Street Fighter 4

I’d hit that. Given that I recently saw doujin featuring her on J-list, I’m not alone. As Spike Spiegel says in the English dub of the Cowboy Bebop Movie:


I [b]REALLY[/b] wish that CAPCOM would canonically advance Sakura’s physical maturity. Every time I see fan art like this, it just emphasizes that her lolicon factor doesn’t define the character itself. Not that I have anything against lolicon, but Sakura is hawter when she’s legal. Plus it gives her more… err… assets in convincing Ryu to “train” her. :stuck_out_tongue:

Capcom just went to the top of my Hate list…

Super SFIV was announced at TGS, granted it’s going to have 8 new fighters, and all fighters are going to get Super Combos. Game will be at a Cheaper price point ($20-40 US). Still would have preferred DLC for it but W/E.

Would have Preferred Darkstalkers IV before we got this.

I did some poking around on this, and the official word is that CAPCOM wanted it to be DLC, because they’d make more profit by cutting out the middle men: CD printers, shipping companies, warehouse storage, etc. However the alterations and additions to the game engine, practically made it where the entire game itself would have to be downloaded. One of my contacts says it’s in the neighborhood of 6 GB, when factoring the required security dummy data space and no compression. So they went with a physical disc to just save themselves (and customers) download logistic headaches. In fact CAPCOM is planning to charge a minimum price tag and mostly expect to just break even. Since SF4 has already paid itself and all the development tools are made, they’re able to shave off a lot of the price tag.

More or less, this is to keep SF4’s popularity high and appease the fanbase, rather than reap millions in dollars – although they’re obviously going to squeeze a few tokens outta the arcade scene. There’s going to be special bonuses for people who own the original SF4 as well.

Also… I’m crossing my fingers for Karen to return… or better yet… a twincest fighter (fondly remembers the Hisui + Kohaku tag team from Melty Blood) :o

Juri is delicious… or rather… she thinks you’re delicious.

[url=]She appears at 1:30 in this video[/url]

I like the evil bitch who wants to play with her food personalities. :twisted:

Hell, I don’t even need to see the other five characters they’re releasing with it; Juri totally sold me with the Evil Eye Ultra. Looks like she’s all tapped into Psycho Power too. Dee Jay was always fun to play as well, glad he kept his MAXIMUM pants.

Stole this from a SSF4 fan site, who stole it from IGN, who stole it from the French. :stuck_out_tongue:

The French site interviewed Super Street Fighter 4’s producer, Yoshinori Ono about the upcoming game. Here’s an overview of what was discussed.

• Ono wants an arcade version, but the market size is so small in most places (Japan was included in this statement) - it may not be feasible to release it that way. If an arcade release does happen, it will apparently take place after the console versions have hit.

¬ï The development staff has heard numerous criticisms about how powerful the characters are, or aren’t, and they’re trying to rebalance things accordingly.

¬ï While the properties for some special moves will be changing, the way they’re executed (commands) will not be. Ono makes a point of stating that some EX moves were tweaked.

• Some characters will be receiving new special moves.

¬ï Ultras will continue to be direct-damage attacks. You won’t see a move like Yun’s Genei-Jin as an Ultra or something along those lines because it doesn’t fit with the ‘Revenge Theme’.

¬ï Ono doesn’t state outright that there’s a second Ultra per character, but he mentions that they’re taking an in-depth look at the current Ultras and tweaking them according. He goes on to state that there will be a new small strategic element to Ultra moves.

• The Focus Attack system will not change, but the properties (frame data) will be tweaked for a few characters.

¬ï After Capcom released Street Fighter 4, people were upset at the small amount of stages and that there weren’t character-specific levels. This was due to the time constraints but Ono states the team is hard at work on this aspect for Super Street Fighter 4.

• Cross platform play is not something Capcom can do without the help of the console makers. He said if this is something the fans want, they need to contact Sony/Microsoft.

• Yoshinori said he was disappointed by the latest King of Fighters game, but if given the chance he would gladly work on a new Capcom vs. SNK title.

That You tube video is no longer there :frowning:

YouTube NAZI’s… they banned a video that’s intended for media distribution so they can sell the game. :roll:

Here ya go. An even better quality one:

Juri is clearly a violent nympho. :o

Whatever, I don’t get youtube at all, its supposed to be a public site. Removing videos like that is just plain irritating. I can understand adult stuff, but this is just, dictatorship.

LOL @ the character development of Rufus:


Cody, Guy, and Adon confirmed for SSF4:

Video also showcases their English voices. Can’t say that I like them… Juri’s Japanese VA was a lot better. She had more feeling… more dark seduction.

These characters being in SSF4 were actually “leaked” two months ago by an anonymous source. Same individual also said Dudley, Makoto, and Ibuki would be in it. Seeing how 50% of it came true, I’m inclined to believe the rest.

Makoto would make a great rival for Sakura… seeing how one wants to beat Ryu’s ass and the other wants hers to be hit. :stuck_out_tongue:

Ibuki, Dudley, and Makoto are officially acknowledged:

They don’t show the new boss though (just let you hear him). :stuck_out_tongue:

The Balrog VS Dudley fight is awesome. Former being Power and the later being Technique. It’s like a Hajime no Ippo scene. 8)

Also… Makoto’s nutcracker is as fearsome as ever. :twisted:

lol… septuplets…

When they revealed one of the new SSF4 characters - a Turkish Oil Wrestler - I saw the official artwork, I thought to myself: “This dude is a lolicon. Sweet.”

Then I noticed the Hawt Chix0r¬ô, and realized these must be his kids. Goes to show ya, how much bgames have perverted my mind. :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

Hey, get your mind out of my gutter.

well… I like Juri because she looks so bad.

Game is out.

[b]She’s a yangire… of course she’d be bad[/b]. :stuck_out_tongue:

No sign of Bison. Can’t see anyone restoring the DOLL’s - especially rouge elements of his old organizations - without him taking action. He may not care about the girls, but they were his property. If there’s one thing we know about Bison, he’s a very possessive man.

Oh… and here’s a MAJOR SPOILER about Juri: she was a good girl once. Her parents were killed by Shadoloo, because her dad was a criminal lawyer who learned about Bison. She really loved her father - perhaps more so than a daughter should - and mentally snapped after his death… becoming the psychotic monster we all know and love.

Ah… just unlocked everything, that can be unlocked until all the DLC stuff is finished. I must say, while SSF4 doesn’t offer a whole lot of new stuff to SF4 as gameplay mechanics are concerned… they really out did themselves with Juri in terms of what she offered to the series lore.

I’m really impressed. In the past, women in the SF Universe have been obviously weaker than the men. Sakura? Weaker Ryu. Rose? Weaker Bison. Even Chun Li and Cammy - powerful as they are - cannot canonically stand against Bison in a one on one battle.

Enter Juri: she’s equal to Bison and likely surpasses Seth. About damn time really. :stuck_out_tongue:

I still wonder if Juri will meet Kim Kaphwan. Juri is Korean Taekwondo like him. Will Kim reply, “I don’t forgive evil” to her? :stuck_out_tongue:

Moral of the story? Lazy Rich Americans > Hardworking Poor Japanese
