Something I noticed about eroges

A couple of those exist.

Actually to both statements: Hetalia: Axis Powers :stuck_out_tongue:

Japan and African cultures, don’t seem to mix too well. There’s a lot of negative prejudice about Africa in Japan… then again, you could say the same about Africa for any non-African culture on Earth. :frowning:

Still… there’s the “dark skin” fetish in eroge. Plus as more and more manga/anime feature African ethnic characters (Soul Eater, Naruto, and One Piece are just a few), the exposure and interest will grow I think. Only a matter of time. Even Pokemon has incorporated more diversity.

Its milky skin not black skin thats moe.

Like everything else: depends on your tastes. Me? I like chocolate now and then. 8)

Dark skin is plenty moe, but you notice they never go THAT dark - it’s usually more of a mild tan than anything else.

I’m probably going to regret this, but I take that as a challenge :slight_smile: So you’ve seen games where:

  1. One of the twins is a ghost / has been turned into a vampire / etc, but not the other?
  2. A game with twincest where the twins are 85 years old?
  3. The twincest are both attached to one guy, who is neither the main character nor one of the bad guys, and the main character never gets in on the action?
  4. The twincest pretend to be one person for whatever reason, and take turns going about a single life?
  5. Android twincest?
  6. Not sure if this one counts, but someone noted for resembling their parents (when the parent was their age) uses a time machine to get into a love triangle with their own parents?
  7. The twincest are the same gender as the main character, and in fact are the MC’s competition (taking the girl away from the MC if the player does poorly enough at the game)?

Don’t think I can think of any more … Oh, and if you HAVE seen #6, by all means please elaborate. That sounds interesting :slight_smile:

Edit: Thought of one more ¬_¬

Do clones count? There has to have been a story about this…

85’s quite a specific number. Do you mean old appearance or old “actual age”?

I’m trying to remember if this happened in Sengoku Rance…

Are you excluding gynoid twincest from that category? There’s those two robot maids from ARPG…

No idea but that would be hilarious and entertaining!

Bifronte and a number of other titles I can’t think of right now. But there’s a few.

Nobody wants an eroge with old people. Also, what Zalas said.

I can’t recall anything like this in Sengoku Rance, which I don’t think has twins at all actually.

The most recent release of Kizuato for a bit, although it’s more one sided. Hana to Otome, too, although it’s not really ‘cest’.

Can’t think of any off the top of my head but no doubt it exists.

Take out the ‘resembling’ part (so there’s nothing remotely ‘twin’ about it) and I’ve recently played an eroge with this.

“Take out the ‘resembling’ part (so there’s nothing remotely ‘twin’ about it) and I’ve recently played an eroge with this.”
Can we get a name?

Nekonade Distortion

True. I meant someone who looked quite elderly. You’re right, 85 is overly specific. (And probably cheating as well, since most eroge studiously avoid mentioning actual ages anyway.)

And yes, I know nobody wants old people in their eroge. That’s why I listed it :slight_smile:

I am also impressed by the fact that it didn’t even take ten minutes for examples of half of them to get posted. That was fast.

Dark skin not moe? Really Seriously?

I beg to differ. Most popular combination with dark skin is white hair. It works.

And no, I don’t know what words on the picture means, but i’d assume its a curse, you will now die for seeing such a awesome picture.

On a side note, I didn’t know this forum have 600 pixel limitation. XD Had to shrink the picture abit to be able to post it.

And if U wanna know where girls is from, Its from Xenosaga series. It rocks.

That is milky skin not dark skin :l

Whats the difference.

Gonna skip the ones others have already answered. Also just to point out, just because I don’t answer it immediately, doesn’t mean I don’t think it exists: just that I don’t recall anything immediately off the top of my head. Gotta dig through my collection to jog the memory. I think everything EXCEPT #2 has been done, in some shape or fashion (if only in a vague indirect manner).

Does the twin ghost have to be “visible” to count? There’s a number of titles where the dead twin possesses her twin sister, but doesn’t have her own body (see Gemini in ST5 for a non-hentai example). I forget the name of this eroge for some reason, but I remember this one involving a ghost twin being brought back to life in the end… I just happened to have the CG as a wallpaper, because it had twins and a yangire milf.

Does Senjyo from White Cyc count? Game kinda blurs the line between gynoids and cyborgs…

Though really, this is a pretty common thing. It’s just typically found under “machine maiden” or “robot girl” categories… or a light comedy sci-fi romp, that has the robot girl reveal she’s just one of several exact model sisters, and overwhelm the hero with a “family” mass orgy. I know I can’t be the only one who hasn’t seen that over done before. :roll:

Wasn’t there a yaoi title that did just that? I remember someone around here trying to convince me to play it, describing a situation like that, but I never was able to find it… :expressionless:


Ethnic Africans come in various tones, so naturally drawn renditions of them are similar. They come in “light tones” - which is more popular as of now in anime/manga/eroge… and then there’s the “dark tones” which are only recently becoming mainstream in anime/manga (and I suspect eroge in the near future). I’m assuming he means light skinned when saying milky… as opposed to dark skinned like the girl below would be. But it all still falls under “dark skin” as far as the fetish/trope is concerned.

Though to be honest, anime/manga/eroge take very liberal notions to skin color. What’s the difference between an Asian girl and American girl in your common eroge? Not her skin: it’s the eyes and hair (blue and blonde for the obvious Westerner character has been played to death). Nadia is from Africa… and Rei is from Japan. Neither look like someone actually from these places though. :lol:

No! No! Say that ain’t so!!!

Did you just draw a picture to prove a point? That Nadia n Rei one.

Pretty sure Narg didn’t draw it. If he could draw like that he wouldn’t need to hire artists for SOL Invictus.

Okay coz I’m surprised to see a picture of nadia n rei together. That’s like uh rare? XD

Btw, whats SOL Invictus? Something u can’t talk about yet?

They’re both from Gainax. It wouldn’t surprise me to see such a thing in an artbook somewhere.

And SOL Invictus is the bishoujo game that Narg is writing in his spare time. (Well, technically, he’s leading a project to do so, but he’s the main motivating factor, so it’s the same difference …)