Snow Sakura Q&A Thread - Now on sale!

It took a while, but I finally finished all the paths in the game. My favorite path by far is still Saki’s path.¬Å@She’s so cute and I love her voice and the way she talks. I would rank them:

Saki >>> Rei > Misato-sensei > Kozue > Misaki

I didn’t like Misaki that much and her path actually made me like Saki more.

This is probably my favorite eroge released here, and I played pretty much all the highly praised story-based ones. Now I just have to wait for Princess Waltz and Kazoku Keikaku.

As a rather humorous note, have you noticed that despite the fact that the game seems to point towards the fact that Saki has nonexistant breasts, Saki seems to be pretty welld eveloped in the artwork while Misato and Kozue being said to have firm breasts, are actually closer to lolicon inspired? Its just something that ticked me off.

Nope, it didn’t bother me at all. Lolicon is Win in my book.

I prefer loli to lolicon me… :smiley:

But it’s truye that Saki seems to have the larger breast. But despite that it’s because it’s the only character to which you could say that to make her angry.

For those of you who have finished the game already: does that Monkey Stab fruit business mean anything, at all. It’s really got me bugged. If not, it seems like an awful waste of game time for a dumb joke. Just a yes or no will do. No details, please. Also, I have not been able to find any information confirming the existance of such a fruit. I find that preplexing.

[ 01-13-2008, 12:20 PM: Message edited by: bamboo ]

No. The first half of the game is pretty much filled with such non-sense.

[ 01-14-2008, 12:45 AM: Message edited by: 0001 ]

Things don’t really have a hidden meaning in this game. It’s just about their life. Enjoy the ride and don’t overthink.

Yep. This is a relaxed game in comparison to most others like the Sagara family which has the other characters practically jumping on you. Private Nurse is quite similar but unlike Private Nurse, Snow Sakura is more like a slice of life thing rather than a pre-spun story.

I was just reading the description of the game in the emails, and is it just me, or are they horribly misleading?


The description makes it sound like the promise under the tree is the whole point of the story. You don’t even know about the promise until you’re already on that girl’s path, and the mysterious girl only gets mentioned three times at most in any path. In most of the paths, it’s not even mentioned again after the beginning. The game never even makes it clear who the girl is, though I have a guess after just replaying the scenes. And there’s also no mystery to why you forgot it. It’s just Yuuji is a forgetful bastard.

Again, the mystery isn’t solved in most of the paths.

These descriptions make the game sound like Kanon or something, trying to solve the mystery of your past when that is really a minor part of this game. The game is completely different from what the descriptions make it out to be. The game is about the characters’ lives in the present, not about their past.

Well that pissed me off too since the whole point was to find the girl. If you look at the artwork, it looks like Misaki but I’m not sure. But the girl implied is definitely not Misato (too old) while the girl does not talk like Kozue so that scratches it. This leaves Saki Rei and Misaki. Rei seems unlikely, so I bet it is either Saki or Misaki.

In terms of endings it would be this way.

Misato (older women FTW)
Saki (Coolness)
Misaki (She has some crazy story)
Kozue (Okay, the best part was when she handed Yuuji Kama Sutra. That part was to die for)
Rei (her story was probably the worst but the line “I see breasts” redeemed the entire thing.)


Only Saki and Misaki claim to be the girl from the past. I believe it’s Saki because in the beginning of the game, that mysterious girl invites Yuuji to the tree and is about to tell her name. Saki’s recollection of the past includes both of these.

In Misaki’s past, she wanted to invite Yuuji to the tree but never got the chance to. I don’t believe she ever made a promise to Yuuji either, so the game description only applies to Saki, who made a promise to marry Yuuji.

But really, that mysterious girl is only a really minor part of the game. I don’t know why it was emphasized so much in the description. This game is not Kanon and it’s not meant to be.

Maybe because there is nothing else to say about the story of this game.

