Snow Sakura

Who is a fan of this game? I personally think that its a great game, right up there with YMK (heard Family Project Kazoku Keikaku was just as good too, haven’t gotten too far on it yet though). But Snow Sakura actually surprised me at how good the storyline and everything was, just as I was thinking nothing was comparable to YMK.

One of the things I like the most is the setting, it’s got like that snowy wonderland feeling. Theres not too much, like scenes clustered with buildings and passing pedestrians. Yet theres not too little to where it’s boring.

Also the characters are well thought out. Misaki I think is the best storyline. First of all she is naturally attracted to you from the beginning (obvious to the reader but not to Yuuji until told by Kozue). Also there’s a touching past history with her dealing with Misaki’s glove that Yuuji barely remembers that gives them a past encounter at the Snow Sakura. Her path story is also good. It has it’s decent amount of suspense, conflict, and touching scenes. Also the ending isn’t too bad, coulda been better though.

Saki in my opinion is the 2nd best. Though you spend the most time with her throughout the game because you live with her do to her and Yuuji being cousins, her story isn’t as good as Misaki’s. Although Saki is also portrayed in a past scene with Yuuji at the snow sakura as kids, though it uses the same “no-face girl” used to portray Misaki, which looks way more like misaki than Saki so I’m stuck arguing whether its actually supposed to be like that, or if in this path Yuuji is mistaking the girl for Saki, when in reality it was Misaki, though it’s just not stated in the story. Either way Saki’s story is almost just as good as Misaki’s and definetely worth a read.

Next I think Kozue would be the 3rd best. Surprisingly enough she isn’t a lesbian or bisexual according to her story, she just greatly envies Misaki. She is also actually more attracted to Yuuji than she lets on… though in a bishoujo I guess almost everyone has to be attracted to the main character. There is also a decent amount of suspense and conflict (especially when Misaki finds out about their relationship).

I haven’t played through Rei’s or Misato’s paths yet, though I did skip them to see what the secret scene was, which cleared up who that snow fairy was. But I plan to play through their stories very soon. I also have not gotten or seen any bad endings which I just realized now and am now curious about.

So who else likes this game?

It is my favourite eroge game so far and one of my favourite experiences period. Saki’s path is my personal favourite (hmm, chocalate)… but I love every path in this game. It is light-hearted and humourous, while still maintaining a wonderful atmosphere of frienship, love, and serious story-telling.

My only wish is that some of the epilogues were lenghtened after the two “true-er” endings of Saki/Misaki. But I’m just greedy that way.

Wow, what a surprise. I think that Koin is the first person on this forum to say that he liked Misaki’s route the best. As for myself, while I have great love for this game, it barely misses out on being in my top three (i.e. I would rank it fourth in my collection so far).

I seem to be in the minority, but Snow Sakura is probably my favorite officially released eroge here (note the ero, Ever 17 > *). I think too many people were expecting an important or serious story in the game, but that’s not what it’s about. I enjoyed it for what it was, a relaxing comedic slice of life.

And I still argue Saki is the true heroine. The girl in the beginning mentions the sakura tree, and that tree is an important part of Saki’s route. Misaki doesn’t (or almost doesn’t) talk about the sakura tree at all.

Misaki does mention that she wanted to confess to the one she loves under the Snow Sakura (and does), that seems to be a pretty major thing even if she doesn’t talk about it all that much. Though I see your point with the Saki thing. But the game kinda does resemble around Misaki, beginning with her nervousness toward Yuuji, Kozue’s constant nagging about recommending her to him. Also she has a direct tie to the no-face past girl, which would be the glove, while Saki as far as I remember has no direct tie, plus Misaki’s also on the cover lol. Saki I think is presented as maybe a co-true hero, due to her story, and the fact that Yuuji lives with her so it makes her appear than Misaki. Although, if you don’t pick her story, all she does is get Yuuji in trouble and kick his ass every morning.

I totally agree with the relaxing comedic slice of life thing, you feel at peace when playing and definetely comedic enough to be worth playing it. But it also has its share of romance and suspense to add to being worth playing.

[spoiler]The girl in the beginning talks about how the sakura tree is special. Only Saki ever mentions that later in the game. I feel what Saki said matches what the girl said in the beginning much more than Misaki.

