Suika -- The thread of mmm... corn... weird hats, and delays
The English test is harder then the Japanese test. The Japanese one atleast seems like common knowledge.

Remember the test in Snow Sakura…
Hopefully the right answers were on gamefaqs.

As far as I know, the questions were exactly the same in Snow Sakura as they were in the original. Since the questions were about historical things primarily (after all, you are trying to impress a history teacher), translating the questions wasn’t an issue. There was only one question that I couldn’t find the answer to on Wikipedia, but luckily enough the answer is told during a study session later in the game. Since DC’s questions were language based (according to the post by zalas in the DC thread that Ignosco kindly linked to for us) it caused issues.

Maybe we should create a game to bet on the actual release date for MG titles :mrgreen:

My money is on a 3 week delay :slight_smile:

I know who is not getting a recommendation letter :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyway, Suika is the title that interest me the most of their catalogue, if there aren’t any translation issues I’ll buy it

Not quite. It was delayed 15 days to March 25th. These forums really need the ability to do strikethrough so I can update the info better.

there is no way manga gamer will release 3 games the same day so hopefully suika will drop that day

I’m expecting either ‘Sandwiched by my wife and her sister’ or ‘The Queen and Princess as your rewards’ honestly.
Or perhaps both.

Before Da Capo was released there was a Press release so with this being another big game, i’m expecting one for suika also.

Bringing this back up since it could be released in 5/6 days ( depends on where you are )

I bought Princess Waltz, normal edition, at Rightstuf sale for 30 bucks. Now Mangagamer expects me to pay 50 Euro for a download edition of Suika? I’ll probably pass. I would buy it for half a prize, though… And I’m sure there are many more people like me.

The reason Suika is so expensive, is because MG paid so much to get the license for it. Let’s be honest here: eroge are a luxury item. If you want the “good stuff” you’re gonna have to pay the price. You wonder why companies won’t port Sister Princess or To Heart? Because the ticket for them are so costly (and enough units won’t be sold to recover the investment). I’m not saying buy Suika: I’m saying there’s a reason why it’s more costly than other titles. If you’re going to balk, then hopefully you won’t get angry if MG stops acquiring expensive 1st tier titles and just hit on the 3rd and 2nd rate stuff.

That being said: I’m not getting Suika because it’s not a game I like. I’m more interested in the darkside Liquid titles.

one day away and no release date change

Well, of course. The release date will change tomorrow, once they realize “oh no, people are buying our game! That wasn’t supposed to happen – again!” and yank it. :smiley:

I’d better fool around with Da Capo to see whether Suika will be worth actually purchasing …

Hmm… Suika really is by far the best thing MangaGamer have on their catalogue at the moment. To me, at least, it’s so far above everything else it’s not funny. (but then again, you know how much I hate Da Capo, and I didn’t really think that much of Edelweiss either. worse than the Green Green games. The other things, like the Tarte title, are merely ordinary)

Of course, if you’ve already played Suika in JP I wouldn’t get MangaGamer’s translation of it (and I’m not going to myself).


That’s, to me, saying something like “I’d better fool around with Amorous Professor Cherry to see whether Crescendo will be worth actually purchasing” (they’re both by the same scenario writer, after all!)

Suika is a well written nakige/utsuge title, with decent characters and a great story. Da Capo is a poorly formed moeblob game with a ridiculous story, bad characters and a worse protagonist. They aren’t really anything alike :frowning:

Like no one saw this one coming, but I thought I’d post it to save the trouble.

24 Mar 2009 The site renewal that was planned on 3/25 has been postponed indefinately due to unexpected circumstances.

Also, because an important security risk has been found in the game program,the following 3 titles will be postponed.

Suika A.S+
Sandwiched by my wife and her sister
The Queen and Princess as your rewards

Looks like everything got pushed back to April 25.

You made my morning saying that. It is funny because that sad fact is so utterly truthful.

Wait, what? And if we bought anything before, what is this “security risk”? Is it just the ability to crack the DRM? Hah, good luck closing THAT off, it’s more or less impossible. Or is it something that’s actually a security risk that might be exploitable?

Well that sucks. :frowning: Suika was going to be the first MangaGamer title I bought (waiting for DCPC to get Da Capo.) One less title in my backlog, I guess.

It’s not like it was canceled. It just means you have to wait longer until the game is in your backlog. :stuck_out_tongue:

Bump since it was released.

Anyone get the game yet? I’d like to see if they made any changes to the script I sent in, but then again I don’t really want to have to buy the game I worked on.

I would hope those testers they supposedly hired did something. I consider the script I sent in only a draft. There was no way I could make it really polished in the time I had… and it annoys me since I had such a short deadline when they delayed the game so much.