Has anyone else noticed the Cardcaptor Sakura parallels in this game?

Kozue adores Misaki and loves to take photos and video footage of her. She has long, dark hair. Kozue lives in a huge house, has bodyguards and gets driven around in a private car.

At one point, Misaki goes ‘hoeeee’, the way Sakura does in CCS.

Misaki apparently likes the name Sakura.

The town is named ‘Yukito’.

Rei looks incredibly like Eriol from the third season of CCS.

Hey all, just recently finished this game and posted my review a couple of weeks ago, wanted to share it with everyone:

For the most part I really enjoyed this game. The characters, the story… there was so very little that I found in this game to complain about!

[i] Easily one of the best games I’ve played, this is a title that is going to get a large amount of replay from me plus recommendations to anyone that I think someone could use a gentle introduction to this type of game. The characters and story are hilarious which will appeal to the anime crowd and any other player who is looking for a light hearted gaming experience. Players who are looking for more hardcore sex action with harder pornographic scenes are going to have to wait a few more months for some of the releases coming down the pipe in 2008, for now though the rest of us have this game and I’m more than satisfied with that.

        This is a game that belongs in every ero gamer's collection. Very highly recommended![/i]

Oh and btw, I’m aware of the typo in the release date. I’ll fix it on Monday :slight_smile:

Glad to see a story oriented game released. I’ve only been through 2 paths(end alone & Saki), but this is already the funniest game I’ve ever played. The story line also appears well done from the paths I’ve seen so far. My only reservation is the art work. The girls all look very similar and rather loli in my view. Since I’m not a fan of loli(and all the girls looking the same), I imagine I’ll be skipping all the sex scenes. For me the game would have lent itself well to a PG format like Hour Glass of Summer.

Overall I’d have to say the art work left me dissappointed with the game. I like to find a favorite girl or girls and work out how to get their endings. With these girls I haven’t been able to find one that captured my interest.

I just completed the game last night. Snow Sakura is definitely going on my ‘favorite games’ list. It’s both hilarious and heartwarming, sometimes at the same time! And Saki is the coolest character ever. :mrgreen:

I’m so glad I took the plunge into eroge for this title (I’d played all-ages visual novels before.) The sex was done in a way that was romantic, rather than outright pornographic. Hopefully, Peach Princess will release more ren’ai games, because I’ll happily buy them. As it is, I have Figures of Happiness, and plan on purchasing the other Angel Smile titles and possibly The Family Project when it comes out.

Route Ranking:

  1. Saki - Absolutely amazing. Saki is totally my favorite character in the game, and her route brought me to tears.
  2. (tie) Rei - I liked the down-to-earth tone of the story, which everyone else seems to have found boring. :roll: Also, Rei’s shyness was cute.
  3. (tie) Misato-sensei - True love conquers all, even smarmy vice principals! Misato is adorable; you just want to give her a big hug.
  4. Kozue - Lesbian stalker alert! Just kidding. Kozue is a sweetie, but she needs more confidence. My main problem with her route was that the H-scenes were a bit on the rough side.
  5. Misaki - Honestly, I liked her up until I got onto her path. Then she became so freaking clingy. After a few times through the game, her obliviousness got a bit tiring, too.

I am still so on the fence about whether or not to get this game. Argghghggh.

I’d say take the plunge and get this one. Unless you don’t like a mix of funny and serious plots, I think just about anyone can easily enjoy this one. The story is good overall, especially Saki’s path.

LOL, the story is quite good and for an H-game, it is very well written due to the fact that you aren’t thrust into a sex storm or a horrifying situation right off the bat. The story does give you a good way to enjoy the game slowly but I kind of dislike it for the fact that the first part of the game and the second part are a bit… varied. The first part emphasizes the choices while the second part has almost no choices at all. it would make me feel better if the second part had choices to give the girl a second ending or something.

Thanks for the quick answer. I’ll give it a try. I haven’t had a new game in a while anyway.