So how do you enjoy your h-games?

Do you guys play them in a particular setting?

I usualy play them on my laptop in the middle of the night when I can’t be bothered. I usually do it over a cup of tea, or coffee when I get hooked. And at the end of my “session” I go outside and light up a cigarette while contemplating the story, if it’s a good one that is.

i do the same, - the cigarette. i only smoke when i wanna kill myself. oh wait, afk.

I make a big pot of coffee, and fill my thermo-dispnser full of it, then settle in for the long haul. Even the longer games, I try to finish in one or two sittings (on my off-days). That’s why sme of the longer ones REALLY mess up my schedule.

I like to play in short bursts. Usually I’ll just have a coke or pepsi. These games account for a good portion of my relaxation time.


Thanks a lot dude… you just made me spit a mouthful of Coke all over my keyboard and monitor, after laughing so hard. :stuck_out_tongue:

I generally start playing in the evening, and go until I reach the end of whatever girl’s path I’m playing (this is usually about about 1-2am.)

Weekends, massive amounts of coke, a h-game with a good story, then it monday… :frowning:

I fap to h-games rather slowly and elegantly :smiley:

Too much information dude! :expressionless:

Lately i’ve being working like a crazy, so no time to play bgames or even PS2 games for now. :cry:

But when i’m playing bgames, i tend to sit in my chair - drinking a tea or a cold juice and eating some snacks - and pay attencion to the story like if i’m watching an anime show.

If the eroscenes are not story-focused, i tend to skip them.

To me, erogames are long anime series with a lot more interactivity and a lot more endings. 8) … 654253.jpg
It was a 4chan joke…
My bad…[]

Heh you play them like me :slight_smile:

I wonder how people would respond if I brought in my laptop to classes and started playing eroges.

But most of the time I play them until a path is complete, usually well into the night (3am) then just nap in classes, instead of the other way around. :slight_smile:

Boss at the office originally thought I had a drinking problem, arriving to work somewhat groggy and fatigued. Not sure she wants to hear I played a b-game until 3am. Sometimes you just can’t stop when the story’s good, lol.

I don’t think it’s so much that we can’t stop… I think it’s more along the lines of entering a mysterious time paradox that causes the sun to rise when we could have sworn we had only played for a couple hours.

In other words, the same thing that happens when you play Civilization. :lol:

STOP! In the name of Love!

Japanese support, full-screen, no theme. :mrgreen:

Window mode because I like it that way (The images aren’t big enough for full screen so It makes no sense to play full screen if they get a bit blurred when enlarged.). I generally just play it and may sometimes go and get a meal before coming back. I like to complete one path in a sitting. :slight_smile:

Late at night with a beer. Sam Adams, or Alaskan Amber if I can get it – not quite as good bottled as it is locally, though. Had some last time I was in Delta Junction, a little town about an hour south of Fairbanks, fantastic stuff. Also: window mode. Most b-games look terrible at 1920 x 1080.

When I play Civilization now I find it boring…