Misaki being nervous around Yuuji has nothing to do with her being the true heroine. There’s almost a girl who’s nervous around the protagonist. Kozue boasts about Misaki because she’s her friend. I don’t think it has anything to do with her being the true heroine either.[/spoiler]

While I’m with you in thinking that Misaki is the main heroine Koin, I’d say that there is enough evidence on both sides that it could be either. It is only by the smallest of margins that Misaki pulls ahead in my mind. Then again, I also disagree with some about the main heroine of YMK.

Yeah, Its a great, heartwarming romantic-comedy. Nice stuff.
I liked Misato sensei route the best.

Errrr… sorry, but no - which I concede most likely is a matter of personal tastes.

At least I know one thing: I made one playthrough in “Snow Sakura” (Misaki’s Route) and after that I simply didn’t feel I’d have the drive to play that game again - expecting a lot of repetition in the main route until the branching into the single routes start. I’d say it is an okay game - but far from having a really big appeal to me.
It is currently just waiting for my next go - alongside “Figures of Happiness” - a started game on a place somewhere in the last third of my backlog. Sure, with that it still fares by far better than “Amorous Professor Cherry” (still not even opened the package), “Bazooka Cafe” (same fate), “X-Change Alternatiye Yin-Yang” (ditto), “Doushin” (not opened too, but in this case it could be explained bacuase I played it through in its japanese original version) or worst of all: “X-Change 3” (uninstalled it in utter disgust).

“Yume Miru Kusuri” on the entirely other end - I definitely couldn’t stop until I got all the endings in all routes here! In every playthrough, I even eagerly expected the “we are all 20”-joke - as well as my favorite quote from the entire game! :wink:
“Princess Waltz” was really great in capturing my attention too (which I actually attribute more to LunLun than the card-battles) - and currently I am playing “Ever 17” which recently even managed to surpass online MahJong in my playing-priorities!

Hm, for me Snow Sakura was fairly average, although it’s definitely one of the better officially translated titles, plus it’s a good eroge to recommend to beginners. Besides the obvious negatives, like the weak scenarios in the latter half of the game, it’s just flat out not as good in the character/story/atmosphere/production values departments as quite a few other eroges.

Was X-change 3 really that bad? I haven’t played any of the X-change games and by what you say Unicorn, I dont think I will lol. I actually liked bazooka cafe a decent amount, just wish it was more realistic with breast size lol.

I hear alot about princess waltz but I hear its huge and takes up multiple gigs of space, my computer just cant take that right now, not at least until I finish and uninstall my current eroge’s.

Meh. I thought it was mediocre at best.

There’s a short fandisc for Saki (it’s not translated, of course. :stuck_out_tongue: )

I really like Snow Sakura. It has its faults (loooooong common path) and I’ve played better titles, but Snow Sakura has a place in my heart as my first eroge. Plus, I love the game’s sense of humor. Attack of the giant crab! :lol:

Ahhh! It’s the titless twintail monster :shock:

Omg I loved that crab scene, I lawled my ass off. :lol:

Snow Sakura is one of my favorite Eroge (just after YMK).
The humour, the snow (It really contribute to the romantic atmosphere), the cute girls, … I’d like to see more games like that ( → Konayuki Fururi ?)

I too liked Misaki the best, but Saki’s route was the most interesting. … arg-doing/

It was the most merciless XChange I ever tried.
By that I mean: it really REALLY goes tough on the characters!
I already firmly disliked in XC2 the scene in which Kouji raped Takuya - and even more because that scene was absolutely unavoidable and there existed even two variations of that in the script. Thus, it doesn’t even could be justified as a punishment for “playing the game wrong” - it simply was bound to happen and the player could only choose which of the two variations should happen to the main character.
And while I still could accept in XC3 the baaaaaaad ending for Takuya and Asuka because it resulted out of decisions that I made and that were obviously wrong, the way how our dear stepsister used Takuya as a consolation prize for her former bedmates because she herself was going to marry and thus abandon them took the cake! And this was not even one of the scenes that were censored. I actually never reached even one of them - neither in its original nor in its modified form. However, what I already heard about them gives me the impression that I don’t really miss anything by not even trying to go there!

I have no real opinion about that game yet, because I only know the outside of its package so far…

I just finished playing through Snow Sakura. I think as far as slice of life goes it filled its role well, even if it had generic (though likable) characters. Another plus was that the sex scenes didn’t drag on forever like they do in some games. My biggest (only?) gripe would be the routes last a little longer than I felt they needed to. Oh, and I liked Saki’s path the best.

Actually Its one of the best in its category.Although the story, characters, setting etc is pretty generic, it is very nicely executed and just enough to be fun.Thats a big point.
On the bad side… No Harem ending :frowning: