Suika -- The thread of mmm... corn... weird hats, and delays

(Image shamelessly ripped from Amazon.)

Suika A.S+
??A.S+ ?SUIKA?

50 Euro


English Publisher

Release Date
April 25, 2009

Ren’ai, drama

Description (shamelessly ripped from MG, but cleaned up! Spelling/name orders should match the game. They spelled names wrong!)

Official (Japanese)
Getchu (Japanese)
Galge (Japanese)

OP (Japanese)

encubed (First impressions)


Go after and find out

Chapter 1

Stay in this place for a bit more

Drop by the shrine.

Follow her.
Pick it up.

Look around for her

I shouldn’t get involved with her.
I haven’t asked his name yet

Chapter 2

To the river¬Ö
Play a prank on her

I stop the boys.

Do you want it?

I’ll kiss her again.
[SAVE 1]
Go home while I’m still alive.

It’s nasty.

Call my house.

[Play until the end of chapter 2]

[Load save 1]

Whatever happens, happens.

I’ll read the magazine.

Call Souji-kun’s house.

Chapter 3:

Reject Akane.

Chapter 4

Wipe it with a tissue
Move her onto the futon.

Do it myself

You can have mine
Bring my forehead to hers

Do it.
Don’t tease her

Let her do it herself.

[SAVE 2]
But where is Ojou anyway?
The shrine

Hand her the bowl.

Go with her

Not at all

It’s okay
[Line wasn’t translated, but it should be something like walk along the coastline]

Stay with Ojou.

It had a nice middle.

Answer her seriously.
[SAVE 3]
Want Ojou.


[From save 3]

Can’t look at her like that.


[From save 2]

Encourage Chitose
The shrine

Hand her the bowl.

Go with her

[SAVE 4]


[Load save 4]

Not at all

It’s not okay
[Not translated, but something like walk toward the ocean]

Go to where Chitose is.

My death throes were about to come out.
Okay, let’s try it.

Make a joke.

[SAVE 5]
Like Ojou no matter what.


[Load save 5]

Take her hand for Chitose’s sake

END 3[/spoiler]


Sorry, it’s late so I might have made some mistakes in my cleaned up description and I probably could have done it better if I weren’t trying to finish homework at the same time. And yes, I know the tenses are all mixed up, but so was the original and I didn’t feel like cleaning that up.

Anyway, I also had another comment but didn’t want to pollute the original post. The game has NOT undergone a final proofreading by me. The version of the script I sent them should only be considered a draft. They might have had other people check it, but I’m not sure. They were supposed to let me see it one last time before release, but I guess they forgot (or will delay it again). It would make sense to let me see it since I would be the one who best knows what potential mistakes, consistency errors, guessed lines (due to a lack of seeing what was happening or not following the game in order), etc. would be, but hey, it’s MG. Common sense doesn’t apply to them. :lol: It’s not like it would cost them. It’s outside my job description and I was offering to do it for free.

Well, I’m going to get this one as soon as it comes out…unfortunately, I don’t think it will be on March 10. I don’t know much about this VN and I’m curious about how the different stories of each chapter will be linked (if they’ll be linked at all, but I suppose so).

Anyway, I hope that after this release they’ll announce some new upcoming titles. Apart from Suika, in fact, I can’t really say I’m interested in any of the games on their pipeline.

kira kira seems good

i have seen the anime so i know the basic plot of each part except the one that was not animated
i haven’t seen the 4th episode either
how long is the game

Well it seems good and I’d buy it except for DRM re-install restrictions.

Okay, I created the walkthrough (only the main walkthrough, not the one to get all scenarios or chapter 0, whatever that is) based on the script I submitted. It made me want to change some of those lines. :lol: I also noticed there was an untranslated choice, and for one choice, I seemed to have changed the meaning due to overzealous editing (though it makes no sense to me either way).

If only I could get my hands on the script to change it…

Even after creating the walkthrough, I still don’t know when things happen in the game. :lol: Editing the game was so confusing when the script was given to me out of order with the game split into 4 chapters, past/present/dreams parts, and probably 10+ perspectives.

a week away hope this drops instead of the other game that should drop the same day

So is this idealism or pragmatism? I guess I have no qualms if you don’t buy the game (and don’t play it) out of protest for the use of DRM. However, from a pragmatic point of view, I really don’t think the DRM re-install limit is going to be that big of a problem if you really wanted to play the game.

By the way, this thread needs lots of WATERMELON!

Thinking about it, this DRM isn’t that bad. I figure Steam is actually one of the worst forms of DRM. At least with eroge, you can find a crack if you run out of installs and they won’t give you any new ones or the company is out of business. For Steam, they can just revoke your account and all your games any time they want. Cracking the games you have on there is pointless since most games have a major online component. It doesn’t help that Steam’s support is also nearly non-existent.

For a game with a name that’s a homonym (well, technically a homophone) with watermelon, there’s not a lot of watermelon in the game. I just remember a lot of corn. :stuck_out_tongue:

Here’s a random watermelon image I found to satisfy your desire for watermelon :D:

hopefully mangagamer won’t make any major changes like they did in da capo

Dude, why did you quote four or five pages to add one line?

Really, is that hat any weirder than the one that Cat Sidhe Nekoko wears in YMK? Granted Cat Sidhe Nekoko is high on drugs and believes she is a fairy, but still, I never heard anyone call her hat weird.

Cat Sidhe? I thought it was Cait Sith. Is this in the English translation?

EDIT: Aha…Ïth It’s just a more ‘proper’ rendering.

The hat is in the picture…

I know, that is why I said something about it. I am asking about what it is regarding the hat that makes it so noteworthy to you as opposed to the similar hat that Cat Sidhe Nekoko wears that I don’t recall you ever calling weird.

Oh, it’s just that the hat is specifically called out several times in the game, and I paid more attention. Not to mention she thinks it’s normal when she’s not high.

Major changes? How exactly was it changed?

the test part

Um… in the case of the test, it pretty much had to be changed. As zalas mentioned as well, the English translation he gave wouldn’t make any sense to a reader without any Japanese knowledge, and some questions like 1. would need to have the original kanji retained as well to ‘become’ a valid question.

Another similar example might be the kanji readings test in ONE, which got turned into an English spelling test in the fan translation. Again, there’s no good way of rendering the kanji test in English (eg. what is the reading of ???), but the spelling test is a good dynamic equivalent to it.

Oh. If it was a translation hurdle, what did they put in place of it? I can accept a decent equivalent.