soul link english version

It looks like I’m not the only one with problems, though mine is with the game not starting at all even with a successful activation code.
(I do have the proper requirements)

can anyone make a walkthrough
the google translated one is worthless

According to the MangaGamer forums thread, they’ve put up a new game file that will work for people who had problems activating it.

The Staff Blog has at least posted this hint for an early part of the game: … link-hint/

I think I’ll try playing throughout the entire game without a walkthrough or hints. A “hard” VN sounds fun to me, though that may be because I’m used to playing through the puzzles of IF (Interactive Fiction).

Now, just an hour and 15 minutes until it’s done downloading…

yes that is exactly what I was thinking, but Soul Link is in mordern day moe style

Found another death loop in chapter 1. Frustrated the hell out of me until I figured it out.

Very early on you have to find the wireless transceiver in the infirmary (when you go to look for Nao), you will always lose without it.

I hate it when missing something like that requires you to replay so much of a game. Overall it’s been pretty good, though playing through Rance 02 (the remake) beat it out in priority easily. And if you really need to ask why there can only be one answer: 41P harem.

Bought this game and got the download finished, but haven’t had time to install and play it yet. Hopefully I’ll get around to it within a week or two. I’ve got a huge, massive backlog of games to play after the Christmas sale on Steam, in the region of 30+ games. It’s so much that I almost miss being unemployed and having all the time in the world for games. Well, almost. I’ll have to wait until summer to play most of them, I guess.

i finished the Sayaka route and am working on the yu route

My thoughts after completion:

First chapter was good, 2nd was crap, and the last tied up loose ends decently I thought.

And Ryota ending up with any of the girls didn’t really make much sense, in reality all the 2nd chapter is, is to make up for lack of branching. They obviously found it difficult to tell the story they wanted to, while including several ‘winable’ heroines still and thus suffered. So really they should’ve just gone with the straight one path story and made the 2nd chapter actually decent story wise, either that or make a more elaborate story that is able to incorporate several ‘winable’ heroines feasibly, but this is Navel so can’t expect too much.

Overall it was average, liked the first chapter, but after that it just died.

there is still
koihime muso next month
i will be wait eagerly for that

I’m still on the prologue…playing pretty slowly, I guess. Well, Civilization IV sucked up all my time.

I heard there was a font hacks for earlier MangaGamer games…is there one that works for Soul Link? It would really reduce the strain on my eyes if the font was a bit larger/bolder.

Soul Link font hack (not tested):

Thank you. It seems to work quite well for me.

Speaking of fonts…

I’d be curious to hear how that poll turns out. Personally, I think Times New Roman is always a good choice.

that is MLA/APA standard

GEORGIA. Is that a free font? I have no idea… but I think it looks great.

After the second time the protagonist hinted at hooking Sayaka up with his brother, I was very worried, cause she’s my favorite character. I was quite sure Navel will screw me for a second time i[/i]. Good to know there IS a Sayaka route after all. :slight_smile:

i think the kareha story is in the new shuffle game that was just released i n jAPAN

sorry posted twice

I know, it’s been discussed here (cause I keep whining about this in pretty much every topic), but until it’s translated, I can only wait.

Speaking of Soul Link heroines, I’m not very fond of any of them, to be honest. Sayaka is the closest to being interesting so far (and Nao will be the last route I clear, if at all… damn these timid childhood friends, I’m so tired of them).