...

Doukyusei 2, MIA
Kakyuusei, MIA
Tenkouse, MIA
Refrain Blue, MIA
Pia Carrot 2DX, MIA

Seeing a trend here? I somehow feel that Nu-Tech just grabbed those titles, and are randomly releasing them, giving preferences to those that look "violent", probably because the feel that "since people is buying Urotsukidoji, they won't buy those others".

Aside the fact that "Pia Carrot 2DX" is produced by Beam Entertainment, I doubt Kakyuusei and Refrain Blue would either be released; they're not adult anime... Granted, you quoted possibly the best romance anime PinPai have, but... ;_;

The second part of the Slave Bazaar OVA series seems to have been released. This time it seems to feature Cecilia:

I haven’t watched the OVa, but I dunno about the quality… In case you didn’t notice, they have a few preview pictures on those pages, so… well, it looks like the quality isn’t as good as the quality in the game, sadly enough . The art isn’t what is important through, what I would like to know is if the OVAs is good if they are compared to the game and if the story is just as good???

Instead of comparing the games to the anime, I usually try and judge each by it's own merits

I do try to do that when I'm watching an anime that is based on something; the Escaflowne movie is based on the Escaflowne serie, but it is not as good as the serie if you compare them. but instead of thinking how "bad" the movie looked when compared to the serie, I watched the serie on it's own merits and it worked very well [img][/img]. But the problem is that when I'm watching an anime that is based on something, I want it to be, if even very little, true to the original story, If it would stray way too much from it's original story, then I might end up not enjoying it...

Besides, have you throught of something? In all of the pictures (both game and anime) where Bianca and Miya is displayed, they always looks kinda meek/submissive,(there is one exceptation through; in one of the pictures, Bianca DO look kinda seductive…) while Cecilia nearly always looks either rebellious or seductive…

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
In all of the pictures (both game and anime) where Bianca and Miya is displayed, they always looks kinda meek/submissive,(there is one exceptation through; in one of the pictures, Bianca DO look kinda seductive...) while Cecilia nearly always looks either rebellious or seductive....

Keep in mind their respective personalities, and the pictures won't seem too odd. Mentally, Bianca is a lot like a child, so the player-character often has to lead her around and tell her what to do. As for Miya, well, what do you expect from a near-mute? And Cecilia is spunky and headstrong.

(Currently wondering which OVA to get next, the second Slave Bazaar OVA or the Blood Royal one...want both but haven't the money [img][/img])

Ok, Thank you! .

But… If Miya is near-mute, then how does the main character communicate with her? Does they use a form of Sign Language, or does Miya just shake or nod when the main character asks her something?

It’s the latter option. After all, she’s mute, not deaf.

I’ve been looking over the posts made in this thread and wondering…I think it’s a given that most of us want the game as soon as possible. But which version of the game, the original or the newer version (Slave Bazaar Renaissance)?