Suika -- The thread of mmm... corn... weird hats, and delays

Which is odd, since you don’t actually “decensor” games – you simply find the original, non-mosaiced source images. It would be funny if CIRCUS lost them because they weren’t planning on doing anything with them back when Suika was released.

I’m not sure it is. I was reading something (some information on CG drawing and colouring) and IIRC it’s normal for that sort of content to be drawn with less detail than it would demand if it wasn’t going to be mosaic’d over.

So chances are, most of this stuff actually looks rather ridiculous without the mosaics over it. As such, it makes sense for redrawing to be done if the titles are going to be released commercially without the mosaics.

You know, I don’t actually see anywhere on MG’s site that says their games are uncensored.

"Teo de Lange, the CEO of the Dutch company behind MangaGamers, Manga International, wasn’t there -he had to go back to the Netherlands in a hurry- but I got to interview Endou Nobuhisa, the CEO of the Japanese company behind Manga International, Japan Animation Contents.

Q. What about the prices? They are more higher than your usual Japanese d/l games.
A. It’s because we had to uncensor them for the oversea market, giving them additional value for additional work and costs."

(found it here: … &t=1730481)

i would have liked an uncensored version but i really wanted to read the long versions of the ova’s stories

My first impression of the translation quality after playing the game for a couple hours:

While relatively free of innocuous typos, there’s still some errors present. These mostly consist of odd or awkward phrasing, but one line in particular from the prologue struck me.

“It’s been a year since the last summer.
It’s been a year since I came back to my hometown.”

When I first read this, I thought the protagonist returned to his hometown a year ago and has been living there since. In fact, however, he’s been away for one year and is now returning. Errors of ambiguity are far more dangerous than spelling mistakes or grammar errors, IMO, because they can actually lead to confusion. And the story really doesn’t need more of that, because the sudden perspective shifts and nameless dialogue are confusing enough as it is.

From what I understand however, the translation is still a vast improvement compared to previous titles.

Stuff like that was what I wanted to fix during a second pass of the script, but I never got a chance to do it. There were quite a few problems I had since I probably understood what was going on the least. And judging by some comments, it doesn’t seem like there was a proofreader that went over the script (or at least did anything signficant since some obvious typos were left).

And honestly, I just didn’t have the time to rephrase sentences for clarity. I had enough trouble fixing the English by the deadline.

Reikon, it really sounds like you put an amazing amount of work into this game (since when do proofreaders write translation notes?). I can only imagine how frustrating it must be to feel the entire script is your responsibility, when in fact your role in the editing process had definite limitations. All I can say is don’t take comments like mine personally, because:

  1. You’re never going to satisfy everyone, no matter what you do.
  2. Ultimately, you were just another cog in the wheel, and Mangagamer as a whole is responsible for the final product, not you (whether you were a full employee or not).

I’m not really upset by any of the criticism or anything. I’m just trying to explain what went on during the translation and editing process and what effects those limitations had on the script. Honestly, I’m probably the most surprised it turned out as well as it did. :lol:

the only real problem i have is the no uncensored cg’s

Give me a $10 rebate and I’d be more than happy to forgive it. At least it’d bring the game back down into a somewhat normal price range.

Is it just me, or did the game just grind itself into displaying text like it’s a visual novel rather than an AVG. It started doing this during the second half of the prologue, and it hasn’t stopped.

EDIT: Tried toggling “Outline Mode” on and off to no effect.

That’s normal. No, you can’t do anything about it, AFAIK. And no, it’s localized by Mangagamer, so common sense or consistency need not apply.

There’s minor discussion of this gameplay oddity here: … 8&start=10

Hmm, I think the bigger oddity is that after Prologue there’s an option to go to Chapter 2, even though Chapter 1 is apparently continuing. And after finishing Chapter 2, there’s an option to go to Chapter 3 but I think the next is Chapter 2. Correct me if I’m wrong…

Screenshots of the PS2 version seem to show the same thing (ADV format for the parts related to Hiroshi Inaba, but visual novel format elsewhere), so the change is certainly intentional.

Odd, that didn’t happen for me. Maybe it’s related to the choices you make? I only had the option to go to Ch.1 at the end of the prologue.

I’m pretty sure the only option was “Chapter 2” at the end of Prologue but it lead to Chapter 1… well… as for the choices, I’m still in Chapter 2 but so far I don’t believe there were any significant ones. I mean, when I chose “Not to go to the shrine”, I ended up going there anyway… :wink:

on chapter 2 7-28 there should be a choice according to the walkthrough posted but there is none

Most likely you need to do something in order to unlock that choice then.

Some games are confusing like that. ( Mostly Otome games )

it seems there are extra scenes/cg like a Wakabayashi ending for chapter 2

chapter 3 is dam confusing anyone completed the game 100% yet
does it make a difference which girl you choose to end with in chapter 3 effect which end you get for chapter 4