Street Fighter 4

For those who love the SF series. :slight_smile:…med-311856.php

I’ve always been more of a King of Fighters/SNK fan. Better character designs, better costumes.

…I hope it’s not 3d (like EX series) but just a awesome 2d-sprite goodness like 3rd Strike.

You and me both. Guilty Gear and King of Fighters have been holding the 2D torch, but even they’ve slipped into 3D experimentation. :slight_smile:

Can someone explain to me WHERE this new SF4 takes place in the timeline? Is it a reboot of SF2 or something?

I thought Vega (Bison in the US) was finally killed by Akuma with that Shadow Death Fist move of his. :expressionless: Also no Cammy makes Narg sad.

I’m seriously tired of Vega… he’s a sucky final boss. At least Rugal defined SNK Boss Syndrome. I liked seeing him return, just to see how cheaper he got.

God I can’t wait for Soul Calibur 4. At least that has a plot that makes sense (well… except for Yoda and Vader). :frowning:

According to people who’ve played it, SF4 is pretty damn good.

On a side note, I’ve just discovered the American SF cartoon. Bison is a dark eroger too? :stuck_out_tongue:

I look forward to SF 4 So I can be reunited with my Favorite Thunder Thigh Queen, Chun-Li!

There’s actually a vote going on for what new characters fans want to see in the home version of the game. So go vote for Cammy if you wanna see her there! :smiley: Wonder if any runner ups will make it too… … haracters_

Capcom’s done this voting thing before too, for the American version of We Love Golf. We got to vote on 1 Capcom costume for each of the two new characters. Was pretty neat of em to do.

No wai! They put Sakura on the poll. Screw Cammy then. :stuck_out_tongue: Seriously. If she was an uber hottie as a teenager, I wonder what she looks like legal. Ryu’s stalker wins.

Like a certain despairing teacher’s student: “Jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~

LOL, poor Cammy. Sakura’s cool too though. Anyways I ended voting for Ibuki. I played as her a lot on the SFIII machine at the arcade, but alas, it has long since been replaced by newer games. I miss her. XD

Capcom is doing it wrong…

3D sucks… Fighting games were only good when they were in 2D.
I miss super street fighter II (with a fast Vega…), Capcom VS SNK 2, Mark of the wolves, KOF XI, …

2D will always win.

The proof :
2D vs 3D


3D games should be illegal !

Meh. I stopped caring about 2D vs 3D ages ago. As long as the characters are cool and the gameplay is fun, I’m there. :roll:

And for some actual SF4 stuff, Fei Long and Dan confirmed for the home version.

The Dan art cracks me up. I’d still like to see some of the female characters from that poll make it in though.

Damn it… Cammy won the popularity poll. She’s gonna be the bonus character in the home version of SF4. Shoot. I was REALLY looking forward to seeing the canonized “adult Sakura” actually be in the game. :frowning:

She’s so hawt, Ryu spent time looking for her. Seeing as how she was still single and wearing Ryu’s headband after all those years; I think she might be holding the torch for him. 8)

Scan is from Sakura Ganbaru: it’s the origin of Karin Kazuki - her addition into the Alpha series was CAPCOM’s special way of thanking the mangaka (Masahiko Nakahira) for doing such a great job.

Good news for Sakura fans… she’s in anyways. :open_mouth: I wonder what her alternate outfit will be. … _687lo.jpg

Also wow, that’s a neat little factoid. I didn’t know that was Karin’s origin. I finally picked up Sakura Ganbaru a few days ago to give it a read. Udon translated and released the two books in the US. Way fun. I’ve still got the Cammy manga he did too. Viz published it here back in the day.

Hmmm… the fortuneteller Rose is also back. I guess CAPCOM wants to make all the fanboys happy. :o

Kinda mifed that Sakura hasn’t grownup at all. She still looks like a teenager, yet everyone else got older. How does that work? I wanted to see a 25 year old hottie version of her. :frowning:

On the plus side, 3D physics means we see her red gym shorts all the time. WOOT!!!

Not Street Fighter 4, but it’s in the same genre. :o

Just recently learned that King of Fighters XII is going to be a “dream match” entry. The story from KoF11 will continue in KoF13. Evidently the dev team needs a lot more time to redraw all the cast sprites - which totally makes sense, given how huge the KoF cast has gotten. Therefore KoF12 will be a “stop gap” to test the waters and earn a bit of cash while the long trip continues.

Only 20 playable characters… at least at the start. Given this is a “dream match” and all, I suppose the final boss will be Rugal or his psychotic kids.

Ah… I was wondering how Bision came back for SF4, seeing how it takes place after SF2. I mean he dies at the end of the Alpha series. But comes back by possessing his “other half” that’s Rose. Err… shouldn’t have Bison been a woman then? Whatever. So then Akuma does his “instant Hell death attack” thingie on Bison at the end of SF2. So then, the red uniform dictator’s soul should have been destroyed without a body to inhabit, right?

Regenerative cloning. Is there nothing it can’t fix?

So yea… CAPCOM “borrowed” one of SNK’s cheapo answers (see: Rugal). Of course I’m totally ignoring the fact, that Bison’s outfit seems to “bioregenerate” like the rest of his organic body. Errr… so… ummm… how the hell is Rose back again?

Head… hurts… so… much… :shock:

Wow… SF4 is really good. It’s basically just SF2 and SF3 in 3D, but without that “360” environment crap. Despite not playing SF2 or 3 in years, I’ve been kicking a lot of butt online with Ryu and Sakura. The basic game mechanics are the same. Any old schooler can pick it up in 10 minutes and be the arcade terror they once were.

Well… except the XBOX360 controller sucks. :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyone here a fellow XBOX’er with the game? Narg would be more than happy to show you his “not all that good, but still knows a few tricks” with the Shoto Clones. :o

Thinking about getting it, but since I have both a PS3 and a 360, PS3 wins just from Controller alone. I also refuse to pay for a Gold membership. (Ya I download stuff from Live but won’t give Microsoft that satisfaction of me as a Gold member lol)

Regarding your problems with a 360 controller, I happened to see a preview of the game in the G4 section of my cable’s On Demand service a bit back. I remember seeing them using special controllers that were pretty much identical to how you would have played the game in an arcade. I also recall them saying “While the game doesn’t require these controllers, it is highly recommended.” or something to that effect.