Something I noticed about eroges

I realized something the other day as I was finishing up Sharin no Kuni.

It occurred to me that many h-scenes are pretty “vanilla” across the majority of eroges. I noticed that often times the girls will be like crying, and just moaning, and saying “I love you!”, and “you can go faster. it’s ok”. However, when I played Sharin no Kuni I found that they actually talked dirty, but not excessively. It was a pleasant surprise imo.

Off the top of my head, I don’t remember previous games that I’ve played having much of this. I’m sure the darker games do more of this, but I have yet to play one that kept my attention to even make it to an hscene. Anyways, it made the hscenes better. I see so much of these “shy, timid girls” that it is almost annoying in a way now.

If you can play Magical Witch Academy, the heroines in that stay pretty in character in their ero scenes and we get some amusing interactions that accompany the scene. I wrote a review of it if you’re interested: … h-academy/

On a side note, you’ll probably like the shy girl for this game since her ero scenes show that she has a pretty kinky side that she has no problem showing to our hero :smiley:

I don’t care as long as their character isn’t mangled for the H scenes- which can happen either way, really.

for alot of game the ero-scenes are added in

Yeah, if a H scene is like that I’d rather they just didn’t put it in

it is harder to sell games with out the h

In that case maybe the writers should learn to write so that they can include H scenes without them being stupid bolt-ons! Can’t be THAT hard; plenty of eroge writers do it.

there are plenty of those i prefer the mix one that aren’t sex romps but are too story heavy like xchange 3 and yin yang xchange

It’s not just the sex though… The OP movies are pretty template. So are the character design themselves: childhood next door neighbor, tomboy who always says “boku” all the time, huge breast and glasses, etc. Nevermind that +50% of the market are just clones of each other, or borrow something from Sentimental Graffiti/Tokimeki Memorial at some basic level. For example you get something successful like Tsukihime (which in of itself isn’t a “new” idea in the b-game industry), and there’s 500 clones of it.

Eroge is a lot like Hollywood actually… recycled/rebooted/rebranded ideas and whatnot. Only 1% of the stuff is truly original. :expressionless:

moe is what sells

You must be looking at the wrong brands. Just about every eroge has some different IE uniforms.

I hardly see any clones unless I look at cheap brands(ABEL SOFTWARE IS SO GOOD).

Not attacking that brand, because I have some fondness for it as well, but ??? ??? is hardly original. ??? had been done before. The setting scenario for ??? is familiar (read: cliche) to me as well. I’m not professing that things are 100 carbon copy, but it’s RARE for me to find an eroge that’s DIFFERENT from others more than it’s SIMILAR. And yes… that’s completely discounting gameplay and engine design (since it’s a genre given).

Using Hollywood again: Avatar is outstanding cinema… but it’s still Dances with Wolves in Space. :expressionless:

Yes… even brands I absolutely adore (like the old BCyc), are not truly original. Gore Screaming Show is just Stephen King’s IT afterall. Gun Katana is Wolfenstein 3D. It’s exceedingly rare for me to find NEW twincest and yandere, having seen literally hundreds of examples, anymore. Doesn’t stop me from buying of course. Jaded? Sure. Bored of it? No. Big difference between the two.

TBH its almost insulting for you to compare eroge and hollywood :confused:

Abel Software’s lineup intriguingly seems to be divided up into interesting, good games and landmines. They’re like a more extreme version of GIGA.

Nothing on erogamescape by abelsoft has a rating over 76 ;_;…

I tried one(Meru Meru) It looked and sounded awesome and the characters were adorable,but the route I played solved nothing and was REALLY short.

I’m interested in ???, the ??? games and ???.Thankfully a good portion of their stuff is available for DL sales now. As for the landmines, well, things like MQ ??? have been largely criticised for being ridiculously short and not really being much of a story. I would suspect most of their stuff released since MQ is along similar lines, meaning I probably won’t even consider an upcoming title of theirs until they break that habit. It’s sad because a number of these titles including MQ were written by a person who many used to consider the best scenario writer in eroge for years- writing most of the really good titles released from 1996 and earlier.

Those are prob the best games they have,lol.

God meru could have been so awesome…I’d give a go at another route if that 45 average on egs didn’t exist.

I will also never get tired of crazy girl cliches…
[size=50]You should play the ef clone they made >_> [/size]

Actually I’d say: theres_an_eroge_for_that.jpg over 9000, if it was already made once.

Eroge doesn’t cover everything. Eroge featuring African culture besides something Egyptian, just for example, can be counted on one hand. There’s zero Shaka Zulu inspired eroge, but dozens on dozens about Romance of Three Kingdoms.

I thought there was an old thread around here, that asked what eroge didn’t cover yet (as in plot or theme ideas)… but that might have been another forum…

Maybe they don’t find African culture moe?

ww2 would be more moe i think