Tell me a little more about Family Project

I wish I could play the game myself and see how good it is (or not) myself. However, the help ticket I submitted in August still hasn’t received any attention, even after I sent a PM here on the board to one of the “red names” in the hopes of getting some sort of reply. (I haven’t received a reply to the PM either.) The next step (thanks to this post) is to call and leave a message. I must say, so far I’ve been rather disappointed by the J-List help site so far. It might make it simpler for them to keep track of help issues, but only having a single point of contact has been quite frustrating.

I don’t think they have a large overlap in audience. Not to mention you don’t know the sales data for either game.

Good point.Still, I don’t think it’s true. First the consumers don’t have that many options, second the overlap between the games is not much. Honestly, I was a bit disappointed with KK. The concept and setting are so promising, but it fails to deliver. Another thing is it is too long.
Still KK is one of the best Bio Shoujo games I ever played. Definately one of the better translated VN available.

Yes, it is a pretty long game, and I think that might make the opinions more polarizing. Nothing like 10X what you don’t like in a game to make you really not like a game. :slight_smile:

Speaking of Bio Shoujo, maybe we should have more Tech Shoujo <_<;

If that’s a roundabout way of saying we need more sci-fi, then I agree. A game centered on androids might be kind of odd though. :stuck_out_tongue:

We need ToHeart2 with its meirorobo-in-a-box and Darliiiii~n android love.

It’s really not that long. Kira Kira and Edelweiss are supposedly longer and Suika is about the same length. It’s probably the longest game Jast has done, but it certainly isn’t a long game compared to everything else out there.

Maybe it’s that the common route is too long

Actually no, what I meant is that the game becomes too long in the central plot.
There are games like Fate/Stay night that are way too long, but that is not an issue, coz then there is enough story and suspense that warrants it.
In KK, the gameplay became, overbearing, so as to put it in a more subtle way. I felt that the writer had thought of a brilliant concept but put in a lame ass effort to actually materialize it.
And the sex scenes, I thought those didnt blend it all. And there wee some places where a scene would have been appreciative and also useful eg when you find Haruka by the fountain after she was asked to strip,or any when Masumi kinda break downs in her path. Instead it felt like that the wrter thought “let me put in a scene at the start, then another during the middle (unavoidable b-t-w) and one more for each charecter”.
Thats it. If I was made to write a review, I’d give it 7.5. 2 points lost for poor storytelling.
And thats the only flaw I can find in the game itself.

Just finished Aoba’s route, first and only route I’ve done in the game so far. I think it’s a really good game, and I really enjoyed the point of view it is told from. It took me a good bit of time just to finish the one path, so I may take a break before I start another. The central story is long, I kept hoping I had made the correct decisions to get Aoba’s path. I am happy with the game, though even with the patch, as many point out, there are some atrocious errors in the script. Also, I find Matsuri absolutely infuriating. I had fun being an ass to her. Give me a cold hearted bitch, who when you finally do win over, is completely devoted.

Kudos to Jast for getting a great game over here, but shame on you for shitting all over the script, please do better from now on.

Edit: Also, one thing that does irk me, is the saved scenario scene only includes ero scenes. They should have at least put the after credits ending in there as well. I really get annoyed having to skip around for 15 minutes, watch the credits which can’t be skipped, then finally see the scene I want to see again. Not enough save slots either.

Have they fixed the translation issues yet?

I’m only planning on getting it if the current translation patch works with the unofficial CG patch.

It would be nice if somebody would just retranslate the game on their own time, then hand the translation over to Jast to make a patch.

You already read the update last week…

Currently, no translation fixes are in the works, so it’s unlikely that a patch will be released in the near future. Whether they find time to do one remains up in the air, but it sounds like a long shot given the work involved and given how busy they are with upcoming games.

All these routes were done by different people I assume? I played through and just from the translations, I felt that whoever did Matsuri’s route is the least fluent of all the translators who did the project. Just a little something I felt while going through her route.

Let’s be honest with ourselves, Jast will NEVER support a fan-made project. EVER.


Hold on. BaSF? THE BaSF?

The one who made the anti-censorship patch for Nocturnal Illusions, partly made one for VR May Club, and made game editors for True Love, May Club, Maid’s Story… THAT BaSF? :shock:

I’ve been trying to find you for years ever since I found your old Geocities page that was already abandoned.

Please tell me I’m not too late in noticing this, and that you still check these boards. We have much to discuss.

I just picked up the game at Katsucon, not bad so far

Man, me too. I didn’t think it was bad either! I suppose the thing about liking a game is that you continue to like it even if other people don’t tend to feel the same way. I’ll replay it sometime and remind myself how ‘not bad’ it is =P