Snow Sakura from D.O

I swear, The PP Page must be possessed :wink: It was there, then it disappeared from the product page, now it’s gone entirely. :wink: Of course, that doesn’t really surprise me, after what Shingo said about Monday, but it IS still amusing somehow… :wink:

What the damn heezy?!? When did this bread come into my hands? I wonder who is responsible for this and why?

[ 05-12-2007, 04:36 AM: Message edited by: Mockingbird ]

Its good that they are releasing more games (at least for us) though I wouldn’t be suprised that some games are already completed and PP is holding off on releasing in order for the current games to sell more. Many companies do this even Ubi-soft. After all, you don’t want to over saturate the market.

No, that would not be wise for Peach Princess. They have said they have around 10 titles in the pipeline, they are going to want to get that cleared out as soon as they can. PeaPri is trying to get away from their early days, when they (after a spurt of activity at the very beginning) slowed down to one title every year. They just recently released Doushin, which is one of their ‘classic’ titles and was announced ages ago. Deliberately holding titles back is only something you need to worry about if the market is near saturation (or oversaturated). The problem here is actually going to be somewhat reversed.

I agree to some extent, however, this is not the mainstream video game industry where there are millions of gamers paying billions of dollars each year. This is a niche market, there are so many gamers and they can’t afford to buy everything if games come out every month, probably one of the reason GC got screwed, they released them too fast. I’m not saying that PP should relase one game each year but at the same time, on game every two weeks would not be good for them either.

I seriously doubt that they are going to go THAT fast, So I don’t think they are gonna delay that much.

Whew, just thought that this thread needed a little bumping :wink:

EDIT: Oh, I forgot to mention, the Kitagawa Samui WIkipedia link is messed up on ALL other sites besides the PP one…

[ 05-19-2007, 11:04 PM: Message edited by: Shade453 ]

Thanks for pointing that out, the links should be fixed now. -_-;;