Stepmother's sin video not game (suggestion to admin to

I have a question, I heard a gun go down and who died? Did he kill his mom or himself? I think it’s himself for doin this to him but he should also kill his mom because he ruined her life… who is it? I also think i get the plot and its that we men ruin woman, he thought all woman can not control themselves when it comes to sex but i think that it was the person who fucked them so many times which turn them into who they are… irrestible to sex. Can’t live without it. Like his step mother, if he never fucked her she wouldn’t want sex so badly and the same goes for his sister. Maybe not the cousin because you don’t get to see her past. Please respond to this.

ADMIN: I think we should make a forum for hentai talk, like plots and stuff to get more people to buy videos. That’s just a suggestion to the admin

If I’m not mistaken, that’s what the Bishoujo and Anime Forum is for–discussing bishoujo games in all of their various aspects, among other things.

[This message has been edited by Wolfson (edited 06-30-2004).]

It’s purposely left open so that you can decide who was on the other end of that bullet. My personal belief is that he ended up shooting himself only. As for the plot, I have a slightly different interpretation. But without talking to the writer to find out exactly what they meant, it’s just speculation on my part.

And yes, that’s what the other forum is for, talking about all aspects of bishoujo whether it’s in a game, anime or manga format. But it should be bishoujo in content. That’s why this discussion could have fallen under there while the thread on Gatchaman, which pretty much isn’t bishoujo, got moved here. (Lamuness-san, correct me if I’m totally wrong…)

[This message has been edited by ekylo (edited 06-30-2004).]

oh i didn’t see the anime discussion… i was looking for that forum too

Quoted by ekylo: "As for the plot, I have a slightly different interpretation. But without talking to the writer to find out exactly what they meant, it’s just speculation on my part."

um… what did you think the plot was? What i wrote isn’t what i thought the plot was… it was what i thought the moral of the story is… that guys ruin girls and turn them into sexaddicts like porn stars for example. I might be a guy but thats wat i think is the moral and they created the anime so guys wouldn’t ruin girls anymore and rape them…

Originally posted by Sakamoto:
That's something I've always wondered. What exactly is on-topic for the "Bishoujo Games and Anime Discussion Forum"?

The bishoujo game part is obvious, but what about the "anime" part? Is it only for Bishoujo Anime that were based off games or does it include all "bishoujo anime"?

I agree with ekylo that pretty much any type of bishoujo medium is covered under that forum--it just tends to get dominated by the games... probably because a lot of game players are on the board, and the term "bishoujo" is usually applied to the games. In the former case, when the game players are not on the board asking "help" questions, they usually end up in the discussion forum talking about the games. But that shouldn't discourage anime and manga fans from using that forum to discuss bishoujo topics... at least in my opinion [img][/img]


Originally posted by sdfadsa:
um... what did you think the plot was? What i wrote isn't what i thought the plot was... it was what i thought the moral of the story is... that guys ruin girls and turn them into sexaddicts like porn stars for example. I might be a guy but thats wat i think is the moral and they created the anime so guys wouldn't ruin girls anymore and rape them...

You said "I also think i get the plot and its that we men ruin woman". The only way I can read that line is that you thought that was the plot of the story, not the moral. So I answered it as such.

*SPOILERS* - Just so I don't forget...

For me, the plot was about control and who really has it. Yusuke did believe that women were secretly nymphomaniacs, that behind each innocent face was a monster of wanton desire. So he sought to dominate and control that monster within his stepmother through his acts. It gave him a feeling of power and superiority. However, at the end, it wasn't him in control, it was his stepmother who was. Although he appeared dominate, she was the one with the power and it was her using him to feed her own appetites and desires.

As for the moral, I felt it was a bit more than "guys ruin girls and turn them into sexaddicts" as you say. Again, going back to the "monster" analogy, Yusuke acts were attempts to control and stop the "monster" within his stepmother. However, in doing those acts, he not only created and released the very "monster" he wanted to stop, but he became a "monster" himself.

So for me, at the very end, when he walked in on his stepmother, he finally came to a full realization of what he had created and what he had become. He became aware that the perceived weakness he saw within women was actually a reflection of his own weakness. It pushed his self-loathing to a critical point. And to me, he sought that one last gesture of control, to put an end to the "monster" which he most feared, I think he took his own life at the end.

