Suggestion for a Solution

They will never do it, but it tought about this kind of things too.
We have already all seen the uncensored pictures now so it’s not really a big deal anymore.
During the scenes, just open the pic next to the game and that’s it.

Are you actually serious? Or is that a bad attempt at a joke?

Unfortunately I’m serious.
If the GC were altered for legal issues, how can we expect PP to release this kind of patch ?

Regardless that, I can still accept the censorship this time, but I’m afraid of what will happen in the future… I don’t want that to happen ever again.

No, the original poster meant for something that’ll let you replace images in the game by yourself, like a utility to help you modify your own copy of Family Project, with the implied notion that it’s not specifically designed for inserting naughty images into the game but that it’s a general utility. Still don’t think it’s going to fly, though :stuck_out_tongue:

The Nitro+ Loli’s arent really human. Some of them are 1000 years old.

The problem here was with her apparent age, not just her appearance. there are worse loli’s in some of the games they sell.

You guys do realize that if you give leeway for this type of crap, you give them room to step even further, right? If you can’t even trust them to keep even a goddamn promise, where the hell do you guys get the idea that you can trust that they won’t do anything to the Nitro+ titles “just because” the lolis in those games “happen to be” thousands of years old? How exactly are you guys supposed to believe that they wouldn’t alter the content purely on the basis that they “look” young or can be “mistaken” for an underage character if there’s no real basis of trust in keeping things unaltered?


THANK you.

The CG is minor, which is even more reason that we should be concerned that it was censored.

The Fantranslaters said that hey were told the loli’s would be untouched because they “were not under 18 or not human”

They haven’t altered any characters on the basis of looks since X-Crap 3,which looks like a toddler, you REALLY think that this is going to keep happening? Offering full refunds without asking for anything is a VERY costly move. One shouldn’t take it lightly.

The “slippery slope” analogy doesn’t always apply, you know…

Also, in this case, the game was only refered to as Uncensored on one site, which is part of the template they use.

It’s happened twice now, and most people on here that preordered are too much of a fan of the company to return the game they paid good money for. Why would they? After all, they want to play their game.

The problem is not everyone reads this board, so not everyone knows about the censorship. Peter knows he is not going to lose money on this giving out refunds. He will lose money now that the company’s reputation has been blackened, however. Remember Command & Conquer Red Alert 3? People were pissed with the DRM and downloaded the game illegally. That’s happening now with this game. Even people who don’t want the game are torrenting it and seeding it to spite the company.

Also, the promise to discuss changes was made years ago after the first incident with X-Change 3. That promise was broken. It’s not a slippery slope to assume that it will happen again. We are secondary to the company. As long as they push enough units, we don’t matter. We can keep catching them in lies like this, they will keep apologizing, and you will accept it and move on.

Excuse me, but “since” X-Crap 3? There haven’t been a whole bunch of titles released between now and XC3–Maybe six or seven releases. If one out of every five or so games ends up getting censored, especially if it’s a landmark title like KK, then that can and will set a precedent. I could give a crap about full refunds, because the damage had already been done since they decided to license the title without fully scanning for questionable content beforehand and keeping the aformentioned content edits a secret.

Trust broken: Like hell a mere refund is going to get this title released here uncensored as it should have. For all I know or care, the refund may very well be a marketing ploy to get people to “forget” the mistakes they made.

And if they can’t even keep a simple promise, how is anyone, fan-translators included, supposed to believe that they will keep their word in warning us of cut content or have the restraint to prevent themselves from doing last-minute edits in the upcoming Nitro+ titles?

There is no basis to ignore the “slippery slope” argument, especially when similar mistakes have already been made.

How about this, Peter. Answer me this simple question.

After all of this, is there any hope of a translated Yin-Yang 2 without censorship? Or should I just go jump off a bridge now?

Well, nothing is going to get the title released here uncensored by PP or anyone else, whether you think it should have been or not. Dealing with political and business reality is necessary; naked underage girls are Not On. The problem is not the censorship. The problem is the lack of disclosure. And the lack of disclosure means that things like:

… even if answered, the answer can’t be trusted. That’s the problem. Not the censorship itself, which is quite minor, unimportant, and basically irrelevant.

Must admit I’ve been shaking my head for quite a while now due to the hassle of a few altered pictures, which really doesn’t strike me as a big deal considering the reasoning. I do however understand that some of you guys feel like you got lead on, and bought something that you didn’t exactly plan on (to a full degree that is). But if we’re honest here, wouldn’t you have bought the game even though it was described as having “some censorship” considering how small the English marked is for these games?

I can’t say I was about for the X-Change 3 issue, so I’m not exactly sure what they did there. But if it’s anything like this, then it’s mind-numbing to me why it’s such a big deal this time around, or back then for that matter. It’s quite reasonable for anyone with a bit of marketing sense, that you’ll try and cover you’re own behind in regards like these, considering the touchy subject. That they failed to make it known in advance is somewhat troublesome, but not enough to make me run around making angry drawings on the wall of any sort.

I’m pretty sure I’ll get a hold on it as soon as I get a bit of spare time again, and another thing I’m rather sure of is that a pair of panties won’t ruin my overall game experience, as most of you lot have been talking about the story of the game rather then the wicked loli CG’s.

X-Change 3-gate was much larger in the purge of material.

It doesn’t seem like a big deal now. Wait until they start expanding the scope.

No, using “political” risks/realities is not a valid excuse, because they were the ones who ultimately chose to license it, and they were the ones who ultimately chose to censor it. They didn’t have any activists telling them at gunpoint to change this game. Therefore, they are the ones to be held accountable for acts of censorship–It’s not Bush, it’s not the “moral majority”, it’s not the right-wingers in Congress, it’s not Chris Hansen, it’s not Christopher Handley, it’s Peyter Payne and JAST USA. If these “political and business” realities are that scary to begin with, then they should have had the sense to look over the script and CG rip of this title before they chose to license it. If such realities are that bad here, then why even risk releasing a game like this over here when anyone can mistake Matsuri for a child, even with such edits? I find it very hard to believe that they couldn’t find any other eroge out there without such content that couldn’t be received as well over here. End of story.

Not to mention, Nitro+ is part of CSA, not EoCS. The CSA doesn’t have any restrictions that prohibit writers from making their characters underage.

Do you know why he’s asking that to begin with? If the censorship in and of itself has no relevance, why would he even bother asking?

No they DO prohibit claiming characters as underage. It’s just not as strict as the EOCS.

If it isn’t as strict as the EoCS, then how the hell can I trust JAST to handle things if they suddenly encounter a more “open” script in one of Nitro+'s games?

Please note that Nitro+ usually doesn’t make those kind of scripts. And claiming a character is underage in a erogame currently is a bad idea in Japan.

How should I know whether Nitro+ will stay like that? Things change all the time. Not to mention, what about future releases from other companies? How am I supposed to know if the Downhill night series will remain uncensored or how will they they handle things if other companies are vague with the ages of their characters in their scripts? What, you think this is just about Nitro+?

You could wait and see no one is forcing you to preorder the games.