Street Fighter 4

OMG… so it starts… people who hate the Shoto Clones. :expressionless:

I’m playing a game using Ryu with someone (random dude off the net), and play using the classic “Fireball Pressure” followed by a Dragon Punch or standing Strong Kick if he’s nearing me. Dude never got the timing right, and calls me cheap. So rematch. He goes for Ken, and I go for Rose. Soul Reflect for the win, when he tries to use my previous game strategy (I guess to show me a lesson or something). Once again I’m cheap, cause I didn’t take a Shoto again. Thus I take Sakura for the third round, and he takes Ken again. Fireball war, but I guess he didn’t realize that Sakura can make her fireballs variable. So I throw short ones from a distance and large ones up close, in combination with her running Dragon Punch when he tries to advance on me (and to advance on him). Again I’m cheap. So the final battle I pick M.Bision and he takes Seth (new final boss). Well Seth is overpowered, so I decide to be cheap since he thinks I’m so cheap. Jumping Strong Punches to dominate the air, and Nightmare Knee Press for ground control countering. Psycho Crusher as he gets up, to chip damage (timed to hit so I’m a bit behind him as he stands, so his Dragon Punch counter can’t hit).

Feh… he gives me a bad score for gamer rep and quits. Meh… maybe I’ll just start playing cheap all the time then. :stuck_out_tongue:

Sore losers aside (not like I’m all that great either, my losses are greater than my wins): awesome fun. The endings suck though… they’re all setup for a ST5 or something. Rose’s reminds me of some dark eroge I play (spoilers obviously). Speaking of Rose: she’s hotter in 3D… her English voice actress has that Italian sexiness down pat. Bison you lucky dog… although isn’t she technically like his “good twin” or something? :stuck_out_tongue:

Also when does CAPCOM stop playing games and get Ryu and Sakura together? It’s obvious she’s got more than hero worship going on, and she’s the ONLY fighter Ryu lets beat him. On a creepy note: Sakura is 37 years old (born in 1972) and still wears a sailor uniform. :lol:

The endings to Street Fighter 4 are a setup for Sakura Taisen V? I can see why that would suck …

It’s Sakura I tell ya. She’s upset about Oogami not picking her. :stuck_out_tongue:

Speaking of Sakura… CAPCOM took her creepiness another level: she’s stealing Ryu’s clothes (at 0:55 in the vid). The upcoming costume add-ons.

That girl is future yandere material I tell ya. :lol:

Still waiting for my copy, though I have heard about the difficulties with playing on the 360’s controller (and my preordered copy is for the 360). Even the Angry Video Game Nerd’s having trouble with it:

Don’t worry, he likes the game.

I’m actually getting used to the 360 controller…

Use the “nub” instead of the “crosspad” - its more responsive.

That crosspad was designed like crap… clearly MS never imagned people would play fighting games on their system. Why can’t they just design controllers like the old SNES and Genesis systems? :roll:

A friend bought SF4 on xbox360…

I don’t want to remember this day for the rest of my life…

oh and I agree when you say that the controler sucks.

Hmmm, does this mean you absolutely hated the game, or that you were beaten very, very badly?

Lol. i just played against my friend (10 win - 3 lost).
I just don’t like the 3D and the controlerx-box pad.

I still prefer SF2…

Why internet ? Why ?
Only 20 characters, it doesn’t follow the story of kofXI, it’s not on PS2, the sprites are redraw, … → Do not want.

But a least you can play with Andy Bogard and Joe Higashi :slight_smile: (even if you have to say goodbye to K, Yuri, Mai, …)

I just got SFIV for the PS3 last week and it’s a lot of fun. Seth cheats like the Bastard he is. Love the Animated openings and endings, wish more games did this. Never been a huge Street Fighter fan due to the fact I got my butt kicked, a lot.

PS3 Dual Shock 3 Controller FTW!!!

lol… when you run through the Trial Challenges, it starts to unlock titles that tell about the fighter’s traits… for example…

Ryu: Tireless Wanderer, Sleeps Anywhere, Karateman, I Like Bean Jam, No Home No Job, Samurai Fighter, Hungry Fighter, Heart of Battle, Satsui Ryu, Fists of Wind
Thus we can conclude that while Ryu a “warrior’s warrior” and all that, he’s always hungry (likes bean jam) and a bum. :?