So that's my own reasoning, I'm sure others have different opinions. That's probably why I liked the underlying story more than I would have normally, I think they did a good job of leaving much of the interpretation open to let the viewer decide. *shrug* Of course the question becomes, did the writers intend for it to be that way or did they want to force a particular viewpoint. I don't know. That's why I said it was only speculation on my part.

So there, I tried to answer your questions based off my own opinions on the anime. There's no need to get huffy about it. It's not like your questions were being ignored. Not everyone has seen that particular anime, and of those that have, not everyone may have put an opinion together about what the plot or moral was. And who knows, maybe once I finish playing Gibo itself, maybe I'll change my interpretation of what the anime was about. That's what discussion is all about.

Ah… Obviously a kind of a Lady or the Tiger ending: you get to decide the outcome in your own mind…

[This message has been edited by Wolfson (edited 07-01-2004).]

ah thats smart ekylo. You know any other anime series like that? I want to see others like this because i liked this anime series a lot, it had a nice plot. The same thing is for Depravity and Nine O’ Clock woman in my opinion.

I don’t know I kinda like the bishoujo forum to cover on the games and stuff and put the anime manga discussions here. course that’s just me, and I can live with which every way they want things done.

Oh and Sdfadsa you don’t know us old timers very well do you. We always turn a thread on it’s head on go on tangents, that’s what we do

Something I noticed very quickly–and also probably a contributing factor as to why some of the same topics come up over and over again… a lot of the time the issue ends up by becoming something else entirely

The same topics would come up over and over again, in any case. Often it’s the tangents that start the most interesting discussions.

Or, at the very least, they start discussions that I wouldn’t have thought about posting in the first place… which is just as good

well like this… you all changed the topic already

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
Oh and Sdfadsa you don't know us old timers very well do you. We always turn a thread on it's head on go on tangents, that's what we do [img][/img]

What are you trying to tell me????

That we have really bad attention spans and like to tell stories that don’t go anywhere.

Like I can tell you how gas rose up in price so much, because I remember a time when gas was just 97 cents and during that time there was a person who would go with an onion tied to his pants, which was the style at the time. The rich people would use red onions, while the bums had to stick with a more pugnant white onion. Now the smell of the onion was important because it let people know how much gas you needed since the road tax would come around with a pitchfork and would stab the streets to make sure they were still fresh. Now we were able to make a phone call using two dimes, which we called momma’s money since most of us at the time, used to call our moms to make sure she didn’t drop dead or something. Anywhere, where was I? Oh, yeah, the onion. Now people from Hawaii would use Maui onions because that’s what they had at the time, and they would tie them their pants, which was the style at the time…

精神 の 神

blink I don’t even want to know how you came up with that. (Though now I finally know why my pants smelled so odd growing up…)

Hmm, as for other anime series, none are comming to mind off-hand. Oddly enough, I really don’t have all that much adult anime, I’d rather watch stuff like Sugar personally. I havn’t seen Depravity or Nine O’Clock Woman so I can’t even compare or offer suggestions on what might be similar. Maybe someone else though.

If you’re looking for something with a good storyline, D+vine Luv is a good one. Luv Wave too, but I’m sure a lot of people will get turned off by the pretty bad rape scene. There’s a couple more that I can’t think of off hand.

精神 の 神

Originally posted by Seishin:
That we have really bad attention spans and like to tell stories that don't go anywhere. [img][/img]

Like I can tell you how gas rose up in price so much, because I remember a time when gas was just 97 cents and during that time there was a person who would go with an onion tied to his pants, which was the style at the time. The rich people would use red onions, while the bums had to stick with a more pugnant white onion. Now the smell of the onion was important because it let people know how much gas you needed since the road tax would come around with a pitchfork and would stab the streets to make sure they were still fresh. Now we were able to make a phone call using two dimes, which we called momma's money since most of us at the time, used to call our moms to make sure she didn't drop dead or something. Anywhere, where was I? Oh, yeah, the onion. Now people from Hawaii would use Maui onions because that's what they had at the time, and they would tie them their pants, which was the style at the time...

Have you been smoking my crack? Again? You really have got to cut that out. It's expensive, you can't just keep walking off with it like that.