Suggestion for a Solution

Well if I ordered a burger with tomatoes and lettuce, then of course I’ll damn well expect it them to put it in.

You guys are making me hungry XD
In this case, you are a frequent customer of a burger chain. Every burger you’ve had for some time now has had lettuce and tomato in it and that was indicated on the menu. However, this time, you ordered a burger, and the menu didn’t say that it had lettuce and tomato in it (although one of the shops mistakenly had written lettuce and tomato on it).
By the way, why are there two threads talking about pretty much the same thing?

It’s easier for them to ignore if there was just one thread, you know?

You do know that the natural response of the human perceptual system to repeated identical stimuli is to start ignoring them, right? :smiley:

Heh, it’s obvious they ignored us last time, and they probably will this time. They seem to have a habit of doing that.

But they can’t ignore the hurt it’s given their reputation. I didn’t expect 4chan to pick up on this so quickly, they seemed to care less about the X-Change 3 incident. But the views the whole thing has gotten there… that can’t be ignored so lightly.

His avatar comes from Yosuga no Sora. Brother-Sister twincest at it’s finest. 8)

Not to mention it’s attracted the attention of the guys over at Sankaku Complex. I don’t think they’ll be able to ignore feedback coming from one of the sites that they themselves heavily sponsor.

Even if most of that “feedback” is immature herd screaming? Really, that place’s posters make it into another 4ch…

Really, they aren’t helping the cause, they probably are too busy sending death threats to uninvolved parties (i.e. Equality now), than doing anything about it. Considering the kind of posts there, it is likely that they just blame this on the “Feminazis” rather than try to deal with the many issues which likely surround the censorship.

And that makes their “feedback” any less valid because…?

You haven’t actually read them, have you?

I have read a few, but they seem to just be yelling about the censorship, not actually suggesting anything useful…

Honestly, I think there’s something Peter’s not telling us about WHY it was censored. It would just be TOO much of a coincidence with all the shit going on regarding various cases and the recent market censorship in Japan. He seems to be hiding something. After all, you DID notice various issues that concern both markets.

No, he’s already explained that the “legal” issue of Matsuri’s age was the issue. I’m not going to simply believe that these issues created much of a factor because these sorts of issues have popped up before the “Rapelay” controversy, KK is a very vanilla title with no non-consentual sex (the main issue that came up with Rapelay), and they’re still selling the uncensored titles with similar content. As long as they continue to sell previously released “uncut” titles with similar/grosser content, there will still be the risk that it will affect the Japanese companies. If this recent market “censorship” is an issue for JAST’s domestic releases, why do they even continue to sell titles like YMK and JKC?

They actually stopped selling JKC, which is one of the reasons I was worried about this title, because the game implied, not explicitly, that Matsuri was underage. YMK , outside of the “school” setting, didn’t really give you much of an idea. You know, in Nekoko’s epilogue in YMK, which takes place 2 YEARS after the main events, Aya is still the same size, so her loliness was just a joke. she’s just eternally loli. :wink:

JKC, Look at J-list (or any of the JAST stores, for that matter) and you’ll see it’s missing. Interestingly, it still appears in the catalog included with KK.

Who knows? When did they even remove this title in the first place? From what I can recall, I think JKC disappeared from PeaPri’s catalog at the beginning of this year, several months before the Rapelay controversy started. If it was removed at the same time from the other sites, then it may be a case of an expired license and the catalog being a case of a misprint. It is a 5~6 year-old game.

4chan has a random wittiness to it that appeals to me occasionally. I’ve posted on Sankaku Complex, and while there’s a few decently rational people that hang around there, the average poster’s level of retardation was a bit much for me. It’s like 4chan, but with poorly written rambling rather than occasionally amusing images. The comments to articles are particularly mind numbing. Artefact amuses me however, so I still check out the main site when the mood strikes me.