Sakura: Cherry Blossom, Heart Professor, Tokyo Native, In A Class By Myself, Imitator, Rice For The Win, No Good at Games, Late Again, Not Much Of A Cook, High School Girl
She’s from Tokyo, terrible at games, always late, can’t cook, and still in high school. :stuck_out_tongue:

Rose: Soul Power, Low Blood Pressure, Elaborate Hairdo, Long Scarl, Scent Of Poison, Tease, Sexy, Psychic Goddess, Arcane Fox
Rose is anemic… and hot… although I don’t think we needed to be told that. :twisted:

Crazy chain combos…

Facing people like these scare me. I’ve never been good a stopping players who only need to get one hit in. :cry:

Yeah, I feel your pain at meeting top tier (or at least vastly more talented ) players in SF4. I’m sitting right around 2000 BP and have really just come to realize how much I can’t do yet, rather than feeling like I’ve really accomplished something yet. The only good thing about long combo strings like the ones in the video is that the damages get scaled down dramatically after the first few hits. Chun-Li’s 30+ hit combo does barely 25% damage to Zangief’s bar. Now all things considered, Zangief is a beefy beast, but for the amount of work that guy did, 25% seems like a slap in the face. (Needless to say, the combos that those guys can do, irregardless of their actual useful is downright impressive, not to mention scary as hell if you come across one of them on PSN or XBL.)

I play as Cammy predominately, and I can never get 4 TK Cannon Strikes in a row…ever. I think 2 is my max, 3 with EX. Drives me crazy trying to emulate good Cammy players, but I’ll get better as times goes on.

Maybe we should spar against each other. :wink:

I’ve gotten to a point, where most everyone I’m facing is either outrageously difficult (chain combo 50% of my life bar after getting a single opening), or easy to exploit a weakness out of. So I’m either winning two rounds consecutively, or I’m getting my face smashed in ruthlessly. I haven’t had a “3 round” battle for days now. :lol:

I’ve decided to stop trying to master the entire SF4 cast, and solely devote myself entirely to Sakura and Ryu. There’s just sooooo much to learn with the chain combo patterns, and two is more than enough for me. Sakura for her speed; Ryu for his power.

I tried adding Ken to the mix, but he’s more insane. :stuck_out_tongue:

I wanted to play as Sakura in SF4, but too many of her juggles revolve around landing the EX Whirlwind kick for my liking, so I had to give up on her. Her uppercut is absolutely amazing though. I think I read earlier in the thread that you (Narg) are on XBL, while I’m on PSN. (While I do have a 360 & a PS3, I only use the PS3 for online since well, it’s not $10 or $12 a month and I’m a cheap bastard) If you are on PSN I’d love to spar against you, I could actually develop Bison without losing BP like water through a sieve.

I don’t like SF as much as some of the other games, like Tekken and Mortal Kombat, the prominent reason being, I didnt like any of the charecters enough to associate anything. Vega is my favourite, mainly because he practises nunjitsu, out of the new cast I liked Rufus. But thats all. SF4 is a kickass game though

I don’t know about anyone else, but I’ve always been a fan of Ryu. Then again, I always seem to gravitate towards Asian (often Japanese) characters in such games. The few times I’ve played Soul Caliber I played Mitsurugi, and in Killer Instinct (on my old SNES) Jago is one of my favorites.

I like Fei Long, mostly because he is a homage to Bruce Lee. Cody too (Final Fight: man I miss the SNES days).
Other than that, no1 else much intrigues me that much.

Portland Oregon’s Tilt got KOFXII about 1 week ago and no one knows how the hell they managed to do that, it’s not even out in Japan arcades, not until April rolls around.

Here are vids of the gameplay, it was on a very ghetto cab, but it got the job done. … 1716859660

Looks fooking awesome. I’m starting to really warm up to Leona’s ammunition belt and halter top :drool:

Test machines for KoF12 has been wandering through the major Japanese cities (Tokyo, Osaka, etc)… I suppose that location knew a guy who new a guy. :stuck_out_tongue:

Any idea who the final boss is? I doubt it will be anyone that impresses me… Ever since I’ve seen Devil Daigo, all final bosses to fighting games seem so hallow and weak.

Achoo! Achoo! [color=red]DAIGO BEAM!!![/color] Achoo! Achoo!

And the Power Rock rules. 8)

Seems there’s this fad to take screen shots of SF4 footage, that shows weird positions and expressions without using Photoshop and the like.

For example here’s Ryu thinking about his next move on Chun Li. :stuck_out_tongue: