sometimes I wish there was an option to SKIP the h-scenes...

… because they’re so terribly unerotic. By my standards, at least. :slight_smile:

I’m playing Princess Waltz at the moment, and I’ve just finally reached the first scene between Arata and Chris and my eyes are rolling so hard they want to fall out of my head. I couldn’t even finish reading it in one go because it made me want to beat my head against the desk.

It’s so hard being a girl sometimes! :slight_smile:

But lots of girls like the H scenes!

But yeah, we all go through this - not just because of badly written H scenes like Princess Waltz’s, but if we’re quite engaged in the story and don’t want it to stop so we can watch some mandatory rutting. Enable skipping unread text and CTRL your way though.

I found the first scene horrendously amusing too, to the point where I transcribed it after finishing the game, for the purpose of inflicting it on various online acquaintances + irc channels. I loved Suzushiro’s scene too for the same reason - it’s not quite as good as the first one, but close. Thinking about it, even moreso than the horrid descriptions, the proliferation of exclamation marks is what really sets the scenes apart from most other translated ones I’ve read. ‘Arata: And my semen is coming out!!!’ wouldn’t be nearly as amusing if the three exclamation marks were reduced to one, or replaced with a full stop.

Ctrl is your friend. Sorry for being sarcastic, but I happen to be a guy who happens to have a healthy sex drive–Provided the CGs are well-drawn and the voice-acting is good, I am perfectly capable of enjoying H-scenes and find at least some erotic value in them, whether they be from a sex romp or a story-heavy game. I think you should see a doctor–You might get some viagra or something to get yourself fixed up.

Wait a sec… You’re a girl? You’re lying. There are no such things as girls on the internet.

Mmm yeah, the H-scenes/romance in Princess Waltz sucked. The choosable scenes were just wedged in as an afterthought, and the mandatory ones were with a character that wasn’t very hot…

If anything would’ve saved the H in that game, it would’ve been Iris defeat rape. :lol:

Well, the character and the situation could have been hot for me, but the writing and the specifics of the art weren’t to my taste. :slight_smile:

(I suspect this game in general will be a disappointment to me because it teases me with things I’m interested in, but isn’t going to end up going there at all. Things I’d be interested in seeing: Chris seducing any of the other princesses while trying to maintain princely pretense. Any sex at all happening to Iris, and getting the reactions of both halves. Chris/Arata/Anyone threesomes, particularly after having first been there as Iris. I suspect none of that will happen, but obviously I’m not far along yet so don’t tell me.)

See, Pulltop include H scenes because it’s their obligation as an eroge company to do so =P So you generally won’t get anything unusual or especially plotrelevant in terms of ero in a pulltop game. They’re nothing more than skip fodder, even when well written.

Perhaps, I did like most of the ones in Yume Miru Kusuri, that was pulltop right? Or am I mistaken?

YMK had good sex. :slight_smile:

YMK was from ruf not Pulltop.

Me, I didn’t mind the ero in Princess Waltz, then again that was around the time I was playing Fate/Stay Night and alot of you know how the ero scenes written by Nasu are :frowning:

how are the h-scenes in demonbane

Some are a bit stomach-unsettling, but hardly as bad as they get in eroge. There’s not too many - nitroplus were never into large amounts of ero.

I’m mostly looking forward to it for the badassery.

On topic, I never skip h-scenes the first time, even if they do suck. I’m looking at you, Family Project.

I sometimes feel like sex scenes are put as an obligation rather than something that proceeds the story or is an important art of the plot. There are only a few times where i felt a sex scene was done properly.
Sad but true, I sometimes end up skipping ero scenes.

i skip most of the time during my 2nd or after that playthroughs unless i liked the scene alot

Girls… play hentai games?


Well… just use the skip all option.

eroges are basically romance novels on some level, so…

Eh, it shouldn’t be that much of a surprise, :? even if you forget about the otome/BL segments of the market. As one example, within the industry, there are a lot of female eroge artists including CARNELIAN, Izumi Tsubasu, Nishimata Aoi, Chikotamu, Hinoue Itaru and Shiizaki Hinaki. That’s certaintly not a job you’d take on if you disliked eroges, so given that it’s not too surprising that quite a few girls play eroges too.

Edit: Beaten, in a much more concise form :stuck_out_tongue:

I skipped H scenes when I needed more time to get into the plot. I also remember skipping them while playing Pretty Soldiers, this time because I was too busy fighting yoju.