Something I noticed about eroges

Yes; I’m properly envious given that I’ve tried to write a VN a few times and never got far.

Does Utawarerumono count?

It should, but you’d be surprised by how many violently homophobic reactions there have been to learning Gura and Dorii’s actual gender. The characters themselves flat-out state that they’re guys (and they are disappointed when their offer to show proof is turned down). Their gender is brought up several times in the DVD extras as well, refuting claims that their gender was changed for the anime. In one extra, the tone is deathly serious: Eruruw asks if the two are girls, but Hakuoro corrects her and stresses that she shouldn’t pry since the twins had a childhood they can’t hope to understand (remember, they’re war orphans who were saved from the depths of despair by Oboro). In another, the ambiguity is played for laughs: the characters hold a fanservice slideshow featuring the female cast of the show, but someone starts desperately insisting, “aren’t Gura and Dorii’s girls, too?”.

Pardon the tangent. I’m just annoyed how some people can claim to be open-minded, yet grasp at straws to disprove canonical statements (how many people try to pass off skinfold as underboob when it comes to Utawarerumono?). Given the rise in the popularity of traps and reverse traps before the game was released (Jun Watarase, Bridget, Sheik), you’d think they’d recognize a trend forming…

Anyway, what happens between Oboro, Gura, and Dorii takes place largely off-camera. In the anime version, we’re shown maybe one still frame for each scene hinting that their relationship is becoming physical. Nothing is ever shown in the original game. In many other titles like Quartett, we’re shown couples that don’t include the protagonist or the pursue-able leads consummating their relationships. Maybe the attitude is, “if we aren’t shown it, it doesn’t matter”? I dunno.

guess people don’t want 801 in their eroge, even if it is offscreen!

Was looking for some new twincest to buy…

An Atelier Sakura, where the playable hero has a twin brother involved for the same girl.

Impressive. I guess it really IS hard to come up with things that haven’t been done before.

To be fair though , Rei has a reason that makes sense She’s a hybrid clone of Lilith and Yui Ikari :wink:

Well, if you wanna get that technical, Nadia isn’t really African. She’s actually one of the last surviving True Atlanteans, which means she’s not even human to begin with. :stuck_out_tongue:

nadia looks more pacific islander than African anyway

True. She was found in Kenya though.

Like Obama. :wink:

K Nargrakhan.

I’m going to watch nadia’s anime now. Never quite got around to it but i must. I would’ve watched it years ago but my warhammer 40k hobby kept me away.

It’s got issues. Namely it got expanded to 39 episodes but they didn’t have material to put into 39 episodes, so they just kinda inserted filler into the middle. Also, Nadia herself is incredibly unlikeable, to the point of ruining the show. For me, at least.

The rest of the cast manages to save the show, especially Grandis and co. (after a few episodes)

Actually, I don’t like Nadia… character or the series. I just happened to find a few pics of Rei and her togther.

Rei > Nadia.

While I wholeheartedly agree that Rei and her series is superior, I have to admit I have a bit of a soft spot for the Nadia series. I’ll admit the first few episodes aren’t that good, but once the main story starts things pick up noticeably. The conflict between Nemo and Gargoyle made for an interesting story with both action and mystery enough to keep me entertained, which sadly means the side characters are more interesting than our main characters. I also liked how when things were taking place on the Nautilus they were able to keep a similar feel to 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (which the show is loosely based on) in how they were showing the underwater journey.
If you watch the series, skip the filler episodes (though I will admit episode 29 makes for a good chuckle), and avoid the movie sequel at all costs.

rei is even better in rebuild

Indeed she is. I highly recommend the dub; I’d seen You Can (Not) Advance three times before in Japanese, but the dub actually made me cry. Twice. One “single Indian tear” and one “they flow like waterfall”. That’s a very, very good thing. I don’t think I need to tell you which scenes. Spike, Trina, Brina, and Tiffany did a superb job, even if the rest of the voicework was a bit inconsistent.

The fact that rebuild Shinji - of all people - has a yandere mode, makes it worth it’s weight in gold alone.

Do not get that man’s way, when women are involved. :twisted:

Indeed. If you’ll pardon the cliches: one line gave me chills, and the next had me grinning ear-to-ear as manly tears poured out for the entire scene that followed.

Shinji (deathly calm): “I want Rei.”
Shinji (eyes change color): “GIVE HER BACK.”

I stand behind my belief that Spike Spencer is the definitive voice of Shinji Ikari. No offense, Ogata, but Spike outdid you in every way possible.

Care to guess what the other tearjerker moment for me was?

shinji pretty much turning the eva into a god awesome to the max