Succubus Soon/Shera My Witch

I’ve been worried about that for awhile. What I hear is there’s no real improvement in the writing quality.

It seems like the unspecified improvements did not include scrapping all the work they’d already done and starting over with people who aren’t incompetent. While it’s understandable that this is the route they have chosen, it is disappointing.

About that, has anyone actually gotten hired? I haven’t heard from anyone who applied.

The translation quality of MG makes me remember this old strip. :stuck_out_tongue:

OMG, that comic is priceless.

Didn’t one of the members on this board say they got hired?

Me? I mean someone besides me. :stuck_out_tongue:

Considering the fact that Mangagamer probably isn’t that big of a company, I doubt they’d be able to hire more than one or two people.

No, they seem to like hiring many people to get projects done faster. Suika has five translators. You have to realize they hire people by project, not as a full-time employee, so it doesn’t matter if they use more people.

Not to mention, don’t they need testers? I haven’t heard about anybody getting a position doing that.

I con’t know? No one actually plays the game before releasing it? :?

40 euros for a sex romp seems kinda high too, and it it’s no longer listed for sale on the website :?

Odd, this game seems to have a new release date. It moved to December 15…

They said that they received over 100 applications for translation editing and testing positions, didn’t they? I highly doubt that all of them post here on this board.

At this point, who knows. That’s a strange thing to have happen, but they have been yanking things before. Probably the game was supposed to have been delayed, but accidentally got released.

I’ll be interested to see if the translation changes between now and then.

Da Capo got pushed back to Dec. 15th too. Seems like we won’t be seeing any of their games until December.

And they better not delay Suika. If I busted my ass off doing it with their crazy deadline and they delay it, I’ll be upset.

Well… the game was supposed to have been delayed, AND it was actually delayed before being released :stuck_out_tongue:

And again i had to edit the D.C page on Wikipedia, since someone left a release date unchanged… Yeah :stuck_out_tongue:

Mg is wierd so far, they release a game… its out for a day a few hrs or a few mins… then recall it and push it back a month… thats such a wierd buisness ethic, once its out… leave it out… patch it… like the rest of the gaming world does.

Personally, I think they really need someone to properly handle PR. Removing a game from the store and then delaying the release date afterwards generally deserves some explanation on the website. I wonder if it’s some show stopping bug on Succubus Later.

It makes me sad that Mangagamer suffers from so many problems,
because every japanese game translated into english is a small victory for us fans of those games.
Peach Princess clearly has the better organization, PR and quality at the moment.

I just still hope that Mangagamer one day turns into a great translation company,
and that they wont choke on their licensing costs and their low quality releases.
They really need someone to revise their scripts.

Either that or they should hire very skilled guys like Mirror Moon for their translations :stuck_out_tongue:

There is tons of talented people out there in the translation scene who easily
can provide high quality translations, but just dont do it fulltime because they dont get paid for it.

all the games got push back again
with suck my d*^& or die next dec 10
then da capo dec 15

Sigh Shera got delayed to December before the end of this month (i.e my payday)… but oh well, it’s not like i’m missing some kind of good stuff anyway :stuck_out_tongue:

i bet when it comes to the release of their next game that date will change

got a walkthrough