Survey Results Up

Thanks for the breaking news bulletin Nandemonai, this is news I am very happy to hear and am glad to hear, well then there is another game to add to the list of those to look forward too, thank you G-Collections.

Cool so does that mean they’ll have 3 games out before christmas They’re almost back to their old 1 game a month ways

W00t! Good news about Osanazuma. I’m a big Trabulance fan and this was the one I voted for. Personally I really like the light games.

Doh! I thought that was their original plan anyway…

So can we now go back to normal posting instead of whining about the survey results?

Nah, whining is more fun, kind of a past time, at least it seems to be within American voting system, whining when your favorite loses.

Besides it was mostly normal posting, if people were whining about number five not getting translated okay, and I still think Hitomi has the makings of a dark game, hopefully it is on the lightest side of dark possible.

Well, I figure that it’s another one of those “just wait and see” things. If it’s not too dark, I’ll probably get it. If it is… oh well, I guess they’re putting out two other games–If I can bring myself to buy a Trabulance game…

Well this next one and the Trabulance game are the only ones I know now I will buy of those listed in coming releases, the others are a wait and see deal. The cat-girl game, well before a dark game, but still wait and see deal.

I’m intending to buy Let’s Meow Meow, although as I went and checked out the site, I don’t think the artwork is terribly up to par…

I am just wondering about the theme, despite many others the cat-girl idea has never really caught my attention, it might be worth it, but really don’t know a lot of the plot beyond the main character get’s his wish granted to him. Anyone else know more about this plot?

[edit] You mean the main game site? I tried there for plot but the translation I got was gibberish, and my own translation left many huge gaps.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 08-06-2004).]

I didn’t try translating it… I just checked out the character pics and CG’s to get an idea of what they were like. I don’t think it’s so much that the character gets his wish… well, I guess it is–but he seems to like cats, so he wishes for a nekomimi… it looks, though, like a number of them come calling…

Originally posted by Wolfson:
I didn't try translating it... I just checked out the character pics and CG's to get an idea of what they were like. I don't think it's so much that the character gets his wish... well, I guess it is--but he seems to like cats, so he wishes for a nekomimi... it looks, though, like a number of them come calling...

Something to do with the cat god giving him a wish because he's such a cat lover. He picks "nekomusume!" of course, and a harem situation evolves (I guess). Looks like there is at least 1 rabbit char, though...

I didn’t notice a rabbit character in the mix… just lots of cats. But maybe I missed her. Wouldn’t be the first time in my life that I’ve overlooked the obvious

Originally posted by SCDawg:
Then why can they not mix them, have great graphics and at least a good plot and how long will people simply accept good graphics and no plot? As Nandemonai mentioned sales are down, so it might mean people are getting tired of buying CG rich games. Also if that is all that is out there for sequels or big name games, which seems to be the case, what else would people buy?
Graphics do sell, but only to a certain extent. However if you look at what people end up returning to used video game shelves its almost always those games. I mean I seen Tactics Ogre for ps1 at my local store twice in 10 years and it sold within a week for ~$40. Better yet go on e-bay. See what games people actually pay for. Dragon Warrior 4 for SNES goes for sometimes $120 with just the cartidge. Obviouslly people want more than graphics. If graphics were the only case then i wouldn't see 20 copies of the latest game on used shelves less than a month after their out.
The problem is plot takes far more time to devlope a solidly than graphics do. Why do you think RPGs all take so much longer to make. Its not only dialouge because some of the ren-ai games i've seen have dialogue amounts that would put your average rpg to shame. Its not grpahics. With the exception of some of the later Final Fantasy series from SquareEnix and a few others outside of cutscenes not much work was done on art in comparison to rest of the game.
Its generally the storyline that allows for repeated sales at the store as well as sequals...that and gameplay. Graphics aren't it. I've never heard anyone say they got hooked enough on the graphics of a game to make them want to by the sequal or go out and buy the game (video-game wise). If it is, its in addition to something else.
Originally posted by Nandemonai:
Something to do with the cat god giving him a wish because he's such a cat lover. He picks "nekomusume!" of course, and a harem situation evolves (I guess). Looks like there is at least 1 rabbit char, though...

Cat-girls and now a rabbit character? This is sounding like an anime, non-adult anime, recently released but I am blanking on the title. Animals sort of becoming human was the theme. Read the review but forgot the title.

By the way I found this link which seems to be a Hitomi demo video. They might have the other games mentioned with demo videos on this link here but I cannot be sure. If I had not seen a picture that looked like one from the G-Collections survey I would not have know it was Hitomi on this site.

If anyone does find any of the others can they please let me know?

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 08-10-2004).]

I looked at the movie. Not much I can say except that the characters look splendid.