Suika -- The thread of mmm... corn... weird hats, and delays

Installing it after I post this tbh. I just finished DLing it.

One thing I do like about MG, instant DL access after paying for your title via CC.

edit Wow, they’ve even included translation notes in an Adobe format ala some manga companies for title and honorifics just in case it’s the first time you’ve encountered them. Also some region themed notes about places/locales and such. I have no issues with delaying any game whatsoever if it’s done to increase the quality of the experience like this. Its really a huge step up from their previous stage of engrish, and I think if they keep on this route they’ll have me as a customer for a long time to come.

It sounds like the file I made. I didn’t include a lot of basic honorifics since I assumed whoever is playing the game would likely know them all already. I can’t guarantee any of their future games will include it. It was something I decided to do, not something they asked me to do.

Just got the game after some troubles with my credit card vendor (apparently fraud protection called me after ordering unsuccessfully a few times). Here’s my writeup: … -suika-as/
Apparently, the activation system is different now, and it even gave me an activation dialog in full Japanese (since my Windows installation was set to Japanese for playing ef).

Well, I’ve just got done playing the 1st chapter, and the translation notes you worked on are incorporated into the game as subtitles basically. When one of them pops up in game, there’s small font text under it, with a description and a cite, like:

(name of actual prison that I won’t bother trying to spell cause I’d screw it up)
TN (82) A prison in such and such region.

The only thing I’ve encountered that I guess is “wrong” with the game, and of course I don’t know if it persists throughout the game in it’s entirety yet, but there is at least ONE mosaic’d scene, but since there’s probably going to be like, one H scene per route, I’m really not playing for the ecchi in this title, so it doesn’t bother me. The translation throughout the first chapter was very well done, and the story itself was very well done and interesting, I can see why Suika is hyped up as a good b-game, cause so far, it is.

Wow, really? That small text thing seems really nice. I thought it’d be a pain for people to look up the notes. And they’re numbered? I never numbered my notes. Hm… could someone send me the translation notes?

Edit: Looking at the translation notes, they seem to have removed my links to websites, which is unfortunate. Some of them were really helpful (like a video for ayatori, though I guess you could just google it), and some of my notes depended on them for further explanation since I didn’t feel like summarizing long articles or describing things too much when there was a picture.

Here’s the original.

It seems like they didn’t like my extremely casual writing. :stuck_out_tongue: But hey, at least that means it’s more likely someone looked at the game after me.

Just started playing. It looks good.

so is the game uncensored or not

So I just ordered Suika, my first game from Mangagamer…

Here’s my thoughts (ok, criticisms :P) going through the ordering process for the first time.

First, I went to their frontpage ( and saw the icon for Suika on it. When I clicked it, it brought me to a page with pictures and a game description. Cool…so where’s the order button? Nowhere, not a link to any other page whatsoever…not really good webpage design. Also, the order page (with game description) and the page I’d just accessed for Suika were 2 different webpages. The one I saw was more visually attractive, while the order page corrected a lot of the typos in the text. Again, that’s silly webpage design; use the same page for both, or at least write the page code such that text gets changed in both versions simultaneously. Also, their webpage still isn’t perfect as far as the English goes. MORE effort should be going into the webpage than the games themselves, as first-time buyers will judge the translation quality of the games by what they see on the webpage. Thus the webpage’s English has to be flawless…no excuses. And of course, you can have flawless English, but if the title of your game is “Suck my dick or die!”, you’ve pretty much lost any potential for credibility. :stuck_out_tongue: Seriously, don’t market story games as pure porn. You’ll disappoint those actually looking for porn, and turn away those looking for a story game. On the other hand, translating ero-focused games and marketing them that way is fine. Just make sure the two types of games are clearly distinguished.

Next, I went to the main page and went through the ordering process. Purchases can be made with Mastercard and Visa only? Jeez, that’s a bit limited. And of course, ordering in Euro is a bit of a pain, it’d be nice if they could at least provide a dollar conversion before the order is finalized. The prices are pretty steep, especially considering the games are download only…but I’m willing to pay a premium for a top-notch game. Suika best not disappoint me, however.

anyone got a walkthrough

I just visited the page myself to have a look, and I completely agree that the English needs some work. Not only that, but it looks like someone tried to type out the game description faster than they were capable of doing without errors, and didn’t bother correcting the mistakes, as is evident in the spacing problems.
On a completely different note, does anyone else despise that ninja mascot they use? I wasn’t aware that characters drawn that way were popular with the target audience for their products.

lol… yea…

MG needs to fire their Public Image Manager. :lol:

I also despise that mascot. It seems … off, like the people running MangaGamer are simply trying to appeal to a demographic they don’t actually understand.

They have one?

I was wondering same thing, I do like the game so far. Dont care very much for the character design, I dont like long hair all that much -.- But I just love the music, I find myself just listening to the music for 15min and not actually playing the game.

Also translation seems to be good as far as I can tell. I like the tiny annotations, doubt you would ever get them from a localization company :3

EDIT: Something I usually forget to ask, ill ask now so I dont forget. How many ending does this game have ? Or is it a type of linear Good/Bad ending sort of game ?

3 endings, plus a handful of bad endings IIRC.

They have made a change in the mangagamer logo on the startup sequence with suika. That more pastelly feel does fit better with the logos the JP companies use for titles of the Suika/Da Capo ilk. Not sure how good a fit it would be with the liquid titles tho.

doesn’t each chapter have its own ending
like the third chapter seems like it would have 2 ends
the 3rd chapter is the one i am looking forward too the most because there was no ova for it

I actually never watched the OVA before, think ill do that after I play it. I just finished the first chapter and boy is it depressing in many different says.

Successfully extracted every image.

The game is fully CENSORED!
No uncensored images are present in the game data at all.

Mangagamer has a new logo in the game data:

25 BGM’s are in the game files.

1,465 images in the game files. That includes CG’s, character dolls and other things.

Sent Mangagamer an email to ask why it’s censored. I’ll let you all know what they say when they reply.
If they have a valid reason, I would understand ( sex isn’t the main point of Suika ) but if they forgot or something…i wont be happy.

Jeeez… and just several days ago I read an interview with one of their stuff. The guy said one of the reason for high prices of their games was decensoring the japanese version.